Friday, April 29, 2011

Life is so good

My book homies came through again - even though I didn't get the book read. This month's selection was "Life Is So Good", recommended to me in January by my masseuse, a magician with her hands and a good book recommender! 

I didn't want to take a library book with me to Florida. (I know waa waa - play the little violin). So I just got it last Saturday - and I was already in the middle of a good book. I did take "Life" along to DSM with me this week, but only read about half.

Our book club - Book Chicks, meets once a month. Thea, mostly permanent hostess with the mostess. It was a small group last night, but even so, meetings are always a bit like therapy for my little own self! We laugh, we tell about personal experiences and talk about our hopes and fears. Stuff I don't get to do much in DSM during the week.

When Deb and I got there, we let one of Thea's trio of dogs out first thing! I couldn't remember her name to call her back to the house. (It's Mitzi but I was calling her Oreo - who has unfortunately passed on to the big doghouse in the sky). When Oreo was alive, I always called her Hydrox (they were much tastier in my view). After a bit, I tracked her down and returned her to the menagerie with her 2 doggie sissies.

In attendance were Diane, Vidette, Francie, Deb and me. I was lucky (thanks Google) to come up with a list of questions for the book. Life is about a black man who lived to be over 100, yet didn't learn to read until he was 98 or something (I didn't get to that part yet in my reading). Frankly, I was enjoying the book, but it wasn't gripping so was willing to give up on finishing - but the gang urged me to complete it. They enjoyed it.

George, the hero of the story (it's a true story) is to be much admired. I couldn't help but think about one of our club members as I read the book. Vidette is a black woman - originally from South Carolina, married to a white man who teaches at SWCC. What must it feel like to be black in Creston, Iowa? I wondered how reading about the racism and unfairness would feel to her. It wasn't as if anything in the book was "new" material, but still it had to hurt.

I told her as much. It's really the first opportunity I've ever had to discuss racism with an African American. Vidette is an interesting person - she'll um "call a spade a spade" Can I say that? haha We had a good discussion. She said she took a great deal from Life is So Good. A lesson in turning the other cheek. George was so calm. Vidette is going to try to practice this in dealing with people who don't treat her right for whatever reason. We can all use a bit of that lesson - though we also had the discussion about how as we've all aged, our "mufflers" have rusted out and we speak up more when we feel wronged.

I myself try not to be racist, but was raised in a town that was 99% white. Sometimes it takes effort not to resort to old thought habits. I wish skin color didn't even register with me. Maybe someday it won't. I wish I was less judgemental.

The questions about the book were really questions about us - like if you had a book in you, what would it be about? After we finished the questions, we laughed and talked as usual. I love those ladies!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Techno Faux Pax

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? I was multi-tasking tonight and sent this text "It's my turn to drive - Pick U up?" to Amy instead of Deb. Amy sent this back ??? Since she lives in Denver she was prolly wondered what the...

That will teach me to cook dinner, talk to Pablo and text all at the same time. It's not the first time I've wanted a do-over on a text or email I've sent. Probably one of the less embarrassing wrong sends.

A few months ago at work I hit "reply all" to an email, including the stakeholder a grumbly recycler whom I didn't really mean to include on my email. I was lucky I was sending my email to some people I don't know real well and kept it clean and civil. Even so, he wasn't pleased with my total message...
I remember one time Betso sent a reply email that her sister-in-law got - causing hard feelings. I hate when that happens!

Another pet peeve is when I forget to attach an attachment to an email when I say "here it is". I feel like a dodo when I do that.

Emails are strange - you can never be quite sure that people read them like you wrote them. That they emphasize the words you mean to be emphasized. And get your tone.

Texts are easier - cuz you can be very casual and don't even have to spell right. Guess that's why kids like 'em so much!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reunion angst

It's coming together. No not really. But kinda.

The Atlantic High School Class of 1976 has been spoiled! We've had some independently wealthy and motivated fellas heading up our class reunions for the past 25 years. Before that, really because they put together our fantastic senior party when they actually made a table out of sticks, behind KJAN Radio Station. We had to park in the station parking lot and ride in the back of a Jeep or pickup truck back to the party site. Of course I was a lil drunk when I experienced it all. And then the college frosh guys ran through naked, but it was dark and I couldn't see very well. Damn! Dave Becker was in the group too...hunky!

I don't know who put on the 5 year class reunion - but it too was behind KJAN. I was late, because I waited for eternally late Christie Jo Deardorff, poor planning on my part to attend this event with her! Five year reunions are kinda dumb anyway. Chris says we talked to Gary Burg after the five-year and when we told her mother she said later "wasn't he a no-good?" Ha! Good 'ol Ginger - always called a spade, a spade.

By the ten-year, I'd had Amy and couldn't wait to show her off at the Country Club pool. And Paul too of course. It was the start of Paul getting to know my classmates - the guys anyway. He already knew many of my girlfriends from before. I'm not sure if the ten year reunion was when Jeff Becker and Roger Underwood started to organized the things. They ran a business together. In 1986, they were most likely still in the early years.

By 1991 I was pregnant with Patrick. Robyn had us all (the gals) out for brunch at her mother's place. It was fun. Paul played golf with the guys. Was that the Elks Club year?

Roger and Jeff have set up the last two reunions - picnics on Friday night for the whole fam, followed by dinner at the Country Club Saturday night. We've got a good class - nice people to visit with.

But the people I really like to see are my girls! This year I'm hoping to see Sal, Jules, Pam, Chris, Rob and now I hear Christie and Paula are coming! Maybe Candice will show too!

Roger and Jeff have burned out of organizing the class reunion - so I'm stuck with trying to put together the spreadsheet of information to contact everyone. What a lot of work! I bow down to them for all their efforts these past 30 years! Wish me luck...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Back to the vacation

Vacation routine - get up about 8 a.m. - have a little breakfast. For me, that was sliced banana, with cereal and milk. Juice and coffee with creamer. Then we trotted down twenty flights of stairs to the beach and walked either north or south for close to an hour.

It was a beautiful workout that went quickly because while I worked my body, my mouth was going a mile a minute talking to my sis about every topic under the gorgeous Florida sun. It was a great way to start each day!

Tuesday was pick up Betso day! We left a bit early to shop a bit at Miromar Outlet Mall - and my favorite store evah! The Columbia Outlet Store. It's prolly good there's not one in Iowa, or I might have to live there...I just drool when I walk in the door!

It was so nice to see Betsy walking down that concourse to join us in paradise for a few days. We took her to the Crazy Flamingo for some good shrimp on night #1. She needed Chai Tea at Starbucks so we changed our routine a few times while she was with us (and she had a Starbucks card). Once we even walked the sidewalk down to Esplanade to get some coffee.

We hit Little Bar twice. It is our very fave restaurant on the Island. Paul and Cindo always get Twin Lobster Tails the first night - in honor of CB's birthday. This year they were only $39.95. Too rich (as in taste) for me. I had blackened shrimp. When Betsy was with us, I had grouper almondine - so yummy!

Mornings, post walk, and afternoons, post-lunch were spent mostly poolside. Reading books. The pool was not too crowded this year. We were able to stake out a spot by a table with an umbrella. I don't really do sun. (I did fry my smallish cleavage on Day 1 laying by the gulf and it still itches)

Thursday we ate Mexican - I'm afraid I shouldn't have had that second margarita! Friday night we went to Porky's. We were starting to think people were getting the idea we all were Paul's plural wives (Big Love, ya know?!?) Anyway. We got a little crazy that night. And Jezebel, the girl band was singing. They were good! So were the ribs!

We even managed to get back to Fort Myers to take Bets for some shopping. (I hit Columbia again) Saturday we went back to Joey's for some more excellent salad and pizza. By that night - I was de-toxing. I couldn't face any more vodka. :>(

All too soon it was time for little sis to go home to Washington State. And the very next day, Cindy had to take Paul and me to the airport to come back to chilly wet Iowa. Oh well...there's always next year. I hope sister Susi is having a good time!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter with the McFeesters

Paul and I were set to be alone for Easter Sunday. Mass at 7 a.m. followed by who knows what. Amy of course is settled in Denver and was invited, along with niece Jordan (and nephew Colby but I'm thinking he was busy) to the Lamm family brunch gathering. (Those are my peeps in Denver - Aunt Marty and family).

Jud decided to stay with girlfriend Kara - it's her birthday tomorrow. Since most students were going home for the weekend, the two of them ended up in Sioux Center with Kara's family for the holiday. He even mentioned going to church (gulp - he must realllly like her!).

That left us alone. I mentioned that to roomie Joan when we talked of our weekend plans Wednesday night, like we usually do each week. She said, "You might as well join us at Jeff and Bobbie's Sunday - we're having around thirty - what's two more?" I laughed.

Then Friday night, we dined with Jeff and Bobbie (Jeff is Joan's bro) at A&G's - catching up on the past couple weeks. Again I mentioned our lack of Easter plans and kindly, Bobbie made the same offer. What the heck - we kinda feel like cousins! Bobbie's family was attending (her mom and dad, 2 brothers, 1 wife and nephew all from a town south of Omaha) along with all the McFees - except for sis Carol and fam, who were entertaining at their house. We've spent some time with the McFee clan - good times - weddings and such. And bad - funerals.

McFee Easter dinner was very nice, and really made me nostalgic for the olden days when we used to have Easter dinner at George and Laura Goldsmith's home in Earlville. It was nice to be with people who love each other, visiting, laughing and sharing life. Food was good too - turkey, ham balls, taters, plus yummy salads. For desert red velvet cake and chocolate pie! I love buffets - eating a little bit of lots of things. Thanks to the McFees for their family event with us.

Earlier that day - 7 a.m. Mass at Holy Spirit was also nice. The sun was shining and the altar was beautiful. Jane McCann lead the songs with Janet Schulte playing the piano, doing many old favorite hymns. At the end of mass Fr. Pins handed out lil fuzzy bunnies to the children - who were shy about accepting them. I complain in this blog about the Catholic church. But events like Easter Mass are why I keep going back.

Kinda like Momma got a raise...

Paul and I were in Florida when we went through the exciting drama of Amy's job interviews and subsequent job offer for a new job! How exciting! It all started the week I recall. Amy called me that Thursday when I got home to Creston after another long week of work. I was preoccupied with finishing up work stuff before vacation and what to pack for my trip. I was tired.

Amy rang me up - frustrated with insider knowledge from her new position at the small family-owned gourmet grocery firm she works for. I'm afraid I didn't give her much sympathy...I was channeling my inner Pat (my mother Pat Bullock was not known for her gushy sympathy). I didn't say "Oh my goodness, you're kidding!" clearly, what she was looking for. I said, "Amy, you're going to hear this kind of thing in your position. You need to find a place to file it or it will drive you nuts. Or find another job." She rang off quickly, obviously irritated with her dear old mommy.

Irritated enough to look at Craigslist and notice there was a job posted just that day that was right up her alley - designing labels in the grocery industry. So she quickly applied and texted me later that night saying she'd heard from the company already. She was a bit freaked out. So was I, frankly! Normal companies don't reply that quickly - was this a fake job, out to take advantage of my girl? Evidently not, they set up an interview the next week (and not in a back alley - and she wasn't supposed to arrive naked or nothin...).

We heard from Amy after interview 1, when she had a bit more information. The company packages pre-cooked meat products for large companies - under their labels. Companies like Archer Farms (the Target label) and Krogers. The company needs a graphic designer (new position) to design the labels and other stuff. Quickly.

They arranged interview 2 right after interview 1 - a good sign. I could tell Amy was becoming enthused about the idea of working there. Come Friday - she called to say she had a job offer - a mere 1 week after she got ticked at me and had a bad day at work.

Her Marczyk's job was a godsend - perfect at the time. She needed them, and I think they needed her. Amy worked a part-time, sign/marketing job there into a fulltime job. The people there realized what a good and valuable worker she is - they just didn't pay well. It was a great first job and she learned a lot.

This next job - with Custom Made Meals. (they have a pretty weak website, maybe she can work on that too)
looks to be more of a career position. I'm thrilled for my kid! She starts next Monday, May 1. But we get to see her when she takes Amtrak home for Jud's ISU graduation Friday, May 6th. Can't wait!

Last week, when we heard Amy had taken the new job, and it was more $ and it was just...well serendipity... meant to be. She got mad, she looked at Craigslist, that job had just been posted, those are just the things she thrives at. Of course it won't be perfect in reality - that's why they do call them JOBS. But it's a great opportunity for Amy to expand her experience. And it's only a 15-20 minute drive from her apartment and is a growing company.

So last week in Florida, when Bets, Cindo and I went back to the outlet mall, I felt kinda like I'd gotten a raise! (at least that's what I told Pablo when we went shopping...) He fell for it too!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Precious Nectar

Whilst on vacation in sunny Florida, we went through a while bottle of Citron, and many lemons, thanks to the precious nectar. The recipe is below:

1 1/2oz vodka, I like to use a citrus vodka such as Absolut Citron

3/4oz triple sec

1oz sweet and sour mix

1/2oz fresh lemon juice (1/2 of a lemon)

Paul was in charge of juicing the lemons. We didn't have an actual shaker, so I made due with a Rubbermaid. Even so, they were delish! Just ask Betso - she's a convert, vowing to purchase her own bottle of Citron. Be sure to also purchase the special sugar to rim the glasses. It's all about the presentation - I should have included a nice wedge of lemon in each...

It only takes about 1/4 inch of a lemon drop to relax me. (Because it's pure alcohol...) Ahhh the nectar.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The vaca

So we arrived at our appointed destination, the fab Marco Island, FL early Sunday morning April 10th. We finally slept for a couple hours - and perky sister Cindo asked if we wished to go for a power walk on the, no.

Poor Pablo didn't got no shorts! He packed himself into my ISU shorts (good thing he's got a small nicely rounded fanny) to hang around the condo. But they wouldn't do to walk in! Plus we needed to drop off the van we'd rented scant hours before for $60 at the Marco Airport - who knew there was even such a place...

So we made a road trip to the area Wal-Mart and picked up some swim trunks for Paul along with a package of undies and some shorts and a shirt, just in case his lost suitcase didn't show up. While we drove to the nearby airport, he got a call saying his bag was found! But it didn't show up until that evening so it was a good thing he had those groovy trunks...

We did the pool that afternoon - ahh, the sun felt marvelous. It was everything I waited for. That night we hit our bestest shrimp joint, the Crazy Flamingo for peel and eats and wings. That was after a couple lemondrops Positively yummy. Just was the doctor ordered!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm in sales...

I got Kara a much smaller version of this basket.
Just like my daddy! And my lil sis. I signed up to sell Longaberger Baskets (and other stuff) as a favor to my sis and myself. It all started...(wavy lines indicating flashback) when I realized a few months ago that our pottery, chosen for our wedding some nearly 29 years ago, is pretty near shot.

So I thought to myself, "Self - it's time for new pottery and not just Wal-Mart stuff." I knew sister Betso sells the nice heavy Longaberger stuff. She's been a basket lady for years, taking after our dear old dad, who was a very successful salesman of ladies lingerie across Iowa.

When I contacted Bets about my intention, she said the pottery sale would be in April. When we knew we'd be together in sunny Florida this month, we planned to talk over the purchase then. That's when Betso Bean hatched her plot - to help get me a good deal AND help her qualify for a trip to Hawaii. Dr. Wayne (her husband) may be forced into the sales team if I decide not to participate. Hmmm. And I don't really have to have any parties. Phew!

So now I've done it - signed on the dotted line...or on this day and age it's more like hit "enter" with all my info. I got my $25 worth of paperwork already and ordered a Cyclone basket for Jud's girlfriend for graduation. Next I'm going to order the pottery. I'm thinking a nice Hawkeye basket might be nice for Brett and Shawna for their wedding too. All I have to do is sell $1,000 worth by June - and my sis has promised to help. She's got a proven track record in sales!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In flight mag

I always want to order many of those cool products in the publication. A light up thing - you put it on your head to get rid of stress and headaches. There is another one to grow hair! There's a product to laser your own hair for a mere few hundred dollars. You can purchase giant sculptures for your yard - a tiger or a head.

You can get a giant projector and screen so you can watch movies from your very own pool! How cool is that? And it airplane magazine land, pets don't have to stoop to eat, they have their food in bowls on little tables. Beds are zapped with special ultraviolet lights - they kill all germs, but not bedbugs.

And another thing - Jud graduates from college in two weeks! How strange is that?? I should have ordered him something from the in flight magazine.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The friendly skies - gettin' you there

The trip TO Florida was a nightmare. United Airlines sucks - they couldn't get a plane to Des Moines until 3 hours late so we missed our original flight out of Chicago to Fort Myers. Then there were huge storms in Charlotte, where the next flight we could get out of Chi-town to Fort Myers originated. Argh!

Saving grace. I went into suck up mode in Chicago, as we had to switch from United to US Airlines. We ran through the airport because again United staff was not helpful to us. The tram Nazi put the fear of God in me when I stepped over the line to go down the stairs to the tram to the proper terminal for our flight we thought we were late to. Turned out due to the storms, the flight was late. After I played nice, Paul (Mr. Not-As-Nice) got the back row and I got row 5. The guy in my seat asked if I'd like to sit in 1st Class - Row 2. Would I!

So I got bumped to "rich girl" status - and we sat on the tarmac for an hour awaiting storm passage in Charlotte. First I had a cranberry juice. Then I had another with vodka - FREE! It was awesome. Made me wish I were rich all the time...sigh. In Charlotte we hustled right to our next flight and didn't arrive in Fort Myers until nearly 2 a.m. Cindo had called it a night and we needed to rent a car. My bag arrived but Paul's didn't.

We pulled into my beloved Gulfview around 4 a.m. Cindo let us in. Paul had some wine. He slept in his undies. I was glad to have my bag. Vacation had arrived. Paul's bag arrived that evening.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm off

View at the Gulfview - this year we'll be on the 21st floor.
We're off to Marco Island for a few days. I'm leaving my beloved Dell behind. I know...cold turkey. But I'm determined to get back in touch with all things non digital. Okay you got me - I'll have my Blackberry. hehe.

But no watching TV whilst surfing NY Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal. Yeah, I usually make the rounds - the curse of being a fast reader - I get ALL the bad news.

I am looking forward to bonding with sisters Cindo and Betso, and their adopted sister Paul. We'll power walk on the beach, read by the pool, talk about our lives, have cocktails and eat at our fave places.

Cindy's husband Brian Lefebvre (whom everyone calls Bolder or Oldie Moldie Boldie)is going through a medical issue - a serious thing that Cindy and he will need to deal with once she gets home. I'm sure we'll discuss that a lot. Betsy is a nurse by training - is married to doc Wayne and will have some valuable input.

It's definitely time for my post winter vacation. I was getting a bit sour at work, with my life in general. I need my Marco break! TTFN!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just for my lil niece LeLo

In CubicleLand this week (aka the beautiful Wallace Building) Angie, Becky and I discussed how we recognize certain of our co-worker's walks. How they actually sound as they make their way through the aisles of the joint - usually 5th floor. And we all have our own etiquette styles.

Angie's desk is at the end of a longish aisle and some people hover and wait for her to notice them - even though her back is to the opening. Others, like me, trot right in unless she's on the phone or involved in a conversation with someone I don't feel comfy barging in on.

My back is to the opening of my cubicle and lots of people try to make some type of knocking noise to get my attention. When I'm deep in thought, it usually scares the heck out of me! There is a little doorbell sticker on the support beam in my cube, but it doesn't really work.

I can recognize some of my co-worker's distinct walks without even turning around - which brings me to the family portion of this blog. The house we grew up in had a huge laundry room and Mom seemed to spend lots of time there - smoking and laundering. The laundry room contained the usual stuff - washer/dryer combo, a table where Mom would lay out folded clothes and a utility sink with 2 sides where she could bleach and soak stuff.

There was also a row of hooks where we could hang up coats and a place for boots - great for winter. She insisted we use this entrance from the patio during sledding playtime. There was a mounted pop bottle top remover (for Dad's poker parties no doubt) and a phone mounted on a wall with an extra long cord so you could even talk in the next room - with the TV in it.

On the end of the room, a clothes line was strung up so she could hang stuff as she took them out of the washer or after ironing. The ironing board was set up right below it. And the focal point of the room was the IronRight. It was a huge machine she used to iron sheets - but I even learned to use it to iron tee shirts. You had to watch out cuz it could sure screw up the pressed on applique! And the controls are knee operated and could shock you!

The ceiling of our laundry room was never finished and insulated. So you could hear everything through it. Mom didn't bother to march around through the TV room and up the stairs to yell at us - she'd just yell through the floor. And she liked to yell at Susi about the way she stomped on the floor when she walked. Evidently Susi didn't float like a graceful young woman at that time. Mom would yell, "quit stomping!"

I wonder what it sounded like when Betso was doing her flippy flops in the living room?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Sarah cut my hair in Creston today at the Salon by Quick Pawn. Sounds classy, no? Perhaps, not so much. In fact Sahar is way more classy.

When I walked in the door, all the chairs were taken - somber faced people awaiting their tanning beds. Why do so many people spend their hard-earned money on tanning? It's surprising to me...

But I'm not a tanner. It must be somewhat addictive. Some of my friends - Patti, Jeanne - the Antisdel girls are big tanners. When we were in Northfield last weekend, we ran into a friend of Vicki's just back from Mexico. Her face watch very tan and blotchy. Ick!

I'd rather be pastey white! Guess that wish came true...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I had my toes done yesterday. Top Nails in Waukee once again. I went there a year ago before my Marco trip and decided to trip it again. Last year the young man did my pedicure, but this year a young woman got the nod.

I was lucky to walk in and get right in - she revved up the massage chair and heated up the water for my footsies. I love the routine! Into the water and out - then she removed my old polish. My foot "artist" rubbed my legs down with sea salt and then put some oil on them. It was fantastic.

As a sidenote she put the polish I purchased on too. And a top-coat. She was insistant that I should push the button on the chair and run the massage. It did feel pretty good - in fact I felt better than I had all day. My pedicure turned out pretty well - but the overall experience was well worth the $30! (including tip)

Today was "Tornado Drill" day at work. We had to tromp down the stairs to the tunnels deep in the bowels of the state offices near the State Capitol. It's very loud there, but I'm sure quite safe!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sorority rejection

The first thing that happened to me at my beloved Iowa State University was that the Greek system chewed me up and spit me out like a bit lugie. Then all the smart cute girls stepped on me on their way to the pretty cute girl dance.

I was a fairly confident high school girl. I knew (and know) I'm not gorgeous. Never was. And I've admitted freely that I don't have the girl gene. Girl tools don't work easily in my hands. Give me a curry brush for a quarter horse gelding and I'm at home. Put a mascara wand in my hand and I'm a bit shaky - even now at age 53. Mrs. Elming tried her best in 8th grade Home Ec to teach about the womanly arts of cooking, sewing and makeup. It just didn't take.

I wasn't the most popular girl at AHS, but I always had lots of friends and the smart ass thing worked for me. Keep them laughing! My mother had been a Kappa Kappa Gamma at the U of I. Cindy was a Kappa at Drake. My grandma, Momo was Pi Phi. By God I was a legacy, I was a shoe in! So I put a resume together and thought I was good to go. Little did I know....the late 70's were the height of Greekdom. Chicks were fighting to get in.

Rush week began few days before the rest of the students arrived on campus. I noticed the other frosh girls seemed kinda sophisticated! But I plugged away touring each of the some 15 sororities on campus Alpha to Zeta. (Picture me as Flounder on Animal House) Sadly I started to picture myself as a sorority girl - getting enthused about this prospect.

At the end of the process - you pick the sororities you're interested in and they pick you. But if you're not picked by anybody, you get a blank paper. And that's what I got. So I called my mother crying and she came to get me for the Labor Day weekend, while the other "picked" girls were busily doing fun Greek activities in fun pretty cool ways. Undoubtedly the girls on my dorm floor who had been selected. They knew the ugly truth - I'd not been "cool" enough to be Greek.

God was smiling down on me that next week when I got back to campus with my tail between my legs, my little spirit crushed. A nice cool girl named Vicki who didn't give two hoots about sororities walked into my dorm room and asked if I wanted to go buy a football ticket with her. The rest is history. I got over it. Sure it still hurt sometimes - especially that first year. But I got involved in my own life - in the dorm and then in an apartment with my own good friends. And I didn't need no stinkin' sorority.

How ironic years later in Creston when I Leslie Bullock Goldsmith was selected Zeta Iota "Girl of the Year" of my sorority. Who is cool now? Go Greek!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Susan is

Getting married! My friend Susan Grose is getting married! Not only that she's got a hot younger guy - Brian. I've known Susan practically since I moved to Creston - she was in my sorority. Spose I should explain that whole statement. You see I was a sorority reject in college, but I Creston, Iowa, Beta Sigma Phi welcomed me with open arms!

As a new kid in town, I was more than happy to be asked to join a ready-made group of friends! Julia Stuetelberg, wife of my Atlantic classmate classmate Dave who was a chiropractor in town put my name in as a candidate for this social sorority. My buddie Mary Faber called to ask me - Mary - the queen ambassador of friendship! Bobbie McFee, Mendy Ritzman, Susan Grose, Diana McKim, Gwen Buck - these are a few of the women I was fortunate enough to meet that first year of sorority.

Sorority meetings were my chance to get out of the house - to talk to real girls my age. It was the start of beautiful friendships! I didn't get to know Susan as well as some of the other people - but have always liked and admired her. Back then she was married to Dick Grose - an older guy who was hard to get to know. Dick and Susan divorced a few years ago and Susan began dating cute Brian a couple years back.

Last year she announced her engagement. I suspected she might be like Patti Kralik - eternally engaged. (Dean's been her fiance for the past 18 years or so...) But a couple weeks ago she surprised me by stating that April 30th is the date they set. Yippy! So we've all picked songs for the DJ to play. Susan's getting married!