Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another weekend

another funeral. When one lives in a small rural Iowa town, there are a lot of those. This time it was for a gent I'd never met, my roommate Joan McFee Bentley's husband Billy's dad Bill. The Bentleys hail from Diagonal.

We had a busy day planned for Saturday, so I went to the memorial service alone at 2 PM after hitting the grocery store, cleaning and baking brownies. We're having peeps over today for fireworks viewing (see my sad blog from the 4th of July when all the events were cancelled due to storms). Yeah, I know...just call me Suzie Homemaker. I even warshed me up some rugs.

Paul was doing manly stuff like installing our new storm door and mowing the lawn. Then he had to haul organic stuff to the compost site and cardboard to the recycling site. Testosterone was oozing from his pores.

The memorial was crowded - full of Diagonal folks, where the Bentleys lived, Clearfield people - where they retired to and where Bill spent a couple years in the nursing home. Plus Creston people. The service was here in town. Joan, Billy and Billy's mom greeted people as we came in. It's always a bit awkward being introduced as Joan's roommate. (Sometimes to be a smart ass I say - this is who I sleep with during the week - but she's a floor up). Didn't think that appropriate in this case...

Nice service. I was surprised to note that Bill's birth date is exactly my father's - 9/4/28. Plus he died of a similar thing as day - twisted intestine. Weird - no? I couldn't help but think how Dad would have loved to visit with this gentleman I'd never met! They would have found many things to talk about. It made me miss my daddy.

Then I rushed home to be here at 3:00 PM for a meeting with a new couple from our church - we do a marriage ministry, working with couples before they get married. This one ended up being a no-show. It was our first couple assigned since I wrote the letter supporting gay marriage to the local paper. Thought Father Pins likely tossed our names in the 'ol recycle bin after seeing that letter...guess not.

Now it's up to the couple. They'll need to call and reschedule when it fits our schedule. Funerals, weddings - all part of life ay?

Friday, July 30, 2010

When the going gets rough

I get bitchy to my husband. I'm not proud of it. He's one of the people I love best in all the world. Somehow, when I'm not at my best - I take it out on him.

Yesterday, I had this plan in my head that I would be all recovered from my colonoscopy and would be able to drive to DSM and go to work. Instead I hardly slept the night before due to being all bloated and miserable. So I sat around our house all day frustrated that I wasn't popping back to normal.

When Paul got home - I was just itching to be mean to someone. So I was - critical about stupid little things he did when he got home. I'm sure you out in readerland are shocked and amazed that I could have this type of behavior. Except Amy - who knows exactly what I'm talking about - as she's lived in close quarters with me and has seen my inner meangirl. In other words - let my Pat out.

Pat is my mother. She could be quite the meangirl. Especially after a couple bourbon and waters. It was like she had stored up her angst from years and started letting it out later in life.

Not a role model one should emulate, and most times I avoid it. When I'm feeling crappy (literally) is one time I revert. Apologies were in order. All is forgiven. Making up is a good thing! It's good to be married to someone who puts up with me. (and who I can put up with...)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


my naps yesterday and being bloated with air and gas, I didn't sleep a wink. So I worked at home today instead of commuting to DSM. I wasn't sure I could stay awake for the drive - either way. Plus I was still absolutely miserable - looking about 3 months pregnant with gas.

I'm not a person that goes around "tooting" in front of others. So it's best I've been home alone today. The body can make some unusual noises. It's best I wasn't in my cubicle. For everyone. Here's hoping it's all cleared out today.

Book Club tonight at Thea's - looks like a swimming night. We read "Mudbound" a book that was somewhat depressing - post WWII story about the south. It was kinda good though. I always enjoy book club. Let's hope my little, uh, problem has resolved itself.

In the end

You may be glad you to it came out okay in the end. Dr. Kuhl has pronounced my colon okay, with no need for re-checks for ten years unless I have problems. Yay!

Let me tell you - it was a long night. I described yesterday the preparation for my baseline colonoscopy. Drinking the gallon (I got less than half down) of the icky stuff that flushes you out was the worst part. Once it starts working - you may as well stay near the potty.

So I cleaned the mirrors and sinks. Then I read in the bathtub, hopping out quickly a couple times. When I tried to go to bed around 10:30 PM, it was a no go. Or should I say - still going too much. So I sat in the bathroom awaiting urges - quite liquid by then. Ugh.

This morning I was ready to go. Get it over with. We checked in quickly at Greater Regional Medical Center (long name for a small hospital). Emily Bruce Turner came to get us in the waiting room - yes having a procedure in you smalltown hospital is like a walk in the neighborhood. We've known Em since she was 10ish. Now she's an op room nurse who will get her Physician's Assistant diploma in December (and she and husband, high school honey Travis , have 2 children ages 5 and 3 too!).

Emily got me all prepped as we chatted and caught up on each other's lives. I met another nurse (this one I didn't recognize). Paul came in to wait with my - I was first on the docket - scheduled for 8 AM. Hmmm perhaps I needed to go potty one more time - I took my IV bag and headed in. When I came out - why there was neighbor Nancy Anthony and another nurse Becky Shields. It was like a big discussion around my bed.

But here came Dr. Kuhl and everyone dispersed. He explained the procedure to me and away he went. The nurses wheeled my gurney into the very chilly operating suite. I remember thinking - "is this where Patrick was born?" Emily and her Mom-in-Law Diana were there along with the nurse I met for the first time. The scurried to get me set. Emily shot the good stuff into my IV. Ah - I turned onto my left side while I was still able and thanked them for their efforts. (Robyn - I was "airing out my fanny" so they had access to the areas needed).

Next thing I knew, I was back in the prep area - all done. Groggy! Paul said Dr. K had reported a clean bill of colonic health - no need to come back for a decade - phew! The way things had gone lately I was a lil concerned that too would be bad news. I closed my eyes and rested some more. Then I put my clothes on and Pablo drove me home. Nap time.

It's now 5ish and I'm still feeling a bit bloated and crampy. I ate cereal and cottage cheese so far. Surprisingly I'm not starving. Hope I'm back to normal tonight - as normal as I ever am anyways...happy to have that milestone over with!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gone to pot

It's prep day for my baseline colonoscopy. So you know what that means. Or...if you are a youngster or are avoiding your half centenarian duties you don't.

It means I get to eat a liquid diet all day today. Then, at 1ish (it was supposed to be noon but I did a radio interview at 12:30 so I pushed it back) I took 5 little laxatives. Now I'm supposed to drink half of a gallon of stuff - which has been chillin' in the frig. I know it's going to taste awful and make me crap liquid - called colyte or some such. I also get something to keep me from being gassy and crampy. Yeah right.

I'm supposed to chug not sip it. I'm not a chugger - of anything! I did put flavoring in it. It still tastes like shit. I was queasy before I started drinking this stuff!

It's not been the best day all-in-all. I did get to work at home, and loved not having to pack my bag since I'm not staying in DM all week. Yesterday I just went up for the day. I got up and walked a couple miles this a.m., but didn't do more since I didn't get to have my Wheaties.

Then we had a DNR Department wide meeting. I participated via phone. The director didn't say a whole lot. Nothing earth shattering. Then I was to do a phone interview with Iowa Public Radio on Iowa's Waste Reduction Goals. I had talked to the staff person about the interview a couple times and had sent her information. So I thought we were on the same page about the topic.

Wrong. Wendy from Cass County who I know quite well also joined me on the show. The interviewer - a guy, didn't catch his name, asked one question I was expecting and then jumped about on a variety of topics. He asked me about decomposition of waste in landfills when trash is baled. WTF guy?!?

I told him that's not my topic I'd rather talk about waste reduction - he veered back there temporarily. Then they took calls about plastic bag recycling and Styrofoam. Geez. Not what I was expecting...And on it went. When..I was rescued by an unlikely source. Our landline phone battery gave out and started beeping - I begged off when the guy asked about sighting new landfills and Cedar Rapids.

Back to my colon. The preparation is the worst part. Yeah right. Glass #1 is now history. Better go pour another. If only it tasted like a lemondrop martini...argh. I will spend a great deal of time on the potty tonight, and thanks to my buddy Nancy A, I won't fall for that - "oh it's just a bit 'o gas" feeling, or it could be a messy "shart" (figure out what that's a combo of...).

Tomorrow my husband will take me to the hospital at 7:15 a.m. I will strip, have an IV inserted. Then be sedated and a tube will be inserted in my nether parts not to be named. Luckily I'll be ga-ga and won't remember a thing! Hopefully shortly thereafter Dr. Kuhl will report smooth sailing for my colon. Then I'll be on my way home.

That will be it for me and health for the year I believe (she stated, fingers crossed).

Monday, July 26, 2010

The day after and...

So after the wedding, and we snuck out (kinda) without too many goodbyes, we retired to our motel. Amy was left to travel with the wedding party as we couldn't pack her into our Nissan (or she might have had to sit on Boldie's lap like the luggage).

I packed my bag, ready to head out a O dark:30 for our 7 a.m. flight out of LAX. With the unknown amount of time it would take to drive from Pasadena to there to turn in the rental car. So we calculated we needed to leave at 4 a.m. I set my phone alarm and began to wait for it to go off, and for Amy to return. Not sleeping of course.

Jud breathes very loudly. My stomach was full. I ate too much. I couldn't get comfy. Boy that was SOME wedding. It was fun seeing my fam! Gee I wonder how work went this week? I can't wait to sleep in my own bed. These were thing going through my head...but not sleep.

Amy came in after 2 a.m. Finally about 3:15 Paul and I got up, put our clothes on and got ready to go. As we headed to the elevator some other people were just heading in. The valet got our car. There was a detour on the way, but by-golly Garmin got us to Hertz without taking the 405 Freeway. There were others turning cars in at that unGodly hour. We hopped on the shuttle.

Breezed through security. I should have known we were doomed! Though we flew Continental on the way out, we were on Delta on the way home, through Memphis. The terminal was nicer than #6. Again - ominous...Our 7 a.m. flight was packed. We taxied out...and stopped, returning to the gate. Pilot announced fuel leaking from an engine.

We sat while they checked it out. Time passed. I got a call on my cell - Delta said my flight was now leaving at 9 a.m. - on another plane I asked attendant? He didn't know. We de-planed and got in line. Soon they announced we needed to go to another gate - we were leaving at 10 a.m. We'd miss our connection. Damn! By the time we loaded up again and they got the sick lady off (another drama) it was 10:30 a.m. We sat in Memphis a couple hours - they gave us $6 each (whoopee!) food vouchers. Into DSM at 8:30 PM. I was beat - so I stayed in DSM at Joan's since Paul and I had our own cars. I'm not a good night driver.

Not a good way to end a fun trip, but we were safe and sound. I came home Monday afternoon and did laundry - needed clean undies and all! And to sleep with my husband without cherubs around - nudge, nudge, know what I mean?

The week went by too quickly. I've got the traveling jones I guess.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Marriage thoughts

Last night we attended a celebration for the retirement of long-time Creston High School football team and teacher Dick Bergstrom. It was held at A&G downtown - put together by our former neighbors the Owens boys, Eric and Ethan - both good players who went on to play at Division AA Missouri schools.

It seemed like mostly players from the '90s who showed up. Not sure how people were invited besides Facebook - that's how I found out. McKims were there and Eric and Ethan's folks. Plus all of Coach's assistant coaches. Lots of people to talk to!

Dick was coach for nearly 30 years and touched a lot of lives. Amy bonded with him more than Jud - as he oversaw the weight program in the summer. He appreciated her work ethic - he recently dropped off a chart from her frosh summer. She didn't miss a day of weights. She did her work/study in his classroom.

Jud wasn't as big a fan, as he played for him. He didn't really grow until his junior year and got no breaks in playing time until they discovered he was an awesome punter. Someday he'll realize he had a special coach but for now he's still too young to see it. Coach B touched a lot of lives and is a really good guy. I'm glad my kids know him.

But today, instead of that, I found myself thinking about a couple of divorces of those kids that I heard about last night. Jed Gammell and Sarah Coen were a couple high school sweethearts that seemed to be made for each other. They got married after college and had three sons. I was stunned and saddened to hear last night that they've just gone through a contentious divorce.

And one of the Owens boys, Eric married a local gal, Aimee Hilger only to divorce a couple years later. I heard about that last year. Again - I was shocked. It's been a few years since that happened and I'm glad for Eric that he's engaged to be married this fall. I noticed Eric's parents hugged some of his former in-laws at last night's event. It's nice that they're all still civil.

So during today's 5 mile walk, I lamented to myself about these young people. What happens? Why don't their marriages last? There are lots of ways for a marriage to fail - how can we count the ways? Impossible!

Some people just aren't meant to be together - it's evident from the start. But what about those couples that seem perfect for each other. And then they aren't? All through life we grow and change. When one partner changes in a way that isn't acceptable to the other, the marriage breaks down. Or unfaithfulness (and there are many ways to be unfaithful). What if one finds religion suddenly? Or quits work and won't earn a living. How much time should each of you spend on kids' activities or house work etc?

A friend's sister just celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary. The family would have taken bets against that couple making it to that milestone! Even as recently as last year. Yet they keep plugging along. Sometimes each day is a milestone!

Goin' to the Chapel

So it was finally wedding day for Leslie - and her 26th birthday - Saturday July 17th. It was also the groom's brother's bday. Amy was off to the groom's aunt and uncle's fantastic abode to get hair and makeup done.

The rest of the Goldsmiths and Lefebvres knocked around Pasadena - shopping and sitting at a brewpub. It was another scorcher! Cindo and I even found old Pasadena - and breezed through shops there. Unfortunately - due to the homogenization of shopping in America, shopping is now the same everywhere! Old Navy, Gap, Crate and Barrel etc. That's why I like shopping places like downtown Northfield, MN. Different cute lil stores.

Anyway we passed the time and I bought brew pub shirts for Jud, Amy and myself - memento of our trip. Plus earrings to wear to the wedding as I left my fabulous jewelry collection here in Crestonia. Took off for the wedding around 3 PM - family had begun gathering already. Good seats - row 3, and Cali cousin Bonnie Legarra and her sis Barbara seated behind so I got to talk to them a bit before the ceremony started.

The bride looked gorgeous of course and so did our baby girl Amy and her cousin Jordan. My aunts and cousins all commented on how lovely Amy looked with made me beam with pride of course! Her hair was done in a side-do, and she had these falsies- eyelashes. Her dress fit nicely thanks to the tailor in Denver who did alterations, and the shoes, though painful (said she) were flashy. The ceremony was lovely. I was touched to see on the back of the program that Leslie had noted those loved ones not able to join us - Mom and Dad of course, and she remembered Patrick, which touched my heart!

Everyone looked joyful when it was over and the new husband and wife trotted back down the aisle. There was no receiving line outside the church so we got out quickly and I was able to take a few photos outside of couples. The wedding party did some photos too so we all went ahead to the reception - at another even fancier country club.

Alvillars had hired a wedding planner for the day and she kept things running on schedule. Dave and Sarah Kohan manned the table that had the name tags on it with each person's table assignment. We were right in front with Betsy and Wayne and Legarras and cousin Leslie and her hubby Bob.

Open bar -so I trotted right over for a vodka and cranberry juice - refreshing! There was a table with a flower centerpiece surrounded by wedding photos of all the aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents of the bride and groom - with a note saying how long each had been married. It was really touching. Those kids are surrounded by a lot of long successful (at least on paper...) marriages.

The wedding party appeared after their ride in a cable car-like bus. More photo ops. Paul got some good ones. Speeches, dances and a lovely meal. There was a candy bar, more drinks. I passed on wine and sipped only enough champagne for toasts. It's lovely stuff, but tends to be unforgiving!

Jim Alvillar gave a beautiful welcome speech - bragging up his daughter and my sister. Again I choked up. Jordan Alvillar also gave a wonderful, funny, Poignant toast. I wished I had more time to talk to all my family - but with the music (great live band) it was just too hard. I had fun dancing with the fam to a couple classics like "Shout" (Animal House Fame) and Dancing Queen with the girls.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye to everyone. I hate goodbyes! I would much rather slink out, pretending I'll see them again soon. I was ready to sleep in my own bed (or at least not sleep with my whole fam in one room), but not ready to take leave of the fun of vacation and my sisters and other relatives.

Have I mentioned that I know that we are so lucky and blessed to have a family that gets along so well. I hear about other people who can't stand each other and have long-standing feuds it amazes me. I take for granted our loving relationships I guess, and I shouldn't.

We grew up with the Lamm kids - they are close cousins. But the Legarras and Moreheads weren't all that close, so it's nice to get to know them a bit now. So nice of them to attend this wedding. Interesting to note that Bonnie and I had on the same type of dress - she seems to be the same type of low maintenance gal that I am. Is it genetic? Hmmm...

Here's to a beautiful start to Leslie and Jordan Lopez! Best wishes and all our love and support. Now the fun part - being married.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I do believe the way we ended last night was the total antithesis of the Friday night before. One week ago Friday we were in Pasadena, CA. We started the day with walking up the street from our motel to a little joint for breakfast. Cindo was supposed to meet us, but she and Bolder got lost and couldn't find us.

Then we went back so I could get ready for the "bridal luncheon". It was hosted by me, my sisters and aunties for the bride and her bridesmaids. It was at a little restaurant a ways away from the hotel - I drove and decided it was time to shift to using the valet service instead of Pablo service. It made me feel rich. After all I was in Cali, right?

The Bridal Luncheon was lovely! But very hot - as it took place in a tent like structure with no AC behind the actual restaurant. I handle heat pretty well but even I was sweating up a storm in my summer white capris with jeweled sleeveless top and sandals. Leslie had gifts for each bridesmaid.

After a rest (in the lobby cuz the kids were sleeping in the room) and chatting with relatives it was time to get ready for the rehearsal dinner at the Annondale Country Club. I wore the dress from Krissy's wedding. Garmin got us there safely - it was a lovely setting in the foothills overlooking a pool with a wraparound deck. The city stretched out below.

We chatted with Kohans and other family members while sipping nice cocktails. A half hour later the wedding party arrived - all prepared for the next day's nuptials. There were name cards for where we were to sit. Jordan Alvillar had put together a slide show and was just going to start it when - boom. the power went out. Out, out. The emergency lights came on - bad sign. One of the California blackouts we've heard about I guess.

Luckily it was still light out. So far. It became stuffy quickly. I went outside until salads were served. Ordered the halibut. Staff began to light candles. Drinks continued to be served. As soon as we were done eating we all headed to the large deck. A few toasts were made - Leslie's brother David did one that choked me up a little. He had to use a flashlight to read his notes. Fiance Ashley helped - she's a cutie!

All too soon the night was over. We pulled up to the hotel and climbed out of the Nissan - the valet took the car. We felt rich and it only cost $12. I went to bed when I got home, but I heard some people sat down at the hotel bar.

Fast forward to last night. Funeral visitation in Creston for the father of one of Paul's peers - a longtime Creston farmer Dean Davenport. Supper at Casa with Higgins and McFees - the undersized air conditioner in that place struggled in the very high heat in humidity of the day (90 plus for both), so that was very similar to last Friday.

We decided to hit downtown (or Uptown as they call it here - I think it sounds hick) Creston where Elms Club was sponsoring Bike Night. I'm not talkin' Trek or Western Flyer. This is Harleys baby. There was an interesting mix of folk about. A decent band was playing on a flatbed trailer on Elm Street before the Adams intersection. Barbecue was on sale, along with various bevvies. It was after 8 PM and some folks were already pretty lit.

There was an interesting mix of age groups - even underage kids, but I didn't see any of them drinking. And of course the motorcycles parked along the street North of the Elms club and in the Parking area where Paul's office used to be for folks to admire. There were longhairs, wannabees, folks in leathers and more. Several of our friends who have bikes were there. Anthony's, Moellers - we saw Ritzmans and Stalkers. It was weird to see Jud's classmates drinking and smoking.

What motorheads! It was time for me to go after several times when in the middle of people talking, drinking and dancing a guy would start up his bike and burn off the back tire with people holding him back from shooting into the crowd. Stinky rubber, smoke and noise are not my idea of a good time but most of those folks rushed to watch! All I could think of is - what a total opposite night this is compared to last Friday night!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hollywood Thursday

On Thursday we had to pack up and say a tearful goodbye to our friend Jorge. Not really - he'd already moved on to another group of goofy touristas.

Unfortunately we had a fifth person with luggage to pack into our energy efficient Nissan hybrid. No go. Bolder got stuck holding a heavy bag on his lap in the front seat along with a nice cool can of Bud for our drive to Pasadena. Our plan was to go to the Westin to drop off our bags or check in. I envisioned Bolder's legs being flat like a cartoon character when we arrived. Then Cindo said her eyes would pop out of her head like a cartoon character while an ooga horn played. That was our conversation as we nimbly made our way through traffic.

We were lucky and could check into our lovely rooms (lovely until four adults moved in anyway) and got rid of our bags. Then it was off to Hollywood - the stuff dreams are made of. Or are they....It was really hot. And cheesy - the whole Grauman's Chinese Theater, Kodak Theater, lotsa wax museums so we all can pretend we did see the stars. The Walk of Fame - all the stars in the sidewalk was pretty cool - so it was worth the visit. Hawkers hit us up to go on their very special tour of Hollywood. We didn't.

After an hour or so we drove back to Pasadena and the big lug Judson had arrived and was relaxing in our room. He was starving! We went out to lunch at a place by the hotel, then we went to the pool for a while. More relatives began showing up so it was fun to sit in the lobby and chat. Aunt Marty & Uncle Bill from Denver, Aunt Jean and Uncle Bruce from Green Valley, AZ plus my cousins David and Amy and their spouses. Betso was in Disneyland with the whole Kohan fam - not to arrive back until late. Susi and Jim got in from Grand Junction - parents of the bridey.

We were invited to niece Leslie's house for burgers that night. We tried to follow Jim - who blew through several reddish lights, leaving us in his wake. I tried to be patient, realizing the man had a great deal on his mind. His baby girl was getting married in 2 days! Leslie and fiance Jordan's house in Pasadena was very nice - a bungalow, all refinished nicely. Lots roomier than it looked from the outside.

We had a lovely time chatting and it was nice to have just our immediate fam there (sans Kohans). When it was time to leave, Jud and Amy stayed to hang with the Alvillar girls. I looked upon this day as my detox day and didn't partake in alcoholic bevs. So it was hard to sleep that night with all of us packed into one motel room when Amy and Jud arrived at the hotel later. I had angst - I should have insisted upon 2 matter what the cost. No, no - it would have been too much to pay. Thoughts like that kept me awake.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Next Day

We had big plans. Ever since - well, forever, I've wanted to see the La Brea Tar Pits. I read a book recently where a chick climbed the fence and walked right in killing herself. We plugged it into Garmin and off we went.

Traffic was a bitch! Stop and go - at 9ish in the a.m. Don't those people need to work earlier than that? And the cars...they don't drive 15 year old minivans there or pickup trucks. You see a lot of Mercedes and Lexi (it's the plural for Lexus) - that kinda thing. We found it and even sprang for $7 the museum - lots of bones the dug out of the pits, that smell like - you guessed it - tar. The tar used to get covered with water and when wooly mammoths came in to drink water they got stuck - then predators would attack also get stuck and they all got preserved nicely in the muck.

After that we stopped at the next most likely place - Beverly Hills! We used up 2 hours of free parking and walked into stores we had no business shopping in. Watches in Tiffany's $41,000. Sandals in Jimmy Choo's for $595. I settled for a nice Bloody Mary at Mortensens. We sat outside on the patio and people-watched.
After all that excitement we headed back to the motel for a little rest. But I couldn't sit there long - cuz I was on vacation and it was gorgeous out!

I jumped in the shuttle with Bolder and Paul and we headed to the shopping area near the beach. I'd been eyeing the REI store near there. I had my iPod on and I shopped while the guys sat in an English Pub and drank beer. I bought some new socks - tres exciting! Then it was on to the pub for me as well. After my first drink Amy joined us and then I called Cindy just as my lovely lemondrop martini arrived. Uh huh - we were having some fun now!

We headed to the Lobster for our 6 PM reservation - I split lobster with my sis. Paul got his very own. We drank 2 bottles of wine. Amy had crab cakes. I have no idea what Bolder had. I think we were loud and obnoxious. Our waiter was very good and patient! Our bill was around $365 - Paul almost forgot his credit card! I was feeling no pain.

Our fave shuttle driver came right to the Lobster to get us. Jorge loves us! Amy walked home. Cindo and I gave Jorge hugs when he dropped us off. I deserved to have a huge hangover the next day but thanks to the miracle of migraine meds I was okay.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Been gone

I'm sure you've been wondering where I've been. Or not. I've been on vacation - in Los Angeles for my lovely niece Leslie's wedding.

We got home Sunday, but my life has been a whirlwind since then - no time to post. At least it seems that way. Let me turn back the way-back machine (wasn't that from the Bullwinkle show?) and tell you all about our trip.......

We took off Tuesday 7/13 bright and early, after staying at Joan's Monday night. It's wierd having Pablo in my Joanie bed, though it's a nice big bed and we don't have to share it with a cat and a dog.

We flew Continental on the way there - through Houston (Bush Airport, which is as crappy as its namesake) and get this they actually served us a hot lunch FREE! I kid you not. It's been years since I got food besides pretzels at 10,00 feet, no charge. We arrived at LAX - terminal 6 resembled a big bus terminal. We waited about an hour for the Lefebvres who few into terminal #7 right next door and hopped onto the Hertz shuttle. We were on our way baby - it was a gorgeous day!

Our assigned car was a Nissan Altima Hybrid - they must have seen tree hugger me coming! Very small trunk, so Cindo and I wedged one suitcase between us. Did I mention all our bags arrived!?! Yay. Plugged in the Garmin and between her and the maps, plus lots of bitching we arrived safely at our motel in Santa Monica.

We decided to walk 10 blocks or so to the beach and pier. Bolder was being crabby - he wanted to see the baseball Allstar game on TV. (BTW - sports news - Paul saw a couple pro football players in LAX? Wondering how he figured out who they were? Uh crush.) We ended up having a nice margarita at the end of the pier which definitely helped.

Then ended up at a very cute place to eat called the Oysterette. We had wine, various seafoods - Paul tried oysters. See photos - the look on his face when he swallowed the oyster makes me fall in love with him all over again!

The motel sent the shuttle to get us later - since we were the only ones on it we talked the driver into stopping by the liquor store (for a nice tip). Amy arrived around 10 on the Super Shuttle from Bob Hope Airport. I konked out about 11 PM which was midnight Iowa time - I'd been up a long time!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Pablo and I attended the Creston Panthers softball game last night. Did I tell you about how I got the girls' team names changed from Pantherettes to Panthers? It was around 15 years ago - and I was fed up with the whole "ettes" thing.

So I wrote letters to the local media and school board, basically saying there is no such thing as a pantherette - a female panther is a panther. The radio sports guy Gary Bucklin had been refusing to call them the "ettes" for a while, so there was some solidarity there. Shortly after that - the school board voted and the name was changed. Yeeha! I got a lot of comments on that letter!

Anyway it was my first chance to see this year's young softball team. They won the conference - undefeated! The pitcher is the wrestling coach's daughter - she goes to Omaha during winters to practice so the level of commitment is there. Only a sophomore with classmates and frosh helping tossing in a couple upper classmen. Only 3 losses all year - they play Winterset Monday night, one of those losses. We watched them win last night against Glenwood 4-1.

I enjoy watching softball - always takes me back to my years playing the game. Atlantic got softball before basketball, so I was playing by my frosh year. I remember the excitement of being awarded that gold JV uniform by coach Jay (okay Mona tells me it's Joel Simms - I didn't consult my Javelin prior to writing this and I'm old) Simms. Plus unlike basketball, in softball we were good right away and competed in our conference - the Hawkeye 8. We even came here to Creston and played at VFW Field where ironically, Amy and Jud played Little League years later.

We had some great players - and our defense was awesome. Very few errors, thanks to the constant drilling by coach. Susan Patterson (they called her parellel cuz she ran parellel to the ground to catch fly balls in center field), Denise Larsen, Tonja something was the catcher - she was a good hitter. Those were the players on the early teams.

Later Marci Merrick (center) - who went on to play at ISU, Sandy Larsen (infield) - who played at Waldorf, Sue Tyler (infield)- not sure if she played elsewhere, Becky Nelson - great stretch at first, Nancy Hoffman, Joan Troll. And others I'm forgetting. Sally Rodgers and Toni Robinson alternated at pitcher - while neither dazzled anyone with speed, both were consistent allowing our defense to do its thing. Plus the players were good hitters.

Notice my name isn't inserted in there. I was a great teammate! And by my senior year I gave it up - to drink beer I'm afraid. I had my big chance - against Harlan at home - the regular center fielder got hurt and in I went. A big pop fly came at me...and I choked. Booting it over the top of my glove.

I'm afraid I never recovered. I still think of that every time I watch softball - the big choke. Plus I was never a strong hitter. I spose in today's era they would have had me pumping iron, but back then I didn't get much help. That assistant coach - don't remember his name - he tried to help. For naught. I was always relieved to walk. I was a pretty good base stealer for a slow white chick though.

Mona Jones, Kristi Davis and I always had a great time on the bus and after games - cruising town with Kristi in her 48 Chevy. Trying to irritate that guy who had flames painted on his Cougar. Stopping at A&W and Lally's or Pizza Hut. It wasn't a bad way for a teenaged gal to spend a summer - kept us out of trouble (mostly!).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

LA Woman

LA woman is gonna have to do. ala the Doors.

It's the weekend before. Before we head to LA, La La Land. City of Angels. Los Angeles. Never been there before. Kinda scared, kinda excited! I've been to San Francisco - granted it was back in 1992 for my cousins wedding, but hey that counts. And I was in San Diego briefly when Bets and I flew in there to take off for our Longaberger cruise of the Mexican Riviera. Again - kinda cheating, but counts.

But never in LA - the proverbial mecca of television and movies. We're hooking up with Cindo and Boldie at LAX, where we've leased a car. Then we're braving the vaunted LA traffic.

Nights 1 and 2 will be spent in Santa Monica - we're checking out all the good stuff around there. Hollywood Walk of Fame, Venice Beach, the Pier. And other stuff I can't think of. Amy is flying in that evening and she plans to surf on Thursday - when Jud flies in. How/where I don't know. I'm not worrying about it. Why? It's my vacation.

Friday is the start of wedding activities. You prolly saw the blog a few days earlier when I explained that niecelet Leslie Patricia Alvillar is getting married to Jordan Lopez in 7/17. Amy is a bridesmaid.

My sisters and aunties and I are hosting a bridal luncheon. Not sure what that entails but am up for finding out. That night is the rehearsal dinner - the groom's fam has been kind enough to invite us to that as well. It's at a country club. The wedding is at 4 on Saturday, so we'll have to come up with activities for Saturday before we leave for that. Jud wants to see Rose Bowl. (We'll be near Pasadena at that point).

I can't wait to see my fam! Tomorrow I need to conquer the packing 'o the suitcase. Monday night I need to buy some white sandals. I need to stay calm - it could be a stressful trip. But memorable!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Boob job N Jersey Boys

I had my repeat mammogram today. That's the first time that's happened to me, but I've known for a couple weeks I had this spot or density issue, and had been telling friends, and I couldn't believe how many women have been through a mammogram "alert" follow up.

I'm one of the lucky ones. The two new shots the tech took satisfied the radiologist. He came in and spoke to me in the room where they do the mammograms. I was waiting to see if I was to report next for an ultrasound. Dr. Kucera said I will need to have special side shots of my rather large (not) breasts from now on when I have my annual checkup.

I was so pleased, when I got home I phoned Hair Tech - the local cosmetology college to see if I could get in for a pedicure. yay - room at 11 a.m. Okay - it wasn't quite like a fancy parlour in Des Moynez. But for $12 it was okay. I took my own polish, the little gal (didn't get her name) brought over a mobile foot bath. She wasn't oriental so I could understand her.

I won't lie - it was a bit of a letdown from last time. That cute guy rubbing sea salt on my feet and legs. But they look okay - for 1/3 the cost. And I knew the two other women in there at the same time so we chatted pleasantly. One of them had been at Jersey Boys yesterday, and she too enjoyed the show. I followed up the pedi with lunch with my honey. A pretty good a.m. all in all.
While I wasn't beside myself with worry these past two weeks, it was in the back of my mind. It's been one of those kinda years. The doc also reminded me that I need to be doing my self exams monthly. I'm lax about that I admit.

On a happier note, I had a great time yesterday afternoon - yes I took time off from trash world. I had lunch with Sharon Higgins and daughter Amanda (she's married and has her own 2 children, lives in DM) at Dos Rios on Court Avenue. We sat outside - weather was lovely and I had a nice margarita. Sure beat work!

Then we sat by the First National Bank group about 16 rows back at the Civic Center for a matinee showing of Jersey Boys - the music of Frankie Valli. It was great! I'd forgotten all the good tunes Frankie and the 4 seasons had put out. I didn't know one of the band members wrote all the songs. The play was the story of the group, and the performers were excellent.

Finished up the good day with book club. I was beat by the end of the day, but sure enjoyed the afternoon and evening.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sun In

The first coloring I ever put in my hair came in a kit and was called Sun In. We got it when we were in college. You mixed this stuff up (it had to be bleach or peroxide) in a plastic tub and painted it on your hair. You were supposed to leave it on 10 minutes or so.

Sun In was for brunettes like me. But Vicki, who had darker hair decided to try it too. Since my hair was so short I didn't use it all. So she used it up. Not a good idea. Her "sunny" areas turned an orangish color. She freaked out!

So for the next week or so, until she could get in to get a hair cut, Vicki was stuck wearing a do rag. Kinda funny! Unless you were Vic.

Which reminds me of a less funny story - the time I met a kid (he shall remain nameless because I can't remember his name, or face really) in the AGR frat house spring of my frosh year of college. So the next week he stopped by to "study". I found out rather quickly he didn't really want to study - he wanted to make out on my bed in my dorm room. (I know - violating the de-sexed vow in the description of this blog)

I was not comfortable with that whole particular turn of events. Hell...I hadn't even been drinking and wasn't feeling particularly romantic. I didn't know the guy. I came up with an excuse and sent him on his way.

Later I was chatting with my girlies and one of them asked, "what's that on your neck?" Shit - my one and only hickey! It was just getting nice out and I was stuck wearing F-ing turtlenecks.

I tried all the supposed remedies to fade it on my pale skin (no Internet then - had to get advice from friends). Rub toothpaste on it. Rub it with a spoon. Nothing worked. It felt like a glowing red eye on my neck. What was that guy doing down there? Glad I had no repeat performances on that - hickeys are gross!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The countdown

is on to the big event. Niece Leslie's wedding. I've written the toast to the happy couple in my head already - alas I don't believe the aunt of the couple gets asked to give a toast.

Here it is Leslie - I know you read this blog every once in a while.

We all have those days in our lives that we remember. Sad ones - like where were you when you heard President Kennedy was shot. And when the Space Shuttle Challenger or 9/11 disaster happened. But there are other things in our lives that were happy occasions that we'll never forget.

Leslie Patricia Alvillar's birthday was one of those days for me. My parents had to wait a LONG time to be grandparents - the Bullock girls did not go forth and multiply very quickly. I had to wait a long time to be an aunt. So July 17, 1984 when Dave Bullock called to say "it's a girl" was a wonderful day in my life! We added a new family member that day.

So here it is July 17 some 26 years later - and we're adding another family member. Jordan Lopez, welcome to our family - and take good care of our baby girl!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Not a memorable 4th

but still fun none the less. I showered, dried my hair and got gussied up (not really) and Paul and I were just ready head downtown to the big 4th of July parade (if you like farm equipment, fire trucks, bicycles and horses) when it began to pour. So we sat and watched the end of a movie we'd seen before, but long ago on TNT.

We were trying to wait out the rain. But the rain was better at waiting than I I did what any good scout would. I broke out the vodka and Paul made us BMs - bloody marys. I texted Bobbie to let her know what was happening. The others we had invited to watch fireworks at our place knew the invited was rescinded if fireworks were canceled.

I slapped a brownie mix together and popped it in the oven (yes, I'm THAT resourceful) and Paul ran to the store for wings. McFees arrived when I was on BM #2, but you'll be glad to know Mr. P (Pablo) didn't make tailgating strength BMs. He actually used a shot glass to measure vodka - so we weren't a hammered when McFees got here. They brought a lovely meat and cheese tray.

I meant to be a better hostess, but we drank more than we ate. I switched to my new face Twisted Tea after the 2 BMs. Bobbie did too. Kimmy wasn't drinking (rough night Saturday). Krissy got there followed by Caleb an hour or so later. Krissy drank some tea too. We had fun reminiscing - until nearly midnight. Paul and I had gotten Scene It out, in case we wanted to play games, but we were having too much time chatting.

So - not the worst 4th ever. We made due. And today I had a nice lunch with my homies - Deb and I picked up subs and Patti, Pat, Deb, Bobbie and I lunched at my place. Kimmy sat in and my roomie (landlady really) Joanie even stopped by briefly with her nieces Syd and Maycie (sp). Again more rain - do we live in a sponge?

Off to DSM tomorrow - Joan is off this week so I'm on my own. It will be a short one though - yeah!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rain rain go away

Right about when the parade was supposed to start, it started pouring here in Creston, Iowa. It takes me back to the year in Ridgeland when we were stuck in the house in that little town, with no running water all Fourth of July weekend.

Of course that was after a few years of good times with our college buddies - camping at the Huston home place in Ridgeland. We'd head, en masse there, stay in a giant f'in tent, drink beer and tube the Apple River some half hour or so away. (There was a cute little bar on the way called Teresa's - a whole 'nother story).

We had a grand time - that first year Mike Huston - the best man at our wedding (we weren't married yet - it was 1980) invited a shitload of folks. I drove from my first job home in Sioux Falls, SD to Albert Lea, MN to meet my friends. Off we went from there, arriving in Ridgeland in the dark.

The next day we became familiar with our surroundings - a rickety old farmhouse with a kitchen and living room and fireplace plus stairs to a second level with a couple bedrooms. Electricity but no running water and no bathrooms. Two seater outhouse and big old barn.

Then there was the huge blue canvas tent set up that held like 15 people. That weekend it was 15 snoring, beer farting people. We sat around the campfire, melting our sneakers getting to know some vet school friends Mike Huston had invited plus the whole Huston clan including Grandpa Russell who lived in town at a rooming house.

Mom and Dad, Clark and Joyce Huston lived in Madison and both worked at Oscar Mayer while raising five nice kids, Mike the eldest, Jeff a year younger, Lori a couple years younger than we are, Kristie was 14 then and Carla 11.

Our group consisted of the usual suspects Vic, Fred, Paul, Moose (it was before the Kay years), Hauser, Catfish (a college friend from the Towers where Paul met Mike, on Baker House) and his lady friend Hotsy Totsy - who proceeded to share too much information about how sex in the weeds was icky...ICK. Jane Ertl and Bob Fitzpatrick, Tom Sullivan - another groomsman of ours and his future wife Allison. Jane Flack was the life of the party one of those first years.

Clark and Joyce brought all the food - lots of good OM meats. We'd have a huge breakfast - eggs, pancakes, bacon etc. They made coffee in an old aluminum coffeepot. Once breakfast was done we'd do the dishes right away - using water boiled on the fire.

Drinking all that beer necessitated using the dreaded outhouse. It was a two seater and had real toilet seats. But it didn't flush, and there was no sink to wash hands. After a day one would really be desiring a shower! Again we'd use the heated water - play beauty parlor and help with each other's hair.

The first year tubing was the finest! I didn't know what to expect. By the time we got there we were already on our way to being toasted. Our cooler was lashed to the tubes. Jane had a bottomless beer - cuz she kept putting it under water and then drinking the pissy river water. Ug. Good fun.

Moose and Steve shot off fireworks my Dad bought for us on Mom and Dad's trek back from Florida. Plus Moose had bought some. The boys wore hard hats. Roman candle fights. Battle ship in the horse tank. We were never quite sure what each "work" would do!

Then came rainy year. No tubing, no golf, no fireworks. We had boardgames and reading in the cabin. And drinking. We'd head outside whenever there was a break of course. And we spent some time in bars. When I got home everything I owned was wet or damp. It was still fun though - cuz I was with my buddies.

The Hustons are great people - I aspire to be like them when I grow up.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Good Saturday

I love sleeping in! If you can call sleeping until 7:30 a.m. sleeping in that is...and waking up next to my honeys is the bestest. (By morning the cat, dog, man and I are all lined up in our queen-sized bed).

After a quick breakfast of two kinds of cereal with blueberries (yes, I'm an admitted cereal mixer), I suited up for a bike ride. Paul was off to the forest to check his cameras for photos of wildlife (or unsuspecting naked people getting frisking in the woods - so for no photos of that..).

Upon riding up the bike trail I came upon three women blocking the path - why it was my friends Patti, Pat and Bobbie. They noticed I was behind them and wondered why I didn't shout out - "I was enjoyed watching your asses," I proclaimed.

Then I cruised on by - but I did hook up with them later at their parking spot. We decided to go for a beverage at Kelly's - to replace all the calories we burned. Can you say self-defeating? haha It was fun hanging with my buddies.

When I got home I sat on the deck and read my most excellent book by Fusilli - a new author I'm on to. Sun for a few minutes - then shade, but it was nice out. Odie started wailing and I was afraid there was a wild critter in the bushes. I finally put her in the house - then Paul flushed the creature. It was only the Stofferahn's damn cat!

After lunch Paul and I started in on a job we've had on the ta-do list for a long time. Painting the front door white. Together we did several layers - he took the hardware off and did the trim. We need to do another coat tomorrow, but guess what - rain is forecast.

Then I was on a roll - did laundry, dusted and vacuumed. Jumped in the shower before church. Post church - a quick run to, you guessed it - Wal Mart. Then home for yum, avocado burgers. It was a full productive day. I loved being home today.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wild and Wacky 4th of July

I've not been too crazy through my 52 years. I grew up during the Iowa ditch weed times you know - Cheech and Chong and all that. Reefer Madness. Lots of my classmates were into pot in high school.

Me I stuck to liquor - which, after I turned 18 was legal. But I did have a hankerin to walk on the wild side. Independence Day after I graduated from HS, a few of my homies and I decided to head to Iowa's vacationland - Okoboji. I'm not naming any others, but their initials are CD, Patti (Trish), RDob and me. DISCLAIMER. My buddies are were not privy to this whole walk on the wild side with me. They were straight laced. (though later Chris and Rob went to the U of I so draw your own conclusions from that choice...)

I decided it was time to try what many of my classmates had. So I hooked up with another mate before our trip. Knowing I was allergic to hemp - from a years ago scratch test at the allergy doc's - puffing on same was prolly a bad idea.

So we drove Patti's VW bug to 'Boji and checked into a new hotel. We broke out the cherry vodka (I know - ewww) and I lit up. I don't even recall much of a buzz. So much for that stuff. We went for pizza - I felt a little warm, and my lips felt large (normal sized for most people, as mine are thin). I was also a bit achy. When we got back we decided to hit the pool. Stripping down, I headed for the bathroom and my friends noted I had a rash on my ass and back.

Great - no buzz, but obviously - the, um product had affected me thanks to my allergy. I felt crappy. What if I got really sick? We decided I should go to the emergency room in Spirit Lake, the nearest town. Chris, I mean CD took me. I was nervous as hell - what was I going to say?

The doc asked me a series of questions - I recall him saying "Have you done anything different or eaten anything new like seafood?" My voice was shaky when I said "No!" Lying my ass off. He told me to take benedryl. Okay experiment over. Guess I'll stick to alcohol.

I felt better the rest of the trip - except my friends called me "Puffer" for my lips, not for my habits. I took it good naturedly as I always do. Okay I punched them and got bitchy but they still liked me.

We ended up at Arnolds Park - the amusement park - quite a ride, the wild mouse, with Robyn in a tube top! The Roof Garden was fun. We had a late swim in the motel pool with some crazy boys who were also staying there. It was a crazy road trip that I'll never forget!

I made the mistake of telling my sisters about my experience way too soon though. Of course Cindy (the black sheep sister) couldn't wait to tell my parents (who had totally fallen for the unknown allergic reaction story) - just to prove goody two shoes Leslie did her share of bad stuff. And now you know too. Just don't call me Puffer!