Saturday, November 28, 2015

Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving! This holiday is better than Christmas, in my opinion. Except for the relentless ads pushing us to buy, buy, buy. I know - Christmas has the promise of the birth of the savior. That is a beautiful message for us all. But giving thanks - no matter what religion you are, where you are in your life - how rich, how poor - is a true and pure. Jesus, Allah, Higher Power would approve.

With the passing years I appreciate the little things more each day. I have a tenancy to over-plan. It must be a Pat Bullock thing - because my mother was so organized. In the past I have dreamed up these scenarios, prior to events that have me cooking stuff and the family bonding together over games and crafts. While those things may happen - I now know they must be organic, not forced by Leslie the overplanner.

This year anytime I started down that road...then I remembered that I don't really like to cook. And hey what do you know, wisdom can come with age. I decided to do just the stuff that I'm good at - Mom's scalloped corn and creamy mashed potatoes. For other meals I would get prepared foods that are just as good as anything I might make. Less stress - and there is really no score card for these events. I don't get points for homemade meals. I quieted my inner voice telling me I am a slug for not over-achieving on food.

Paul did a standing prime rib yesterday - for our Christmas with our family. Amy, Corey and Franklin the busy weinie puppy) flew in from Atlanta around noon Wednesday. The four of us headed to Creston - Paul and I, to meet friends for a couple beers. Amy and Corey were there to spend the evening with their friends Stormy and Kyle Wilson. Kara and Jud arrived from St. Louis later that evening. We hadn't seen Bobbie and Jeff for a long time. Donnie managed to stop down on his way to Fareway (he was convinced that Diana thought the line at the store was really long). Patti stopped in for a drink too. On our way out the door we saw the Millers - Dan and Denise. Fun to see those two! We pledged to have a party together.

Back in the big city, Jud and Kara went out for supper at Jethros with friends. Then they were on Frankie duty. They did a super job taking care of the little guy - he was wound up but imitated Odie with outside duties quite well. When he crashed for the night (with them), he was down for the count.
Installing the TV

Thanksgiving day was grand. A whole day of hanging with the group. Paul and I had broken down an purchased a monster sized television. Like my parents before me, TV is a big part of our lives - especially when it comes to sports. We've been talking about upgrading for a while and our friend Moose put us over the top. He's a techno-gook and Best Buy expert. I was a little afraid that the TV would take over the room due to the size, but with Paul's engineering and the help of strong arms, the thing is mounted and is awesome. Game on! Kara and I worked on kitchen duties during the installation.

My fave part of the day was just listening to the conversations between all of the people. It's the first time both couples have been with us. We were able to share some family lore. I especially love the story of the pie maker at Marczyk's gourmet grocery store. Marczyk's was Amy's first job in Denver. One year when she worked there, the pie-maker went nuts, partying it up (on video at the store with strippers no less) at Thanksgiving and blew off making the pies. So everyone had to pitch in, including the storeowner's mother to get the pies done. Kara told us the story of a visit by a high school friend - one of those people who has no social skills. Little did she know when she accepted his invite to get together. You know the type - it's all about them, and they never ask about your lives...
Franklin finally sleeps

We did our Christmas gift exchange. The type where everyone brings a gift and then one picks and the next can take it. I ended up with a sweet water bottle. More later! So fun.

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