Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kinda like Momma got a raise...

Paul and I were in Florida when we went through the exciting drama of Amy's job interviews and subsequent job offer for a new job! How exciting! It all started the week I recall. Amy called me that Thursday when I got home to Creston after another long week of work. I was preoccupied with finishing up work stuff before vacation and what to pack for my trip. I was tired.

Amy rang me up - frustrated with insider knowledge from her new position at the small family-owned gourmet grocery firm she works for. I'm afraid I didn't give her much sympathy...I was channeling my inner Pat (my mother Pat Bullock was not known for her gushy sympathy). I didn't say "Oh my goodness, you're kidding!" clearly, what she was looking for. I said, "Amy, you're going to hear this kind of thing in your position. You need to find a place to file it or it will drive you nuts. Or find another job." She rang off quickly, obviously irritated with her dear old mommy.

Irritated enough to look at Craigslist and notice there was a job posted just that day that was right up her alley - designing labels in the grocery industry. So she quickly applied and texted me later that night saying she'd heard from the company already. She was a bit freaked out. So was I, frankly! Normal companies don't reply that quickly - was this a fake job, out to take advantage of my girl? Evidently not, they set up an interview the next week (and not in a back alley - and she wasn't supposed to arrive naked or nothin...).

We heard from Amy after interview 1, when she had a bit more information. The company packages pre-cooked meat products for large companies - under their labels. Companies like Archer Farms (the Target label) and Krogers. The company needs a graphic designer (new position) to design the labels and other stuff. Quickly.

They arranged interview 2 right after interview 1 - a good sign. I could tell Amy was becoming enthused about the idea of working there. Come Friday - she called to say she had a job offer - a mere 1 week after she got ticked at me and had a bad day at work.

Her Marczyk's job was a godsend - perfect at the time. She needed them, and I think they needed her. Amy worked a part-time, sign/marketing job there into a fulltime job. The people there realized what a good and valuable worker she is - they just didn't pay well. It was a great first job and she learned a lot.

This next job - with Custom Made Meals. (they have a pretty weak website, maybe she can work on that too)
looks to be more of a career position. I'm thrilled for my kid! She starts next Monday, May 1. But we get to see her when she takes Amtrak home for Jud's ISU graduation Friday, May 6th. Can't wait!

Last week, when we heard Amy had taken the new job, and it was more $ and it was just...well serendipity... meant to be. She got mad, she looked at Craigslist, that job had just been posted, those are just the things she thrives at. Of course it won't be perfect in reality - that's why they do call them JOBS. But it's a great opportunity for Amy to expand her experience. And it's only a 15-20 minute drive from her apartment and is a growing company.

So last week in Florida, when Bets, Cindo and I went back to the outlet mall, I felt kinda like I'd gotten a raise! (at least that's what I told Pablo when we went shopping...) He fell for it too!

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