Sunday, October 30, 2016

Vote for me

No not really.

Recently Paul and I, disgusted by negative campaign advertising, pondered why anyone would ever wish to run for elected office. When you do - all the dirt comes out. In this election sometimes I don't even know who their opponents are or what they stand for - but now thanks to TV commercials I (and other Iowans) know some junk about one candidate posted on the Internet and another's tax history. While this might tell me about a mistake they made, it doesn't tell me if this is ongoing behavior or what kind of candidate they might be. These ads must be effective though - or they would not do them.

When I think about my own life, at first glance I'm a Girl Scout (in my own mind anyway). No boyfriends, no arrests, groping or email controversies. Taxes are paid.

But wait! All the opposition would need to do is search social media or this blog for fodder for advertisements and speeches.

They would have a field day!
  • Goldsmith has a filthy mouth (after a blog I wrote about how much I enjoy swearing)
  • She's a former shoplifter (one I blogged that a took bubblegum and felt so guilty I put a dime on the cash register)
  • Here is a photo of Goldsmith drinking shots of liquor. (Um, which time?) Searching Blog Topics one can learn that seven of my blogs are contain the word shots - but two were really about medical shots. That wouldn't stop them though...
  • I'm sure they could drum something up from my work history. Goldsmith job-hops for ten years before becoming a public serving and sucking off of taxpayers for the rest of her career. Yep - that would be the take.
Yep - a brief outburst in your online social media life can make you a target. Or in my case - an ongoing self-destructive need to write exposes me this type of overexposure. Oh well - one has to take some risks! My name is Leslie, and I am an over-sharer. I guess public office is not in my future.

Yesterday brought yet another football loss for the Cyclones. There were some cute dogs and kids in costume tailgating! I always look at the bright side. Cyclone fans have to or we'd be pretty crabby. And we got to hang with our buddies, Don, Diana, Kevin and Kari - who are fun, win or lose.

I took a few pictures as usual. I didn't get a photo of the strangest scene though - a guy on a motorized cooler being chased by a guy on a small motorcycle (complete with rubber with a horse head) - trying to lasso him. Too funny.
I wish this guy had been our ref for the game...

Hank and Max - Lion and Giraffe

Missy was a peacock

beautiful day to hang out with pals

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sights and Sounds this week

What a gorgeous autumn week in Iowa! This weather is pleasing to most of me - except my sinuses, grrr. Summer - don't go!

Anyway, I digress. I had a swell week! I took Monday off in recovery from the Petersons and Goldsmiths Fabulous Packers Adventure. The crowd chant "Go Pack Go" was stuck in my head. All week.

On Tuesday I visited my health care provider, Sheryl Young, ARNP, for an annual physical. Flu Shot! It wasn't too painful sister Betsy - unlike the ones we had as children when Mom insisted we have them at Dr. Wilcox's office. I'm happy to report that all of my numbers are good! I'm having a bone scan in a couple weeks - just to see how the 'ol skeleton is holding up.
Are you staring at me, Tub?

Wednesday brought the annual Land Quality  Bureau (LQB) retreat for work - held at beautiful Reiman Gardens in Ames. At the meeting one of my co-workers spoke about a recent episode of extreme anxiety they had experienced, causing them to seek medical attention. They said they hadn't realized how the anxiety attack had been coming on for some time.

I'm not telling you about this to "out" this person, only to say how much this testimony seemed to touch everyone there. Later I heard several people sharing their own stories about anxiety with this person and each other. Illnesses of this kind have a stigma. I experienced quite a bit of anxiety when my Grave's Disease was uncontrolled. It is very unpleasant and difficult to live with. Bringing this topic out of the dark is a step toward encouraging people to get help!
Pulpers help make foodwaste lighter

At the LQB Retreat we got to tour Iowa State University dining hall - the "back of the house" where they work on recycling food waste from student meals. The waste goes to the next place on the tour - the compost site - where waste from the ISU Farms goes to be made into compost used on campus and on fields. Really beautiful black soil.

When we got back to Reiman Gardens we enjoyed lunch from Hickory Park and the sounds of the ISU Campanile - playing the eerie music from the Munsters TV show. That afternoon we heard speakers from ISU talk about the environmentally sound way the school is expanding the campus constructing certified buildings. This was a nice distraction from the ISU president plane controversy. As a service project we helped prepare a million (slight exaggeration) pumpkins for carving.

On Thursday I headed with a group to an Iowa Waste Exchange (IWE) quarterly meeting in Waterloo. The meeting was held at an old John Deere building that has been refurbished to hold a University of Northern Iowa lab where they print things. No - not just copies of your standings in the latest Fantasy Football League. The place prints metal and plastic castings and parts - things we used to need metal die castings for. Very cool! And so are the IWE reps who help Iowa companies trade leftover materials, keeping them out of landfills.

On Saturday I trekked solo to the Farmer's Market. Paul finally got to hunt. My mission was a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Caprese. Yummo!

After that stop, I went to my friend Scott's to help watch his baby girl Ava while he worked on his kitchen sink. Ava's mommy Vic was at work. It was fun. I'm more at home watching dogs, but I'll get the hang of this people thing! Ava will be one year old tomorrow.
Ava loves leaves, being barefoot and lots of food
The big news of the week is that Jud and Kara bought a house! It's in a suburb of St. Louis called Brentwood. I can't wait to see it in person.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Go Pack GoI

I had a fantastic time on our all Green Bay Packer weekend! So much fun that I had "Green Bay" tattooed on the tops of my feet. No not really - that was the chick in the restroom stall next to me at the stadium. I noticed while I shook sand out of my shoes whilst sitting on the pot. I bet those tattoos hurt! She must be a dedicated fan.

Our longtime Creston friends Deb and Larry contacted us a few months ago to ask if we were interested in going on a radio station sponsored bus trip. Hell Yes! Paul grew up in eastern Iowa - in the shadow of Packerland. He's been a Cheesehead all of his life. Larry is from Fort Dodge, but both guys were in their formative years when the Packers were the champs. Deb and I love Packer fans and have become fans through osmosis - that steady drip, drip of over 35 years of living with those crazy guys cheering for the green and gold. When Pappa is happy, everybody's happy.
Deb & Larry on the bus

We took off on the luxury (cough cough) coach (bus) from Prairie Meadows in Altoona at 6 a.m. Saturday. That was early! Paul and I were able to sit right by our friends and Deb and I got plenty of catch up time. We don't live by each other anymore. Time with my gal was like heaven - even on a bus! Meanwhile, several movies played on a small screens available on the bus - one right above our seat. We saw a newer Star Wars, Blind Side and a few more that I slept and talked through.

Our hotel was actually in Osh Kosh, b'gosh! It's about 50 minutes west of Green Bay. We stopped there before heading to storied Lambeau field. That's where the Packers play - and more. The organization has a shrine there that includes a museum and a huge gift shop. Upon arrival we decided we needed lunch, enjoying the Packer ambience along the way. One could have spent a whole day in the museum if one's wife wasn't with you...
the wind blows in Packerland!

Paul is an OWNER! The kids bought him one share of stock
The man and the legend...Vince Lombardi!

That night we had appetizers at the hotel lounge and a couple beers while we watched the Cubs and the Wisconsin Badger games - with Badgers fans. It was fun, but we pooped out early. The next day we had the waitress/service from HE double toothpicks for breakfast. Still, we laughed! She apologized, it was all good. The river outside our hotel was gorgeous and so was the day. In honor of our son, the Cowboys fan, we took a photo op with the America's Team fans from our bus.
Gary and his wife didn't even gloat after the game

The drive into Green Bay was awesome - I loved seeing the tailgating along the way. There are houses across from the stadium that must get rented out for game day. I'd love to party there! Our Packers experience included a tailgate party right by the stadium that was a lot of fun.

People say you can watch games in the comfort of your own home and wonder why you'd ever want to go to a game. Sunday again proved why to me! We had a blast. Sunshine, beer, brats (with kraut!), music and nutty people. They played some interesting "Bears Still Suck". Rivalries run hot between those team. Deb and I sang along like veterans. The two of us could have fun in a box...
I could have purchased this sport coat for Paul

Vince Lombardi made an appearance

All too soon, the party was over and it was game time (around 3:30 pm). Paul and I were soaking it in. When we walked to our seats we couldn't believe it. They were great - 15th row in the endzone. We were expecting nosebleed seats. When the National Anthem was sung, the flyover by giant helicopters brought tears to my eyes. At halftime, Packer legend Brett Favre accepted being inducted into the Packer Hall of Fame. He walked right in front of us. So the day had it all!

Now the not as great stuff. The Packers wore throw back uniforms. Damn! We wanted to see them looking like Packers. Then they didn't play well - so that was disappointing. On the other hand, Jud's team, the Cowboys rocked! So as his mother - I still won, right?

When the game was over, we made our way to the bus and it took a long time for the expert driver to make his way out of town. Packers fans were still tailgating as we made our way out of town. We made a stop in Madison, WI and headed on back to Iowa, arriving about 4 a.m. Thank goodness I took Monday off! I'm still tired, but in a good way. What a great weekend experiencing life with friends!

Having fun with my bestie!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Amy's Birthday

Tomorrow marks 31 years since I became a mommy, a role I was both terrified and excited to take on. Yes, it's Amy Goldsmith's birthday! Happy Birthday to our baby girl.
Ginger and giant glasses mommy

She was the kid who made us wait a whole extra week past her due date for her arrival. (Due 10/7, arrived 10/14). Those were seven long days. Let's just say I wasn't a pleasant person to be around. I wanted that baby out of me! She had her own ideas. She still does. We are so proud to be her parents.

Parents sometimes think their kids should be little "mini-me" people. Just like us but smaller. But they aren't. I was amazed to watch our children grow up to be themselves. I can see some of Paul and me in them. Is that narcissistic? Okay it is. I bet neither Jud nor Amy calls the TV remote the "TV button" anymore. They've broken away from our spell.

Amy is an artist - a graphic designer. She wanted to be an artist since she was little. It's always been difficult for Paul and me to understand. That isn't our language. But when your child loves something positive, you grow to love it too. She is also many other things, including a business owner and accountant thanks to running her own biz. When I looked into that little face 31 years ago I didn't foresee all of those things. But I imagined the possibilities. And now they are here!

It's been a year of many events and accomplishments for our daughter.
  • She moved with Corey Park from Atlanta to Pennsylvania
  • Amy researched the possible places to live and selected the burg of West Chester, just outside of Philadelphia
  • She was a bridesmaid in Jud and Kara's wedding in April
  • Her boyfriend Corey asked her to marry him while they were on a trip to Denver, surrounded by friends
  • She said yes!
  • Amy and Corey traveled to Croatia on vacation
  • They began planning a wedding
  • She said yes to the dress
Thirty one years ago I wasn't thinking that Amy would some day find a partner. I didn't ponder the fun I'd have wedding dress shopping with my baby girl. I remember looking into my daughter's eyes and feeling the type of love I'd never imagined before. The "I'd give my life for you" kind of love. I was lucky enough to feel it again two more times with Judson and Patrick.

I'm looking forward to the year to come. It's going to be some year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Everything and Whiz On It

Our long weekend in the Philadelphia area was everything I dreamed it would be and more! Ever since our lovely daughter became engaged to Corey Park, I've been looking forward to shopping for "the dress" with her. You see I was thinking of good memories with my mom and sister shopping for my dress - finding "the one" at Regency Bridal in Omaha.

I was thinking that wreck in the West Roads parking lot happened when Betso got married but she says that was my shopping trip. But Bets says she got her dress in Colorado, so Mom rammed into another car shopping with me! It was minor, anyway.

George at Valley Forge
Paul and I headed to Pennsylvania on Thursday. That afternoon we visited Valley Forge, just north of West Chester where Amy lives. George Washington and forces wintered there in when the British overtook Philadelphia. There is a museum and quite a large area where the troops lived. It was beautiful to walk around - one could feel the history. That night we sat outside in West Chester at one of the cute restaurants - enjoying family time. We took Franklin the Wonder Wienie on several walks.

On Friday we ventured into the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. We visited Independence Hall after I snapped a walk-by photo of the Liberty Bell - that line was long. Sad I didn't get a picture of the crack.

We decided to go super tourist and ride the double decker bus. It was a great way to see all of the sites and we even stopped at the steps that Rocky ran up in the movie. Later in the weekend we watched the movie. It's still good - Adrian! My college girlfriends and I were just goofy over Sly Stallone, ya'll.

We hopped off the bus to go to Pat's, a local joint known for Philly Cheesecake sandwiches. Corey scoped it out. He coached us on ordering - you can't stand there like a dummy when it's your turn. You must know what you want. Paul and I split a sannie with onions and whiz. That's Cheese Whiz. Oh, you can get real cheese, but it's just not right according to the pros. It was drippy delish!

Amy and I don't have the best track record shopping together. My recollection of school shopping with my artsy girl was of her inventing an outfit in her head that didn't exist and we'd spend a day trying to find it. Frustrating! She and I learned to split up and shop separately - meeting up later to compare notes and purchases.
Philly Street

I know Amy too was a bit concerned about how the two of us might go about finding a wedding dress for the big day in August. The kid did homework to get ready. She pre-shopped in her hometown of West Chester and even the Big Apple. Amy's been watching "Say Yes to the Dress" episodes and knows the dress designers. Gee before my wedding all I did was buy a copy of Modern Bride magazine.

Amy made an appointment with a fine wedding dress establishment. We took the train in to the city from near her home. It took about an hour. We had a few extra minutes before our appointment so we walked through a historic alley on our way there.

A lovely young lady helped Amy select dresses to try on. My daughter had figured out the styles and designers she was interested in. She tried on several before she found "the one". I must admit I got choked up for just a second. (okay I had to blow my nose too). Success was a good feeling. The dress is coming on a slow boat from China just like mine did (translation it's taking 8 months or so to arrive from wherever). After filling out all the paperwork we were so happy we walked across the street to Fork and had salads and drinks. Later Amy and I went to another shop to check out bridesmaid's dresses. Success again. The train ride back was a happy one. That night we tried another local establishment.

Sunday I talked everyone into visiting King of Prussia Mall - the biggest in the Universe or something. Corey wasn't wild about the idea, but I played the Mother-In-Law card. We got back to West Chester in time to attend the Chili Festival - 50 or so types to try! I only managed to gulp down 12 or so, but they were yummy. We tried bowling after that. I was a failure, but my muscles are still reminding me how much fun it was. 


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Tailgating thoughts

It's been an emotional week. A friend, Len Klein, father of ISU Cyclone great AJ Klein, passed away. Len had been battling a rare cancer for the past two years. He was 55 years old. We met Len and wife Jean, plus many other family members during AJ's years playing at ISU. They tailgated in section D2 with the McKim group and the Kevin and Kari Ehrecke. The Kleins are a fun-loving close-knit family. We are thinking of them during this time. Prayers to you all.

At the ISU spring football game, AJ was invited back to be an honorary captain. It was so fun that Jean and Len decided to attend, staying with Kevin and Kari in their Ames home. It was a gorgeous April day in Iowa. We ended up tailgating late into the afternoon with the group - McKims, Ehreckes, Kleins and AJ stopped by with some other former Cyclones. AJ told us a few things about life in the NFL. He plays linebacker for the Carolina Panthers. Len was feeling pretty good then and it was a grand time. We laughed until my ribs hurt!

This Saturday was another early game for the Cyclones. They played ranked Big 12 foe Baylor in a tough game. ISU lead until the 4th quarter but most fans recognized the Charlie Brown script where the victory (ball) is whipped away at the last second. My logical side knows that we are simply looking for improvement from this team and we certainly are seeing that. Young players are making plays all over the field. My fan side says "Just Win" dammit!

Once again we kicked butt in tailgating. ISU does have that down to an art. Yesterday was "Good Beer Bad Beer day" with our tailgating neighbors Bobbie and Bill. They brought a horse tank and everyone was to put in their beer. The tank was covered with a sheet and you had to pick your poison - caution to the wind and all that.

I stuck with my own good/back mix right from our own cooler (I know, snooty) PBR (thanks Dave Bullock for raising right) with tiny Miller High Life for the good stuff. We took breakfast pizza from Casey's for early and grilled after. Steve in the next camper served us marinated pork shanks that were awesome! Bobbie and Bill's little guys Max (3) and Hank (1.75) were about - providing entertainment. Max got dipped into the horse tank as he demanded.

We enjoyed seeing several Crestonites at our tailgate - former neighbors the Hartsocks. Sam is a sophomore at ISU, transferring from SWCC this year. His dad Tommy switched his usual Nebraska garb for ISU colors - nice to see. A Cyclone recruit, Trevor Downing (aka Farm Strong) was their with his folks and the Van Gelder family. It's always fun seeing the Conovers also former Creston neighbors. Jane and Susan (with husband Denny) Flack stopped by briefly, and some of Paul's work pals dropped by. It's like a neighborhood party in D2!

Near the end of the evening we had a special moment - lifting one to our friends Len and Jean. Len would have liked that. He spent a lot of time in this little section of the world. RIP Len.

 Iowa State University has been getting some bad press in the Des Moines Register of late - and rightfully so. The university president, Steven Leath, seems to be treating the university and the state as his own "good 'ol boys club". I don't like that. I think he has the wrong impression of what it's like to be the president at my school. He's not that special. We don't have kings in Iowa.

I'm afraid I got spoiled by our longtime President Geoffrey. He was humble and one of us. He was not looking for free stuff and figuring out how to work the system.

In my opinion Dr. Leath still just doesn't get it. Though he has apologized, I think he's mostly upset that this has come to light. He believes he can pay for the damage to the plane and quit flying it - and this issue will go away. Not true. Now we all know his true colors. I think he needs a "sniffer" - a person or group of people to be his conscience or ethics guidance. He is paid a large salary and other perks. He is not special or a rock star. Just ask Troy Davis - all time football great who Ames police arrested this weekend for public intox when he was in town to accept an award. This isn't a place where people look away. It's been a bad week for my beloved school - but it's about more than just a few people. Those tailgaters yesterday proved that. We are the university. Fellowship through good times and bad.