Saturday, April 7, 2012

Off to our happy place

Pablo the Poolboy and I are off to our happy place. Marco Island, Florida hold a lot of happy memories for us - and a few sad ones. My parents bought their condo at Gulfview Condominiums there in the late 80's.

My sisters and I sold Dad's place after he passed away in 2006, but Cindy, Paul and I return each year - renting a unit. Susi and Jim go too, later in the month. The places are small and we couldn't possible squeeze all of us into one all at the same time. Last year Betso even came when we were there.

So I won't be blogging for a while. But I'll be gathering thoughts and photos as ammo for future pieces. I won't forget you dear readers! In the meantime I'll be on the beach, by the pool, sipping lemondrops and eating shrimp...

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