Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Beloved today - on the right - her hair didn't stay quite as red as her former roomie's.

Amy the early days.

It's Amy's (the name means beloved and fits) birthday tomorrow. Her bday was nearly on October 9th. We lived in a small northern Iowa town named Osage at the time. I had been pregnant in 1984, only to have to have a D&C after there was no heartbeat. It was devastating.

Luckily, once the doc said it was okay, I got pregnant again in like a minute! The baby, whom we affectionately nicknamed Turdell, was due October 7. I was a pretty nervous pregnant chick after that miscarriage, understandably so. I began going to an OBGYN in Mason City named Dr. Dunker. He was a calming fatherly figure - think Ward Kluever. I loved him!

My pregnancy went fine. Paul and I attended Lamaze class in Mason City. We went on a "last" vacation prior to baby, to a resort on a lake in Minnesota. I became huge - gaining some 40+ pounds. Dr. D gave Paul good advice - never point it out that your wife now weighs more than you do...

In mid September the doc began to tell me that I would deliver early and could go any day. By then I could hardly walk as the baby's head was pressing on nerves in my hip. I was miserable and therefore so was Paul. We tried everything to start labor - driving over railroad tracks, and well other stuff people said might work. Nada!

(Note: each year from the time she was around 3 until well...now, I've told this story to Amy on her bday. She would climb into my bed to hear her birth story).

So finally Dr. Dunker scheduled me to have labor induced October 9th (it was a Wednesday) at Mercy Hospital in Mason City. Paul and I arrived there bright and early, complete with all the crap the lamaze folks said to bring. Our fave casette tapes (we were to have the birthing suite that had a stereo), books, my needlepoint, etc. We checked in and we were told - we're full - no room in the inn for you to have your baby. (at that point we didn't know boy/girl). Worse yet, they said your doc isn't on call again until Monday, so have a nice weekend! Argh 5 more days of misery.

So sadly we went home and called all the peeps back to tell them no baby today! And we did have a long ass weekend. But Monday finally came. And I do like the 14th better than the 9th (don't tell my sis Cindo of April 9 bday). That day we did get past the front desk!

I took out my needle point and we settled into the room next to the birthing suite. Doc Dunker came in and broke my water, and said "labor should start now". Nothing...I stitched some more. Finally, after noon (I couldn't eat, so had a Popsicle) he decided to hit me up with some pitocin. Thank God for that stuff because I believe without it, I'd still be preggers.

Yes, I began to have contractions. The lady next door starting sounding uncomfortable. A little distracting! Paul and I walked the halls, hoping to quicken the pace. Finally the screaming next door culminated in a baby cry. Shortly thereafter I was moved into the suite. Yay! And, lucky for Paul, the World Series game between St. Louis and Kansas City was on. Of course his attention was all directed at me. During the commercials..

Doc checked me periodically. Just wouldn't quite dilate all the way. And never got that urge to push. Though I gave a valiant effort anyway. He decided after 6 PM that forceps might be needed. He had an intern, a young woman from Yugoslavia who was very kind. It was interesting (and scary) to hear Doc explaining to her about the huge needle he stuck into me to deaden my pelvic area so he could use the forceps.

All the cheerleading crotchwatchers began to tell me that they could see the head. BFD just get it out of me! Doc would yank while I would push. Just one more push they'd say. I had retreated inside my own head, almost in disbelief. And in the background, Ozzie Smith hit a homer for St. Louis, and all the others commented on it. I was silent, okay maybe moaning a bit.

Finally, she emerged at just after 7 PM! It's a girl, they said. She has red hair. I could hear them doing the apgar scores - I don't think the whole birth process was too fun for my little girl either, but the second time they did it she was doing fine. 9 pounds 7 ounces! No wonder I couldn't poop her out.

The nurses cleaned Amy Elizabeth up and combed her hair into a little curly que. She was such a nice little bundle. We were on cloud 9! We started making phone calls to all the relatives who were also ecstatic. They had to massage my uterus and man that hurt about as much as the whole labor thing, but the little distraction in the room helped with the pain.

Finally they wheeled me into my own room. By that time it was like 11 PM. Paul kissed me goodbye and headed for home. I was sleepless in MC, pumped full of adrenaline and hardly slept a wink. I was too excited - thrilled with our new addition. I couldn't wait to see her again.

They finally brought her in to nurse and I fell in love all over again. Back in those days, we got to stay in the hospital 3 days. Good thing, cuz my poor bottom needed sitzbaths. On day 2, Amy was used as the model baby, to show the new moms how to bath baby. My heart nearly burst with pride! The other babies looked so scrawny next to her.

And we've been proud of her ever since. Mom called her Merry Sunshine, and she lites up our lives. Happy Birthday Merry Sunshine!

1 comment:

Thea said...

she is definitely a keeper!