After Mass, we stopped at HyVee and walked Odie to the local coffee joint. Later in the day, we delivered some of our clothes to my roomie, Joan's for when we get back from Florida. Paul will work the rest of that week here, and she's letting us stay there. What a swell person she is! Her dad passed away last week, so she's spent a great deal of time in Creston with her mom - not at home. I noticed her lawn needed mowing, so Pablo and I dug her mower out and fired it up. It felt good to be able to doing a little something for her since she's done so much for me.
That afternoon we went to Hooters. Yeah, I know...I always said there need to be a Big Dicks to make life fair - and then they invented a sporting goods store with that name! Go figure. Anyway, we needed to get a gift card for our buddy Jim, who so kindly scoops our driveway when it snows. It didn't do that a lot this winter, but he was there a couple times. Nice man, who happens to like Hooters wings. At least that's what he claims...he likes about the joint. We thought the wings were fine. Not as good as Jethros though. 3 Moki heads.
Around 5 p.m. we took a longish walk and ended up at El Bait Shop - where the food was better than Casa in Creston, but nothing too great. 3.5 Moki heads. We did sit outside in the balmy weather. On our way there, Paul grabbed a beer at the Irish bar on the corner of Court and 2nd Avenue. They don't serve food - thus our stop at El Bait.
El Bait Shop - burger for Paul, burritos for me - saved one for the next day |
Monday night we were both depressed. It's our last week here. We slumped over the bridge to Spaghetti Works - sat outside. Paul recalled we hadn't eaten there since we went with Petersons before we took the boys to an Iowa Cubs game. They have a big salad bar that actually hit the spot - but it's pretty basic. I ate pasta, Paul had chicken with pasta. 3.5 Moki heads. The outdoor temp was perfecto.
On the way home, the fishermen were out on the DM river bridge. Cool guys. NOT. I heard one say he'd gotten a sunburn from being there all day. Wow!
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