Sunday, October 30, 2016

Vote for me

No not really.

Recently Paul and I, disgusted by negative campaign advertising, pondered why anyone would ever wish to run for elected office. When you do - all the dirt comes out. In this election sometimes I don't even know who their opponents are or what they stand for - but now thanks to TV commercials I (and other Iowans) know some junk about one candidate posted on the Internet and another's tax history. While this might tell me about a mistake they made, it doesn't tell me if this is ongoing behavior or what kind of candidate they might be. These ads must be effective though - or they would not do them.

When I think about my own life, at first glance I'm a Girl Scout (in my own mind anyway). No boyfriends, no arrests, groping or email controversies. Taxes are paid.

But wait! All the opposition would need to do is search social media or this blog for fodder for advertisements and speeches.

They would have a field day!
  • Goldsmith has a filthy mouth (after a blog I wrote about how much I enjoy swearing)
  • She's a former shoplifter (one I blogged that a took bubblegum and felt so guilty I put a dime on the cash register)
  • Here is a photo of Goldsmith drinking shots of liquor. (Um, which time?) Searching Blog Topics one can learn that seven of my blogs are contain the word shots - but two were really about medical shots. That wouldn't stop them though...
  • I'm sure they could drum something up from my work history. Goldsmith job-hops for ten years before becoming a public serving and sucking off of taxpayers for the rest of her career. Yep - that would be the take.
Yep - a brief outburst in your online social media life can make you a target. Or in my case - an ongoing self-destructive need to write exposes me this type of overexposure. Oh well - one has to take some risks! My name is Leslie, and I am an over-sharer. I guess public office is not in my future.

Yesterday brought yet another football loss for the Cyclones. There were some cute dogs and kids in costume tailgating! I always look at the bright side. Cyclone fans have to or we'd be pretty crabby. And we got to hang with our buddies, Don, Diana, Kevin and Kari - who are fun, win or lose.

I took a few pictures as usual. I didn't get a photo of the strangest scene though - a guy on a motorized cooler being chased by a guy on a small motorcycle (complete with rubber with a horse head) - trying to lasso him. Too funny.
I wish this guy had been our ref for the game...

Hank and Max - Lion and Giraffe

Missy was a peacock

beautiful day to hang out with pals

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