Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Oh those jokesters in Underground Storage Tanks (that's the section at work near my cubicle). They've decorated one of their co-workers cube with critters - such as rubber rats. Each time I walk by on the way to the potty or frig, those creatures catch my eye and I reminisce about the way Sal, Vic and I terrorized Jane (Joan Von Flake) years ago.

You might recall Vic, Jane and Sal were my college roomies all those years ago. We always had fun shopping, especially around Halloween! Vicki could get me laughing so hard I would tear up and drool. I like that kinda friend!

Jane, who grew up on a farm outside Colo, Iowa, was terrified of rats. (Note - I don't actually like the damn things myself, but it was Jane who was known for it!). See I'm chuckling while writing this because I just remember the really funny part of the story.

So Vic and I were shopping at North Grand Mall, and there in Hallmark were life sized rubber rats. We decided to get one to torture Jane with. They were black with a mouth opening to a hollow body and ratlike tail. We critiqued each one - wanting to find the perfect rat for our friend.

Then we had to find just the "right" place in our apartment to scare the bejesus out of Jane. We settled on sticking him (had to be a male rat, right?!) under the couch with mainly his rat tail showing easily. I believe we were all in the living room when she was talking. Right in the middle of her sentence she jumped up and said "what in the hell is that?" Of course we howled at her expense.

After that we all delighted in putting the rat all over our apartment. She'd go into the bathroom and find Mr. Rat on the back of the toilet. She'd open a cupboard and he'd be smiling at her. He became our lil pet.

And then there was the trick Jane did with that rat. You see we drank a little beer in those days. Jane would pretend she felt like puking and then puke beer from her mouth into the rat's mouth - complete with sound effects. And then re-drink it. That trick sent us to gales of hilarity each time!

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