Sometimes I feel like "Judy" when I try to do girl things like buy (and apply) makeup - and do my hair.
So that phrase went through my head today at Target when I was makeup shopping. My head felt tiny.
It all started in 1976, when I found someone just as warped as I am - when I started school at ISU. Vicki Gernand and I met that first week of school. Soon after, we discovered a fabulous quirky book of cartoons at the bookstore. It was "Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head", by B. Kliban.
Oh the hours we spent pouring over the B. Kliban books. Our two other roomies, Sal and Jane chuckled at some of the drawings. But they weren't warped like Vic and I are....they didn't really get it.
He's the guy that made the Cat - mugs, stickers, calendars etc. so popular. B. Kliban was an artist who drew cartoons for Playboy. He wrote several books - or should I say drew.
There is even a song!
I still remember many of the sayings from B. Kliban books. I know - sad since I often don't remember names of people I see every day...
Like - "You know what they say - chiggers can't be boozers" with a pic of a chigger up against the curb all boozed up! What a hoot. Like the Far Side - really far.
1 comment:
Good one Terence!
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