Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

It's like opening a present. The year 2016 is a gift perched on the table, dressed up in shiny wrapping paper - with ribbons and bows. It's full of opportunity! I'm excited. More than I have been about a new year for a while.
big hair

Let's take a quick look back at 2015. Not a bad year overall. They go by so quickly now - or has it always been that way, and I just didn't notice? Yeah, that was it. Like my 30's...where did they go? I feel like I missed that decade! When I look at photos from the late '80s to the late '90s, ugh. I know why I'd like to forget. Bad hair, glasses. I digress.

The year 2015 - the highlights revolve around our children of course. Jud asked Kara Whited to marry him - which we happily look forward to on April 23, 2016. They seem to enjoy their lives in St. Louis. Amy has settled in with a fella, Corey Park, and the two of them have adopted a puppy named Franklin. The three of them are moving to Pennsylvania in January for Corey's job. You know what. Seeing your kids lead lives where they navigate the ups and downs successfully - that is satisfying! Of course Mom and Dad still like the opportunity to weigh in with our opinions and back pats and hugs when necessary.

Paul and I both feel so rich when it comes to friendships. That doesn't happen easily - both parties must take time to nurture the relationship. Sometimes it might take a lot of work. Other times, you can lose track of someone and then connect again years later - like finding that long lost Benjamin you hid and rediscovered. Joy!

When I went to college I lost track of several of my high school friends. Oh sure I lived with Sally - and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. And Robyn and I kept showing up in each other's lives. Some of the others I'd see at class reunions - and we'd have fun catching up, but then off we'd go to our lives, raising kids or working. When our classmate Theresa Faust passed away right around when we all turned 50, several of us talked and decided we should get together in Omaha. I thought it would be fun, but that would be it.
I swear someone said to act goofy in this shot...homegirls

I was wrong! Thanks to Theresa, what happened was a reconnection with the grown up versions of a bunch of girls I didn't really know how much I loved. Now we seem to find ways to get together at least every couple years if not more often. We text each other frequently to say how important this group is to us. And to talk about funny things like anatomical mushrooms.

Though I don't get to see them as frequently, my college pals are as comfy as old shoes too. I can slip them on easily - like when Behrs and Wilts came to a football game in October. Paul too enjoys his pheasant hunting trips to SoDak with college pals.

Creston homies at the lake
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention our Creston pals - people who have hung with us since the '80s and looked past my bad fashions during those years...We had fun biking with Bobbie and Jeff this summer. Okay, I sat on the deck at the bar and made memories that included beer. It sure was fun though. Paul got to go to Lake of the Ozarks this year with Higgins and McKims while I did the Atlantic Homegirl thing, but I vow to plan my trips better in 2016. We got together with Lents and Weis's a couple times too. Our tailgating peeps, Kevin and Kari went all out this year and we had a great time despite our team's less than stellar play. I enjoyed several get-togethers with my bestie Deb - including a couple concerts and my only kayak outing of the year. There are too many others to mention. I love you all.
Deb and me

We are one of those families who actually like each other! Not everyone does....our Florida trip with my sis Cindo and her son Colby is what gets me through Iowa's winter. We were back in Colorado in May and visited Susi and Jim again in Grand Junction - such good hosts. The Goldsmith Golf Trip to Wisconsin is a perfect time to touch base with Paul's sibs - much better than trying to meet in winter months. We hope to see them soon at our nephew Craig's wedding in Iowa City too.

We loved having our own kids home for Thanksgiving. We had a blast and Franklin the puppy terrorized Odie joyfully! Of course we could pass up ended the year in Colorado again without going to Denver to see our Lamm cousins. And then on to Vail, to the Lefebvres even though the cherubs weren't with us. Our friends the Pottorffs hosted a grand Christmas din din as usual. The Sanders family and Frank are like our real friends too by now - after joining the group for seven whole years!

Yes, the rendition of the year is the sugar-coated version. You don't want to hear about doctor's appointments, job stress or the like. We had all that too. Sometimes I feel like we're in one of those old video games - we're all starships and something is shooting at us. Some of us get hit and knocked down. Some are just injured and keep flying. It can be brutal! My goal is to just keep flying in 2016 and to have fun along the way. I will surround myself with friends and family and be the best person I can be. Of course my very best friend will be by my side. #luckygirl.

Best wishes to you in 2016! We hope to see you. Help us open the present.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Tunes, My Friends

How attached are you to your music? I seem to be quite fond of mine. I can't leave it behind on the hard drive of my old I'm slowly loading into my new one. Tedious, when I'm resorting to putting songs on CDs and then loading them into the new laptop. And, before you say it, yes I know about the Cloud. I'm not quite ready to have someone else hold my music for ransom while they jack up the price. So I continue my old time ways.

Some of my songs and I go way back. Doobie Brothers, Steeley Dan, Eagles - those guys have been singing to me a long time! Some take me right back to when I used to listen to the song. "Black Water" by the Doobies. When I hear that one, I always think of when Joanie Troll used to pick me up for school in the mornings. That song would play on the radio and Candice, Joan and ? who else was in the car...Pam? Chris? would sing along. And smoke cigarettes. (Not me)
We always picked out good music for our Big 4 college parties

Several songs remind me of my Sunnyside lifeguarding days - listening to WOW radio out of Omaha. I was really into rock and roll back then - groups like Kansas that weren't really radio material, thanks to the Deardorff connection. My friend Chris Deardorff's brother Scott had a huge music collection. Face it - the 70's rule when it comes to music. From Elton John to the bands I've already mentioned. Fleetwood Mac, AC/DC, Queen, Al Green, Aerosmith, Al Green, Hall & Oates, Gordon Lightfoot - there are too many to name. My college roomie made listen to "gasp" Barry Manilow. We would borrow Moose and Steve's Stereo for our parties at 230 Campus Avenue during our Junior and Senior years - good tunes!

The 80's weren't all that memorable when it comes to music, yet I came away with a few faves - Springsteen, I've got a great duet by Dolly and Kenny - "Islands in the Stream" love that one, Tina Turner, and more Foreigner. Hey, I got busy getting married and having kids. That era did produce the best dancing song of all time - "Love Shack". I will always remember dancing to that song at the First National Bank Christmas party - it must have been 1987 or so.

Then came the 90's - by now I had joined Columbia House and was getting a cassette a month - yippy! I went through a gospel stage Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant - though I don't have any of those songs on my hard drive now I'm sorry to say. Good stuff. My kids grew up hearing that music and Fleetwood Mac. By the end of the 90's Amy was into music and I kinda liked what she was listening to - Backstreet Boys etc.

I admit it, I like Hip Hop. I am a freak for "Uptown Funk" and other songs like that. Give me Rihanna. My niece Jordan asked Amy if I knew what the lyrics to one of her songs were. Um yes. I just sing along anyway.

Sure, it's taking a while to get my friends, I mean my songs the way I want them in my music library. It's still a work in progress. It's worth it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Big Birthday

My Aunt Jean celebrates her 80th birthday this week. She said it's hard for her to believe she's attained that advanced age. As someone approaching age 60 (in less than 2 years!) I totally get it. Inside my head I'm still the mirror? Ugh, not so much.
A file photo I had on hand - from a few years ago Jean and Bruce

Anyway - hats off and party horn honks for a great aunt who has had a positive impact not only on my life and my sister's lives, but lots of peoples'. Jean was a teacher in the Cherry Creek School district in Denver for  many years - Third Grade. A popular teacher, no doubt. One claim to fame was that she taught one of John Elway's kids, when he was the Broncos quarterback. Big stuff! We loved hearing stories about parent teacher conferences.

I was always jealous of my Denver cousins because they got to see Jeanie and her husband Bruce more often than we Iowa cousins. Luckily, we had the grandparents, so there were lots of visits to Iowa. I have fond memories of Jeanie and me driving around Atlantic with in my grandpa's VW bug.

My sister Cindy credits Jeanie and Bruce for helping her see beyond high school when times  were tough one year. Mom sent her out to Denver to visit them when she wasn't making the best choices. She had a good time, and got her head on right and knew she could handle high school - there was much to life than that. Smart move by our Mom to ship her to Denver to Auntie Jean!

Bruce and Jean stopped at our house in West Des Moines the last time they came back for Jean's AHS class reunion. I hope to see them again soon. Love them!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy National Hot Chocolate Day

As a choc-o-holic, that beverage has always been high on my list of things to consume. My first memory of the delicious liquid is of Mom making us cocoa in a saucepan on the stovetop after an invigorating afternoon of sledding or ice skating.

It was hard to wait for the creamy tan liquid to cool - sometimes I would burn the roof of my mouth, slurping too quickly. If we were lucky, there was a crusty bag of marshmallows in the cupboard to toss into the cocoa.

Somewhere along the line, we discovered Nestle's Quik and as the Bullock girls got olders, we took over our own hot chocolate duties. My mother sighed in relief. (it tasted much better when Mom made it...).
I am grown up now. I drink coffee. Okay it has cream in it. Flavored creamer. Sometimes I have latte. Skinny! Being completely honest, if I didn't have to put on this grown up front all the time - and keep my girlish figure - I'd be drinking my Mom's cocoa.
Young Pat Bullock - graduating from U of I

Friday, December 11, 2015

From the CEO to the custodian

I heard a quote today - about treating everyone the same, from the CEO of a corporation to the custodian. Isn't that what we should all aspire to?

It made me think about the first janitor I ever knew of, the one at Washington Elementary School in my hometown.

I believe his name was Mr. Carstensen, a kindly older gentleman who quietly went about his work around all those crazy kids. Of course to a kid older can mean 40 years of age, but I think he was older than that. We kids all liked him. He was nice!

At Christmas, the big thing was to "pass the hat" for the janitor. All the kids would bring their change in to give to Mr. Carstensen as a Christmas gift. To me it seemed like millions of dollars, but it was something like $90. I was so proud to be a part of giving him that money.

Since that time, I've been fortunate to work places where there were custodians who took pride in their jobs. Men and women who sometimes operated during the night, keeping the place habitable. Or they were there during the day, plying their trade efficiently in the background while the rest of us did what we do.

Hats off to you janitors of the world. I hope you get respect from everyone you work with - and an envelope full of cash

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dumb Ass feeling gratitude

Dumb Ass. That's the name of the game Paul selected at the Christmas gift exchange. It's a trivia game that we ended up playing it the last two nights. If I might brag, I'm quite good at it - surprising the wee ones with the amount of knowledge I possess, mostly due to how much I read. Everyone had their moments though - answering questions you'd never expect them to know.

You may not know this about me but I am not a fan of game playing. It requires concentration - something I am bad at supplying in my off-time. In fact I blurted out a few answers Friday night when it wasn't my turn - simply because I wasn't paying attention. My bad! That made me giggle. That, and the toddy I was drinking. The chatter during the game was priceless. Thank goodness Franklin the wonder puppy settled down and napped during most of the games.

We took a drive to Ames on Friday to show the fam all the updates to their college town. And to show Corey the most beautiful college campus in America. He is a Clemson University grad and was smart enough not to argue. We lunched at Hickory Park of course - after Corey purchased a token ISU t-shirt. Amy had previously gotten a Clemson shirt while visiting that town for a football game (their team is 11-0 woohoo).

Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving at Paul's niece Barb's. Thanks much to the Archers for hosting! We took along Mom's creamy mashed potatoes. Corey and Amy made a pumpkin cheese cake - the peaks of the whipped cream started out like the Rockies but melted and ended up like Iowa terrain according to Corey - but it was still delish. Paul's sisters were there plus bro-in-law Dave and great niece Mandy. It was fun catching up with the Goldsmiths. I heart family.

We had thoughts of going out later but ended up catching more sports on TV (another Cyclone bball victory) plus football. Amy is getting awful sick of football. That's when we broke out the Dumbass trivia game again. Did I mention how much fun it's been to be around these people?
Gathered all together for a group shot - not too bad!

I heard from my sisters on Thanksgiving Day. Susi and husband Jim, like our fam were celebrating with all the children (and grandkids). Cindy entertained 12 at her place and managed not to tear a retina this year. Betso had the clan at her place - arriving from all over Washington state. Love to all of them.

I'm very thankful for all of my family and friends. How rich my life is. #gratitude

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving! This holiday is better than Christmas, in my opinion. Except for the relentless ads pushing us to buy, buy, buy. I know - Christmas has the promise of the birth of the savior. That is a beautiful message for us all. But giving thanks - no matter what religion you are, where you are in your life - how rich, how poor - is a true and pure. Jesus, Allah, Higher Power would approve.

With the passing years I appreciate the little things more each day. I have a tenancy to over-plan. It must be a Pat Bullock thing - because my mother was so organized. In the past I have dreamed up these scenarios, prior to events that have me cooking stuff and the family bonding together over games and crafts. While those things may happen - I now know they must be organic, not forced by Leslie the overplanner.

This year anytime I started down that road...then I remembered that I don't really like to cook. And hey what do you know, wisdom can come with age. I decided to do just the stuff that I'm good at - Mom's scalloped corn and creamy mashed potatoes. For other meals I would get prepared foods that are just as good as anything I might make. Less stress - and there is really no score card for these events. I don't get points for homemade meals. I quieted my inner voice telling me I am a slug for not over-achieving on food.

Paul did a standing prime rib yesterday - for our Christmas with our family. Amy, Corey and Franklin the busy weinie puppy) flew in from Atlanta around noon Wednesday. The four of us headed to Creston - Paul and I, to meet friends for a couple beers. Amy and Corey were there to spend the evening with their friends Stormy and Kyle Wilson. Kara and Jud arrived from St. Louis later that evening. We hadn't seen Bobbie and Jeff for a long time. Donnie managed to stop down on his way to Fareway (he was convinced that Diana thought the line at the store was really long). Patti stopped in for a drink too. On our way out the door we saw the Millers - Dan and Denise. Fun to see those two! We pledged to have a party together.

Back in the big city, Jud and Kara went out for supper at Jethros with friends. Then they were on Frankie duty. They did a super job taking care of the little guy - he was wound up but imitated Odie with outside duties quite well. When he crashed for the night (with them), he was down for the count.
Installing the TV

Thanksgiving day was grand. A whole day of hanging with the group. Paul and I had broken down an purchased a monster sized television. Like my parents before me, TV is a big part of our lives - especially when it comes to sports. We've been talking about upgrading for a while and our friend Moose put us over the top. He's a techno-gook and Best Buy expert. I was a little afraid that the TV would take over the room due to the size, but with Paul's engineering and the help of strong arms, the thing is mounted and is awesome. Game on! Kara and I worked on kitchen duties during the installation.

My fave part of the day was just listening to the conversations between all of the people. It's the first time both couples have been with us. We were able to share some family lore. I especially love the story of the pie maker at Marczyk's gourmet grocery store. Marczyk's was Amy's first job in Denver. One year when she worked there, the pie-maker went nuts, partying it up (on video at the store with strippers no less) at Thanksgiving and blew off making the pies. So everyone had to pitch in, including the storeowner's mother to get the pies done. Kara told us the story of a visit by a high school friend - one of those people who has no social skills. Little did she know when she accepted his invite to get together. You know the type - it's all about them, and they never ask about your lives...
Franklin finally sleeps

We did our Christmas gift exchange. The type where everyone brings a gift and then one picks and the next can take it. I ended up with a sweet water bottle. More later! So fun.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Snot Gloves

As I headed into the REI Store today my nose dripped. I was tempted to wipe it with my nice soft gloves. Turning them into - snot gloves. That phrase always brings back memories of college.

Wind up the way back machine - I'm off!

College is about many things. I'm sure that online are very valuable and can lead to very rewarding careers. And commuting to and from college to get one's degree is perfectly acceptable and in many cases necessary.

Call me old fashioned - I think if one can attend college and live there, right on campus, that's the way to go. In my opinion the college experience and the lifestyle are essential aspects of higher education. They certainly were for me.

I grew up in a household of all girls. Though we had bodily functions at our house, let's just say my Mom kept a pretty tight lid on things. My god she had made up names (from her side of the fam?) for all of the "unmentionable" body parts. Skows, pudgy, tinkler and fanny. I think you can figure it out.

So it took going to college for me to actually get to know guys as close friends - in all their male grossness. The two fellas I got to know the best were Steve Hauser and Steve (Moose) Wilt. Those two taught me the term snot glove - a phrase that would have never been bantered about in the early upbringing days of the Bullock girls. Oh, our woolen mittens had lots of snot on them - we just didn't talk about it.

Of course not too long after I learned about snot gloves, while on a ski trip Paul Goldsmith showed me the not-so-delightful farmer's "nose-blow right onto the ground". OMG! (at that point I didn't know I'd marry the guy someday). My father sold lingerie and was never caught without a handkerchief! Paul's family farmed. Digging for a hankie with dirty, greasy hands wasn't an option.

Can one learn all of these delightful bodily fluid related things outside of a four year institution of higher learner. Hell yes! Lots of places. There were many other things about college life that were part of my education - sharing my life 24/7 with others gaining their degrees.

Just a short story with an opinion - helping explain the somewhat warped, sarcastic and goofy person I am today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Typhoid Mary

I've been sick. Yeah. The urpy, can't decide which end of you needs to use the pot more kind. It wasn't pretty. Fortunately that part of the illness didn't last long. Then came the stomach pain, aches and pains. Next - a migraine of course.

I missed the last Cyclone game of the season - most importantly a chance to hang with my cloney friends on another gorgeous fall day. I was so bummed. The game was a good one - with my pesky Clones hanging in there until the very end. Damn those last three minutes (and not being able to stop the Cowboys on third and long). But I was sick enough to know I was smart not to be in Ames. Port-O-Potty and diarrhea? I don't think so. Those things are bad enough as it is...even when you get serenaded by the marching band when you exit.

I though I'd turn the corner on Sunday - but I couldn't rustle up any kind of appetite and then the migraine just wouldn't leave - so I spent much of that day in bed. What a wasted day. I was sure I'd be ready to go to work Monday - got up and was ready to head out the door when I realized that my knees were shaky. I decided it was a bad idea to head downtown on no fuel - and my stomach was still not up to par. I worked remotely part of the day.

Paul woke up sick this morning. Just call me Typhoid Mary. Luckily he just has the body aches, upset tummy - no projectile vomiting or anything dramatic.

At work I noticed that I tried to stay away from others - afraid I'd germinate (yes I do know I am not using this word right) them. Well you know what I mean. I have one of my busiest weeks of the year right now. Those consultants I worked with today didn't rush up and hug me. I don't blame them!

There's nothing like feeling better after an illness. It makes me think about all those people who are going through illness or are battling cancer like a couple friends I know. I can't wait until you have this feeling my friends. I'm thinking of you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bolder has been gone three years

May 2011 In his beloved Cutter and Buck windbreaker from Dad

Sometimes it's an east coast accent that reminds me of him. Or a voice - yelling out (he was a loud guy mostly). Nobody quite has the mumble down though - he was a mumbler when he drank scotch.

When I see a homeless person looking for change, I always remember my favorite Bolder story. I know, it sounds kinda crass - but hey, it's Boldie.

We were in Portland, OR after a fabulous trip with our whole family in Cannon Beach. We decided to do a little shopping before finding a place to eat and an older woman with funny eyes leaning up against a building hit us up for change. We walked on by and headed into a West Elm store, but the guilt bug got to Amy and she went back and gave her a $5 bill.
Summer 2012 in Cannon Beach

Later that night while we enjoyed a beverage, Bolder had to give  Amy some Uncle-like crap. Cindo and he were quite close to her as she spent a winter living with them right after she graduated from college. He said he thought it was stupid to give homeless people money - like that lady. "Amy - she probably went home to her mansion with her lazy eye and her lazy susan" he said. We all busted out laughing. Only Boldie could come up with something like that.

He's been gone three years now. We're still mad at him for dying on us like that - leaving my sister Cindy alone when she should be enjoying life with a loving, lovable knucklehead partner like him. I'm so glad Jud's fiance Kara got to meet him. I wish Amy's bf Corey would have been able to. There is really nobody quite like him. Bolder and Cindy's son Colby is quite a character in his own right, though. Bolder in making? Hmm Still, hard to believe it's been three years since I've seen his smiling face and heard him tell me emotional things (he was very emo).

Man I miss him.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dad's apple, Jackson Browne

It's hard to break old habits. I was brought up in a house where my father commented on looks and bodies. It was his business after all - he sold lady's underwear! "Hmm...that fanny looks like a size 5" I can just picture thoughts like this going through his head. When he was older, he had no filter - a woman would walk by and he'd blurt out - "her rear-end is wider than two axe handles!" A bit too loudly! Or, "that chick is sure tall like her daddy!"

He came by it naturally. His father, my grandpa Wally (we called him Bubba) used to keep watch over my weight while I was in college. "How much you weigh now, honey?" he'd ask while I was on break from ISU. Yep, I get it Bubba, I'm eating a too much pizza and drinking lots of beer.

So I've had a tenancy to notice bodies. I'm the apple that didn't fall too far. I hope I'm better at not blurting out comments than the men in my family. Our fam isn't alone. People in our country are body obsessed. The craziest thing to me is how openly folks feel they can comment about other people's bodies.

I thought of this today when I went through the check out line at the supermarket. The young woman bagging the groceries was tiny! She was so petite that I watched to make sure she could load the heavy cloth bags into the cart. Then I thought - I bet she gets all sorts of comments on her size throughout the day. Old guys (like my dad) saying, "You're a pip of a girl, aren't you?" I'm sure it gets old! I told her "good job!" and left it at that.

Let's stop bugging people about how they look (in person and the coward's method - online) and concentrate on what is inside. I need to do better at this - and want to constantly remind myself to compliment others more. I'm not good at it. I often think compliments and then don't verbalize them. Dumb, I know. Maybe I should put a string on my finger as a reminder...

Okay, rant over.

Paul and I had fun last night - we tried out a new restaurant (Eatery A) and attended the Jackson Browne concert. The restaurant is owned by the folks who operate Alba - a fave of ours in the East Village. This one is on 29th and Ingersoll. Paul wasn't ready to try Pork Cheeks, so we went with oven fired pizza - chorizo, pineapple and jelly. We also had a baked endive salad. It was loud in there - cool place though.

We headed over to Hoyt Sherman for the concert and ran into some former workmates of Paul's. Sometimes DSM seems like a small town. Jackson Brown was really good and his music is so timeless! The last time I saw him was 1977 or '78 at Hilton Coliseum. He's put out a lot of music since then. The man is quite an environmentalist and is an advocate for those less fortunate than himself. His music reflects as much. My favorites were from the past though - reminiscent of that first concert I saw all those years ago in the '70s - "Runnin' On Empty". The place started rocking when they played that song.

I had a great birthday week and feel so thankful to be 58. Last year wasn't my best - I felt awful, was diagnosed with Graves Disease, had a very painful frozen shoulder and later broke my other shoulder. Ugh. I'm looking for better things this year. All of your greetings, cards and flowers from my cherubs and beloved help!

It's starting out well. My doc's office called to report that my most recent blood work shows me to be in remission. That means I don't have to take the thyroid blocking medication for Graves right now. Do I feel perfect? Nope, but I'm doing just fine. Woohoo!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ain't no friends like longtime friends

I know, longtime no write. I've got no excuses. But here I am again, laptop at the ready. I can't stay away too long!

Last weekend our college pals came to visit for a football game- an activity that has bonded us through the years. Yep, crappy ISU football. (I'm thinking of the 90's) But this team had a surprise for us!
I finally bought a scarf - now this fashion will be over

I've known these peeps nearly forty years. Crazy thinking about it that way. I met Vicki my first week of college at ISU. I was sitting in my room trying to figure out how to survive week 1 as an introverted college coed when she popped into my room. Vicki wanted to know if I wanted to walk over to the ticket office at the football stadium (then nearly brand-spanking new) to purchase season tickets to attend Cyclone games. The team was pretty darn good in 1976.

We didn't really get to know Jane until later that fall. After meals we began to plan ping pong on our dorm floor. Vic and I would go up against Sal and Jane. Soon our friendship went beyond mere pong and Sal was rooming with Jane. We were fast friends sharing everything - all through four years of school. Sal couldn't come - she's recovering from surgery at her home in Portland. Sending good thought's to our pal Sally!

I met Vic's boyfriend Fred later that year. I'm not sure she knew he was "the one" our frosh year, but the rest of us always liked him. She did okay sticking with that boy.

When Vic, Sal, Jane and I returned for our sophomore year, we signed up for intramural football. Well, not Vicki. She's more of the sit on the sidelines and yell encouragement type. Our Resident Assistant lined us up with a couple coaches from another dorm floor. That is when we met Moose and Steve - they've been coaching me ever since!

Notice Paul hasn't been mentioned yet? It's true. Of all the people I was with all weekend, Paul was one of the later ones I met. Worth waiting for! Moose's real name is Steve - but even now, when he's 58, I can't make myself call him that - unless we're in some serious situation like in front of his parents or at his wedding - stuff like that. Paul actually met Moose's wife Kay early in college - so our group is a bit intermingled. Steve married another ISU grad, but Annie is younger so we didn't know her during our school years. They were tailgating with some other friends so we didn't get to see them for long, but we did enjoy talking to them.

It had been several years since the gang came to a game. Everyone arrived about the same time - around 2:30 pm Saturday for a 6 pm game. It was fairly nice out after a rainy morning. We got together at the usual spot - our friends Kari and Kevin's trailer. It's been a nifty rig all season - just a little trailer with a tent and generator. Tables, chair and other gear are neatly stored in there (thanks to Kevin's photo showing how it all fits - stapled right to the door - he's an engineer, he can't help himself). Don and Diana were there with lil sandwiches. Kari and I made soup. Beer was cold!

Hugging and catching up are priceless. These people are like family - we know each others' stuff. I wanted to bottle the moment. Tailgating again with our friends. I thought of all the times we'd done this in the past. As young adults, with young kids - tailgating very near where we were that day - parking was $5. Wilts brought their daughter Jaime and bf Mike both Minnesota grads. It was fun hanging out with Jaime all growed up. Jane's sister Susan and husband Denny came over to see everyone too - we've know that girl since she was in high school.
Who was Paul texting?

We all sat together in Section L - watching a classic Cyclone victory, a shutout over Texas. When the win became evident, Paul Goldsmith offered to buy season tickets for our friends because they are obviously good luck! (just kidding) we can't afford that...
We did share a few wineskin drinks, and a pint of Fireball - but they were mostly happy drinks instead of sorrowful, which was unusual for a Cyclone fan. WooHoo!

It was a late night for this old girl by the time we got back to our place, Odie greeted everyone and gave the nickel tour of our house. Jane came over the next day for brunch and we drove over to her new house in Waukee that morning. All too soon it was time for Behrs and Wilts to take off. I missed having the kids with us! Shout out to Kelli, Amy, Jud, Lauren and Alyssa. (we did see Jaime) Love you guys.
Jane, Vicki, me, Kay
Paul, Moose (Steve), Fred

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Port-O-Potty Surprise

The Iowa State football team is less than stellar this year, disappointing fans fresh off another good basketball season. Cyclone fans are a loyal bunch sticking with teams through thick and thin. It's been mostly thin for football lately. Still, we do love to tailgate.

Last Saturday was a lovely day. Iowans have been blessed with great fall weather after a rainy summer. We arrived in Ames after noon for a 6 p.m. game with #3 Texas Christian University. The hits just keep on coming for our team. Couldn't we play Kansas again?

Our tailgating pals the Ereckes had set up the rig in the RV section the night before. Slick! Walking tacos were on the menu. McKims couldn't make the game - a little family thing. Don's folks were celebrating 60 years of marriage. Yep, I'd opt for that over a football game any day. Congrats to Margaret and Fred! Loved the photos of them dancing while at Don and Diana's lake place.
Margaret and Fred - great role models for us youngsters

Since Paul and I had arrived early, we had time to wander around a bit and visit on of our fave guys - Cy. He smiles season after season. Guess it's because he's set in bronze.

The tailgating rig was perched next to one of Kevin Erecke's workmate's group. They are a fun young group to watch and they seem to love sharing with us - yummy ribs that weekend. Our friends stopped by to see us. Always love hanging out with Dwight and Marilyn Conover who discovered Kevin's college friend occupies Dwight's old bank office near Marshalltown. Iowa Nice! A group of Paul's work friends stopped by and it was fun to chat with them too. Tailgating is just like a lil neighborhood. 

I especially enjoy spending time with my friend Kari who is having some health issues right now - she needs your healing thoughts and prayers ya'll. Kevin and Kari are great people and we sure have enjoyed getting to know them - via McKims and this tailgating community.

After a couple hours of tailgating and a couple beers, that time came - I needed to use the port-o-potty. Ugh. There was a group of three not far from our setup, so I headed that way. I don't know about you - but inside one of those things I tend to avoid looking anywhere. I remember thinking that I'd round up a wet wipe for my hands once I went back.

I opened up the door to...the ISU Varsity Marching Band! A group of about 12 wandering minstrels and a director were awaiting my exciting from the vile little box. I wish I had a photo of the look on my face when I spied them! They broke into the ISU Fight Song. I did what you'd expect. Took a selfie and sang along.

Despite the eventual outcome of the game (we hung with the Horned Frogs for a half but the dam broke and were our usual inept selves in the second half), I chuckled about the band the rest of the weekend. And basked in the joy of another wonderful tailgating experience. I can't wait for the next game when my college buddies visit! I hope Mother Nature provides another great day. If not...we'll have fun anyway - we are Cyclone Nation!

On Sunday my wonderful friend Deb came up for the Mary Chapin Carpenter concert at Hoyt Sherman Place in DSM. We went out to eat first - and were so busy catching up that we were nearly late to the show. Our friend Mary Faber introduced both of us to this wonderful singer back in the '90s and we've loved her ever since. She sang several of our faves like "This Old Shirt" -which took me back to my days as a young mother at our first home in Creston. Ahh, good memories.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Leaf my imagination alone

Before Dutch Elm disease wiped out the trees lining Crombie Street in Atlantic, we spent lots of time raking each fall. (or Harley Baxter, our neighbor from across the street who did our yard work did).

We had fun with the leaves before they were burned or bagged for the trash. Of course we know now that's not good for environment. It's so wrong, but the smell of burning leaves takes me back to that time. You'd think burning something organic would be okay...but it puts bad stuff into the air, polluting it. Burning can be especially hard on people who have lung problems like asthma. But we didn't know that then...

Maybe Harley took our leaves over to his little backyard farm for organic material. Yeah! We'll go with that for now. Anyway...I digress.

When Mom would send us out to rake leaves, of course we didn't just do the job. Oh, no. It had to end up being so much more than that.

I was usually hanging with my sisters and maybe a stray Reinertson - our next door neighbors. Laurie Reinertson and I grew up thick as thieves. We'd rake the leaves into piles and jump into them! Next we'd rake them into shapes on the ground - like walls for horse stalls. Then with jump ropes we'd take turns being horses and riders. The horse would have the rope around her waist and the rider would steer her around. Great care was taken to choose the horse's name and what she looked like. "I'm black with white stockings and a star on my head." "My name is Star!" I loved being a black horse. (sheep?)

We likely made a bigger mess out of the leaves than they were before we started. But my Mom's true mission was to wear us out. Mission accomplished. This black horse never had trouble sleeping.
Not the Bullock yard (2014 photo)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Give your battle cry

Rob and me in Oregon - August 2015
When I was a kid, the fabulous Atlantic Trojan cheerleaders (including my pal Robbie Dob) had a cheer that I loved.

It called for each high school class to stand and represent  - and it went like this:

"Freshmen, freshmen don't be shy, stand and give your battle cry" and the frosh would stand and yell
V I C T O R Y (spelling the word) that's the Freshman battle cry!
and on through the classes. Of course the seniors rocked it the best.
That cheer really brought out my school spirit.

Yoga brings out my spirit too.

At Yoga this week we were asked to thank our bodies - first our legs and then our arms and so on. We were reminded that even though it may not be perfect, this is the only body each of us is going to have.

As the spiritual music played and I moved through a series of yoga poses, I pondered this fact. My body is a warrior! That thought made me feel quite emotional. I held it together though - I was bending like a pretzel - no time for blubbering!

It's been through a lot, my body. In my early years not so much. I was fortunate enough to be a fairly healthy person. The event of childbirth did take a toll - growing and nurturing three precious bundles, especially when two are over nine pounds of wonderful. More recently, a few health issues have put some dents and dings on the chassis and under the hood. Still, these things are nothing like others have dealt with. I feel fortunate.

Yoga helps me be mindful of many things. I might not be super flexible, but that's okay. I'm working on it! I also hope to build strength and balance. I'm trying to do better at concentration - to keep my mind from wandering away from the task at hand.

Someday I'll get it - and this body and I will shout out a battle cry. (Is there one for nearly 58 year olds?)
Isn't life grand?

August - Rockaway Beach, Oregon

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Monday's Child is Fair of Face

October 14th was daughter Amy's birthday. She's 30. She was born on a Monday - 30 years ago. It's hard for me to get my mind around it. I've loved every minute of being a mommy. Her mommy.That's what she still calls me. Mommy. My fair faced daughter is the best. The boy kid is pretty special too.
from our last trip to STL

Last weekend Paul, Odie and I visited Atlanta (where Amy lives) via St. Louis (where Jud lives). We loved seeing the cherubs and their honeys. Last Thursday night was the first time we saw Jud and Kara after their recent engagement. It was fun to hear the engagement story.

Jud asked Kara to go on a hike a couple Wednesdays ago. He has a terrible poker face and couldn't keep from grinning, and she's no dummy. She had an inkling he was going to pop the question. She'd even told her mom and a couple close friends as much...until her mom really fooled her by asking how he'd do that without the family ring. He needed to get that from them she said. Hint - he really already had it. Jud may not be the most romantic fella but he did a great job of picking a partner and asking her to walk through this world with him. Smile! We ate pizza outside on a lovely evening in STL.

We took off early Friday for Atlanta. It was a beautiful drive through Nashville on south along the Smoky Mountains. I saw signs for Ruby Falls - a place my mother took the four Bullock girls when I was a kid. Though I would have liked to stop at that tourist trap - we forged ahead. Odie was excited to see her Sissie! We arrived in the Atlantic Station section of Atlanta about 4 p.m. I finally got to hug my baby girl. She and Paul then unloaded the brand new desk made by love for her 30th birthday by her daddy.

Amy & Corey
Amy and Corey live in a cute apartment complex with a big pool and exercise and clubhouse area. Odie got to hang out there while we went out to eat at a yummy burger joint. Corey drove us there like the Mario Andretti of Honda Fits - Atlanta traffic is something else.

Paul and I stayed in a hotel near Amy's apartment, on the campus of Georgia Tech University. On Saturday morning we walked around the football stadium and other campus buildings. Then Mario, I mean Corey and Amy picked us up to go to the NCAA Football Museum. I was expecting a somewhat interesting place with things in cases - old footballs and uniforms. Wrong! It was high tech and very cool and interactive. The friendly greeter there wanted to make sure I (the little missus) had fun. Little did he know that I'm a huge football fan. I'd recommend the place for anyone who likes the game.

NCAA Museum
That afternoon Corey and Paul watched Clemson at a bar whilst Amy and I shopped a bit - it was her birthday week after all! Mommas gotta buy her baby some stuff. It's a good thing Corey's team is doing well because ours sure can't get anything going. That night we hit an interesting barbecue restaurant. Once we got our food, we ate standing up in a covered outdoor carport. Those ribs were good. We stopped for ice cream on our way back - in an interesting little area not too far from our hotel.
In Olympic Park with my girl

The trip home got a little long - we ended up staying in a hotel just south of the Iowa border. We didn't want to dodge deer at midnight in southern Iowa. Odie didn't mind another night on the road. We must be getting old - better safe than sorry won out over cheap! Ooh we love those kids.
Amy with her new desk

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jud Bud is getting married

And I nearly exploded holding the news in for two whole days! But I survived until last Friday when Jud and Kara announced their engagement. Woohoo! We're having a wedding, and better yet, Kara is officially joining our fam.
Early dating pic

I spoke to my son a couple weeks ago and he told me the time was near - he was going to ask Kara to marry him. I must admit I got a bit choked up when we talked about it. As we spoke, I marveled at what a wonderful person he has grown up to be. (I admit it, I'm as biased as one can get.)
 2011 pic

Jud wasn't always an easy to parent. And I sometimes questioned my own parenting skills when I didn't handle his behavior according to parenting manuals. At least I never saw anything in Dr. Spock about locking one's self in the bathroom in order to prevent one's self from harming the children. Even when they pounded on the door yelling, "let us in!" I was adamant. "You don't want in here right now!" Still, they turned out pretty darn good. And now, Jud's getting hitched!
2011 graduation at ISU

I can't wait to talk to Kara on Thursday when we travel to St. Louis to hear the story of Jud's proposal. He asked Kara's parents permission to marry their daughter recently when they visited St. Louis. Kara was in the shower. Sneaky! He had told me during our phone call that last Wednesday was the night for the proposal. I kept my eye on the phone that night. During my Yoga class I was the picture of concentration. Right. I did breath to: "Jud Kara peace and love"
September 2015

During the drive home from yoga I got the text from Jud with a couple pics. "We're Engaged!" I pulled into the garage and hugged Paul. We were so happy. But we couldn't tell anyone. Amy knew too - so there was that. Gag order! Amy and I were dying - we hate being muffled.

I solved it by telling a few work people - heck, they don't know Jud. Safe, right. That helped. A girl has to share good news. Jud gave Kara a Whited family ring, but they want to get the diamond put into a setting Kara has selected. That's going to take a while. I thought I was going to have to wait a whole nother week to tell even my sisters - but on Friday they relented and announced it on Facebook. Yay! My sis Betso was quick on the draw texting right away. But I heard from all of them in short order. Love my sissies.

Now it's on to wedding planning. The good news is that Kara is good at this stuff, and her mom Renee has been through this twice with her two sons in the past two years. Jud and Kara are already searching for a venue in St. Louis for next spring. They are planning on a fairly small wedding - though they both have pretty big extended fams. This is gonna be fun!  

She said yes!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Perfect Iowa nice weekend

My new self has learned to enjoy the little things. That's what this weekend was about.

We started with sticker shock on Friday afternoon - we met with a remodeling company who presented us with our dream master bath remodel. The price was nearly as much as our first house! Gulp. I think we'll need to take a piecemeal approach. To the contractor's credit, he did give us everything we'd mentioned and built in a bunch of extra $ for top of the line. We told him we'd talk it over...and we needed a drink.

Good thing I'd made plans for us to meet with my longtime pal Jane and her friends Barb and Julie right down the street from our remodeler at Irena's, a Russian joint. We caught up with Jane who is moving - how exciting, and a bit scary. She's lived in her present home for many years, raising her 4 great kids there. Paul and I can understand her mixed emotions about leaving the place behind.

We felt the same way both times we moved from homes we lived in when raising kids. Our first Creston house will always be dear in my heart. We bought it when we moved to town and Amy was only one. Then Jud and Patrick were born while we lived there.

Our second home was my dream house - a perfect location and neighborhood with great neighbors who we are still friends with today. It was hard to move away - not only from the house, but from the 'hood! When Jane leaves her house, it will actually go a step further. The building will be demolished to make way for more progress in the Waukee area. Man how that town has grown in the past ten years.

I'm happy for Jane! Though I miss my former homes, I love my new home and way of life. I think she will too.
From near the Iowa State Capitol Building #gladididnthavetocarrythepies

Saturday was a day the where the weather gods smiled on Iowa. I wanted to get some steps in for Live Healthy Iowa - so we parked a little farther away from downtown for the Farmer's Market. Later, Paul headed south to put up tree stands. Guess what time of year it is? I headed to the Urbandale Library - where I discovered this hidden gem of a park.
It was so beautiful - a fountain, sculptures and a creek
Later that afternoon, we took off for a farm north of Panora, owned by Kevin one of Paul's friends from work. He'd invited us to a cookout. I was glad we had those yummy Amish pies to share because there was a lot of other delish food to go with the gorgeous autumn rural Iowa scenery.

There was a live band later that night - the son of a guy Paul worked with in Creston many years ago. We watched as the nearly full moon rose over the wetland. It was a great night.
the trail was wooded

Sunday was biker chick day. Instead of north, we went south - to the Great Western Trail. We parked in Orilla, Iowa. Where, you ask. That's because Orilla is but a dot on the road with two bike bars! He biked down to Cumming and back, arriving in time to get a nice Pork Tenderloin at the Rusty Spoke.

On Sunday night Paul and I kept running out on the deck to check out the moon - first the eclipse and then the reddish color. What a wonderful end to a perfect Iowa weekend.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


It's a yoga term that means: "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you"
When I was a teen, my friend Mona Jones took me to the old rock quarry outside of Atlantic to swim. It was a deep clear pond that had a diving board. Yep a real board someone had rigged - way up high. And it didn't stick out far enough so you could just drop off it into the water. You had to run and leap.
I stood on that board a long time. And then I made my approach several times before I finally leaped. And I screamed. But I finally did it! Man that water was cold. And deep thank God. I took the plunge.
I approach many things in life like that diving board. I'm not a quick jumper and find many excuses not to jump. I might hit the dirt! The water will be cold. I think I hear my mom calling...
But when it comes down to it, life is meant to be lived. I don't want to spend my life sitting in the chair blogging about nothing. I want to regain my physical strength so I've been eyeing classes in various local publications to see what might help me do that besides the biking and walking I do on my own.
So I took a big leap and signed up for Gentle Flow Yoga. When I put my credit card number in and paid the fee I knew I was locked in. I'm too cheap to chicken out altogether. I was nervous all day yesterday - the first class was at 6:15 p.m. What if the new yoga mat I'd purchased wasn't cool? What should I wear? I knew where the school was but didn't know my way around it. Ugh. I asked Paul to reassure me and he said something like "suck it up buttercup".
I got there fairly early (thanks Dave B.) and staked out a spot. My outfit and mat were fine. I even broke out of my introverted self and introduced myself to Justine and Barb (so proud - I made a special effort to remember their names as I usually suck at that).
Gayle Vattese is the instructor for the class of about 20 women. We plunged right in and I just watched and imitated others to know what to do as Gayle coached and instructed. We concentrated on breathing - filling our lungs more fully than perhaps we'd done all day, and were thankful for it. It was quite spiritual - yet Gayle through in some smartass humor too. My kind of gal! She'd say something like, "press your ten fingers into the mat...eleven if you're lucky."
Man did we stretch! My stiff body didn't appreciate it, but it will learn. I tried not to let my mind race ahead to other topics, as it tends to. "What should I eat when I get home?" "Oh, I need to remember my laptop in the morning" Stuff like that. But I wasn't all that successful. I will work to do better.  OOOhhhmmm. Downward dog baby. I can't wait for next week.
Paul and I peddled into the High Trestle Bridge from Madrid last Sunday - a gorgeous Iowa fall day! My shoulder is feeling good and the beer was cold after our ride.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Peddling for beer in Des Moines - a small city

Early in the week Paul texted me to see if I was up for a social event. A group from his work was organizing to rent on of those beer peddling carts downtown. They needed at least twelve people. Were we in? The weather didn't look promising as I scanned the Internet, but what the heck. It sounded like fun! We were in.

On Friday night we met the group at the High Life Lounge. It had rained most of the afternoon and we drove downtown in torrential rain. But things were looking up - it was only sprinkling as we walked into the retro bar decorated with old beer signs reminiscent of the White Rose in Atlantic. Some of the people with us drank PBR, but I couldn't bring myself to step back into the world of bad beer. I went with a wheat ale. Snobby, no?

The USDA State Conservationist for Iowa retired a few months ago, so they've had a fellow here "acting" for a few months until they hire a permanent replacement. Rick is from New Hampshire where he is the State Con. The Iowa staff is determined to show him "Iowa nice". He's getting the full Iowa in my opinion - having experienced the ISU vs. Iowa game last weekend including the Tip Top bar in Ames.

We were surprised at the bar by running in to several people we knew. I know - it's Des Moines. We should expect to see people we know. First were John and Jacque Coen - a couple we've known for 10+ years when we worked with them prior to their marriage at Holy Spirit in Creston. We watched John as a young kid growing up too - St. Malachy student leading the way for Amy and Jud. They too were taking a beer bike thingy with their friends.

Then we saw Amy's college roomies Rachelle and Jenna. It's always fun to run into them and say hi and talk about our mutual loved one, our daughter Amy. I'd just spoken to her before heading into the bar - she was awaiting a flight back to Atlanta from Denver where she mixed work and fun. Rachelle and Jenna are great friends and I'm glad they've stayed in contact.

At 7 pm were were off and peddling with DJ (or BJ - he mumbled) our driver. Five people on each side peddle, a few just sit there and the driver steers and brakes for traffic. It was still misting so I was glad I had on my visor and jacket to start! We didn't go far, but it was quite enough peddling - especially when we went up hills and were chasing the unit the Coens were in. #oldstersnearlycaughtthem
view from non-peddling end seat

There were shots at a couple of the stops. Monster and cinnamon whiskey. Probably why we are starting a bit slow today. I finally got to hit AJ's on Court - where they were doing karaoke. I missed Diana McKim as I'm always her backup singer. We did catch up with Coens at our last stop, Hessen Haus, before returning the bike thingy to the garage. At that stop, Rick drank a boot of beer with the help of his friends.
Outside my sister Cindy's fave bar Locust Tap

outside of Hessen Haus with John and Jacque Coen

I enjoyed talking to Paul's co-workers and spouses about things other than work! This a lot of fun and believe I'd like to do it again sometime. Unlike other states, Iowa open container laws don't allow drinking on board the bus, but the stops were frequent enough that we didn't really miss it. I starting drinking water during the last part of the evening so that I could be the driver for the trip back to West DM and we arrived safely. On to the rest of the weekend!