Saturday, April 21, 2012

Capris Kayaking

One week ago Friday, I talked Cindo and Pablo into kayaking in the Isles of Capri. I'd seen ocean kayakers while on our morning walk one day. The, when looking through a local magazine I saw an ad for a kayak rental place with no reservations required.

We got up and ate breakfast at Susie's Diner - one of our fave places in town. Then we headed to Capri Fish House and Tony fixed us up with 3 Perception kayaks, paddles and life jackets. Paul got the map - was that because he's the guy? The kayaks were around 11 footers. We were in the backwater - it was salt, but no waves.

Right away we saw this osprey nest - and Dad Bird was just bringing supper in - a nice fishy.

We weren't too brave - sticking to areas that looked easy to get back to the Fish House from. But we paddled for a couple hours (we had the kayaks until noon) and found an interesting little beach. Though Cindo had never been kayaking before, she loved it and she caught on right away (we Bullocks are water people - thanks to our Mama).

After we left the beach, we paddled around to where we could see Marco - the south end, called Tiger Tail Beach. It was cool to see it from the water. Then we as we paddled back around toward our point of origin - we saw a dolphin not 20 yards from Paul! It was so cool! It kept surfacing near us for a couple minutes - then off it went.

I'm glad we broke our usual mold of just sitting on the beach and at the pool after our morning walk. It was fun to paddle the waters of South Florida! 

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