Sunday, July 31, 2011

It lived up to the hype

You know how you can get yourself all jacked up with expectations for a big event, and then are disappointed when reality bites? This last weekend was just as good as I'd hoped - maybe better! I LOVE when that happens. You have to grasp those times in your memory treasure chest, for the other times - when life happens.

You may recall it was Brett and Shawna's wedding weekend. I've been hearing about details and plans of the wedding for the past year, during their engagement, from my bestie Deb. Through the winter, she and I often go to the little coffee shop perched on one end of the hardware store in town. Yep, only in small town Iowa. They have comfy chairs, just like the chains - and it's run by a gal I used to work with at Gits Mfg. It's kinda fun though - you get to see people you know popping in for toilet parts or gift cards (they carry that stuff too).

Deb and I sit there while Paul and Larry are in their respective homes watching the Packers play football. And we catch up on our lives - last year it was Amy's job drama and fun activities in Colorado, Jud's job hunt and budding relationship with Kara, Keith's relationship with Kelsey and internship, and Brett's grad degree and upcoming marriage. Plus our jobs, religion and politics. I'd say sex, but I know youngsters read this and I don't want to gross anyone out.

Deb has taken great joy in the wedding planning process. Not that she did a great deal regarding the wedding itself - Brett and Shawna did most of that, which is impressive considering they lived in Nashville and were planning a Des Moines wedding. But Deb had to take care of her MOG situation - and she wanted to look damn good. Mission accomplished my friend! Plus the families catered the rehearsal dinner themselves, so that took some planning - can't wait to hear how it went.

Back to this weekend. We got Amy picked up Friday a.m. at the KC airport, stopped and saw Jud's workplace, and made it home to Creston by noon to eat at Elm's Club. That night, we took Amy to our new local watering hole, The Lobby to meet Bobbie and Jeff for drinks. Donnie was there too, alas Diana didn't make it. Such fun to have Amy hear their stories and for her to tell about her life in the big city. It was on to A&G for supper, where we ran into more people Amy hadn't seen for ages. Her friend Stormy showed up later, so we went home to get our rest, while she partied and chatted until 1 a.m.

Saturday a.m we were surprised by a short visit from our wonderful friend Mary Faber, formerly of Creston, here for a fam reunion. What a nice way to start the day! Then we were off to DSM where we met Kara, Jud and Amy's college roomie Rachelle for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. One of Amy's HS classmate's played an evil trick on her by having her boyfriend, our waiter, call Amy by name. You should have seen the look on her face! Then her classmate - also named Amy came out and the gig was up!

The wedding was at 6 p.m. - performed by Father Leonard Kenkel, priest during most our childrens' St. Malachy education. Cory Gerleman (former CHS athlete and son of teacher and coach) sang at the mass. Deb said she fought tears as she was walked up the aisle by her son. I was struggling to get a photo - when I noticed my camera was set on video! It was a beautiful ceremony, and soon the wedding couple was off in a street car.

The reception was very elegant - held at the Temple of the Performing Arts, just a couple blocks from the hotel. Food was good, drinks abundant. Amy and I went with vodka/soda with lime. Larry Peterson, Deb's husband gave a great speech welcoming Shawna to the family. And the dancing began! The DJs didn't have to do any coaxing - people were ready to go - Love Shack was early and Deb got us out there. I think I even spied Kara and Jud out there later on. I danced with Pablo, Diana and I did the Electric Shuffle (or whatever it's called..), and we had a great time.
Having fun together again...

At midnight, we headed back to the Marriott Bar, where I enjoyed sitting with Bucks, Millers and McKims. But over by the bar Amy, Rachelle and Jenna sat talking to Amy's classmates and I enjoyed watching them have a good time together. Jud and Kara had bailed out earlier - hmmm tired I guess. It's hard to work 40 hours a week and keep up with the old folks! When we got kicked out of that bar, it was time for this kid to go night night!

Sunday, when I had a chance to think over the events of the day before, I was filled with a sense of joy and great satisfaction - to have a chance once again to enjoy an event like this with both of our children with us. Life is good! We all went to breakfast at Perkins on Jordan Creek Parkway before Amy, Jud and Kara took off. Another - small world moment when we ran into our niece (Paul's sis Carol's daughter) Barb with her daughter Mandy. It was hard to say goodbye to my children - even Kara. But I didn't embarrass myself by crying this time (see Christmas). Tonight - I'm exhausted - but for a good cause. Sigh.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Peterson Miller Wedding

It's finally here -the weekend of the Brett Peterson - Shawna Miller Wedding. How long have I known these crazy kids? Brett was about three when I first met him. It must have been in a parenting class when I met my soon to be BFF Deb Peterson, who was preggers with son Keith. Brett was then about 3, and was a skinny towhead shy blond. He and Amy seemed to play well together, as they did their whole lives - never being really close friends, but always having a bond.

Brett was a classmate of Amy, and Keith a classmate of Jud. So our kids spent a lot of time together - especially since they went through St. Malachy, our Catholic School from kindergarten through eighth grade. Amy's class became especially close since there were only eight students in that class by the time they graduated. They were like one big family!

I first met Shawna Miller when I taught Wednesday evening religious education for the public school Catholics. I know - it surprised me too! I didn't really even listen to my own Catechism classes back at St. Peter and Paul's in Atlantic. But there was a book with lesson plans and everything. So I taught a group of eight or so, during Amy's eighth grade year. Shawna was a nice girl, and very pretty - never a classroom problem. Amy and Shawna played volleyball together in junior high. And eventually were homecoming princesses together in twelth grade. (Haley Walters took home the big prize...).

I watched Brett grow up from a skinny young boy to a handsome young man. After a year away at the University of Utah, he decided to attend the University of Iowa. But not before he took a certain Shawna Miller out on a few dates. Suprisingly, they had never dated in high school. But it was love at first date - and the two have been attached at the hip ever since. Those two were meant for each other.

Oh boy - I hope I don't blubber as Shawna walks down the aisle and Brett steps out to take her arm. I know the Imming girls (Deb and her 3 sisters) will be crying!

Amy and Jud will be here. Amy flies in to KC tomorrow, so Pablo my Poolboy and I are picking her up - early a.m. for us since she gets there at 8 a.m or so. On the way, we're dropping a chair off for Jud in St. Joseph. Then I have to come home and work a couple hours. Busy day!

But come 5 PM tomorrow, I'm taking Amy to the Lobby - Creston's new bar. And Saturday we're off to DSM to the wedding. St. Ambrose Cathedral, Temple of the Performing Arts and Marriott Downtown. And Saturday night, the Peterson's will have a daughter-in-law. My BFF Deb is gonna shine in her pink dress. I can't wait!

I've been looking forward to this weekend for a year!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pedi and nummi yogurt

I had a pedicure today. Decided to switch to "pretty in pink" (not its real name) nail polish that I picked up at Walgreens on my way out to Waukee. I enjoyed talking to the young woman who did my pedicure. Usually I have a hard time understanding the person working on my nails.

I told her she had strong hands as she rubbed my legs - my favorite part! I didn't especially enjoy the callous removal. Ouch! She said that wasn't a good compliment - to hear she had strong hands. But she was a farmer's daughter - so it wasn't a surprise. When I asked where she grew up - I was surprised to hear that it was Vietnam. She told me about helping her brother carry water to the rice fields. Her command of English was so good. She moved to Iowa from Washington State - the town of Vancouver just north of Portland.

I don't usually make a practice of chatting while I have a pedicure. But today I was a regular Chatty Cathy. The gal next to me had the mellowest baby girl aged around nine months old one her lap during her pedi. I never saw such a quiet baby - lucky for all of us!

When I got home from the pedi, I had lobster ravioli from Super Target, and after, the bestest yogurt ever. Stonyfield Farms Organic Chocolate Underground. Yum!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sitting on the front porch

I'm sitting on the front porch at Joanie's in Waukee. That's where I stay whilst I work in DSM Monday through Thursday each week. It's a beaut of a summer evening. Though it was hot today, it's a perfect temp now! I'm on the rocker as it's a little chilly inside, as AC can be. I thought it was cold in our office today. Sometimes I hate air conditioning (except when I love it).

Nights like tonight make me recall those summer nights when we were kids - out playing and I didn't want the night to end, and my mom to call us in. Those nights when I'd get to play with the "big" big kids! Heady stuff for the little ones. Our neighbors, the Reinertsons were stairstep ages to us. Bonnie was a year older than Susi, Donnie younger. Kathryn a year younger than Cindo, Laurie a year older than I - and we were fast friends when we were young as were Cindy and Kathryn. Betso and Annie (a year younger) were good friends too.

The six youngest of us would play together a lot! In the winter we played "farm animals". I know - sounds kinky! But it just consisted of those plastic colorful farm animals and blocks. We'd construct elaborate homes for them with the blocks and name the animals. Cindy would sometimes get very crafty and use old wallpaper sample books to make real homes with cardboard walls with wallpaper.

Other times we'd use the porcelain horses we'd received for birthday presents - purchased at the local five and dime stores like Bonneson's and Ben Franklin. The riders would be the pencil erasers - specials ones shaped like animals you could stick on top of the pencils. The erasers would be the riders, and we'd fashion bridles out of yarn. The horses would be named after horses we'd have at Bar L Ranch in Guthrie Center at Summer Camp - names like Dacron and Buttons.

In the summer we'd play outside - in the woods next to our house where we'd fashion forts with sticks, and pretend to eat the poison berries growing on the bushes along the edge of our yard. One summer Laurie and I took a bunch of the books from our basement and made a library in our playhouse in the back yard (it was cool - my grand dad had built like a miniature of our house with a porch and windows). Laurie and I cut envelopes in half for the check out tickets we glued into the books. Doug Younger was the only person who ever checked out a book. I still have a book with one of the envelopes in it.

So when the big kids deigned to play anything with us, it was BIG stuff. I remember playing sardines one night. That was when the person who was IT got to hide and when you found them, you lay down by a sardine (a little tin of fishies). That night Donnie Reinertson hid on the back corner of Reinertson's house in the low bushes. (Evidently they hadn't invented chiggers yet...) We had a HECK of a time finding him! Such excitement when we finally did! Another group fave game was Kick the Can.

The Reinertson's uncle fabricated an electrical metal box you could use to play Jeopardy - it lit up and everything! That fam loved to play games. And they had a lot of cousins - so going to their house around the holidays was a crazy time.

If you read my last two blogs, you'll find this surprising - but I didn't think about any of this at all during Mass. Just on a beautiful summer evening.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Phones through the years

I'm so very sorry to report (Catholic guilt) that I thought of the topic of this blog in church yesterday. When the person's phone was ringing during the homily. At first I thought it was the church phone.

They used to have one downstairs in the Holy Spirit church hall, right by the sinks. I should know, I did dishes there quite a bit through the years. But the reason a phone ringing in church always give me a chuckle takes me back to when Amy was around eight or ten years old. For some reason we were down in the church hall and I asked her to call her daddy on the phone...not remembering it was a dial one. She came running back saying, "How do you do that?" That made me feel old! I kinda miss rotary phones..

It was a dial phone that looked a lot like this. Though I think it was tan.

Amy had never seen a rotary phone before. So Saturday night in church, while remembering Amy and the phone story, I took a lil walk down memory lane - the phones I have had through my life. (yet I still heard the homily - impressive, no?)

We had the flesh colored dial phone on the kitchen counter at our 202 Crombie house. Dad would leave a list of where he was going to be all week right by that phone. In his distinguished daddy writing. Susi and Cindy had their groovy yellow phone in their yellow bedroom, with yellow shag carpet. You could feel like a cool teen talking on that phone - though it did share the phone number 243-1135, with the fam, no special teen number for the kids.

And downstairs in the laundry room, so Pat B. didn't have to make a mad dash up the stairs each time the phone rang, there was a flesh colored wall phone with an extra long cord - so she could talk and use the Iron Rite at the same time (and watch One Life to Live). And eat bon bons - what a life...ha! (I don't know how she stayed sane...oh yeah, bourbon). Later we got upgraded to touchtone phones at home. Woohoo!

In college - our dorm room phone looked just like the one above. It was prolly push button though - it was 1976 after all. Our apartment had a wall phone, again with a long cord - but there were no private conversations on that thing as it was right in the kitchen. Back then I spent more than a few nights staring at it, willing it to ring - for that special someone to call. When I lived in Sioux Falls, he did start calling more!

We got our first cordless phone after we moved to Creston. I think it was after Jud was born, as I recall dragging the baby with me to sit in the corner to talk on the phone with the baby - what a hassle! The first cordless were huge. Just like my first cell - a foldable brick that I had in about 1999. Paul and I shared it. In a couple years I got my own, then I had a slider - loved that! I got my first Smartphone - Blackberry 5 years ago and I'm hooked.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Deep thoughts during mass

Once again during Holy Mass I was daydreaming. I know...I'm going straight to hell. At least I wasn't thinking about what I was going to eat next! I do enjoy the music, and try to listen. I just have a little MAD. (Mass Attention Disorder) I've had it since childhood. I don't think I'm the only one.

We attended our usual Saturday evening Mass. During Father Pin's homily, as he attempted to get his point across, he told the story of a little boy in a sand box. That's what got me started daydreaming. But then somebody's phone started ringing. And unfortunately they didn't answer it. The caller was a persistent bugger! Finally Father said -" I'll wait for you to get that before I go on". He wasn't snotty about it, though he had a right to be, really. So there was a break and he went on...and it rang again! He said, "Check your purse!" Finally, thank God (or some higher being) it stopped.

So I started thinking fondly about our old sandbox - while listening a bit to the story Father told of the kid who found a giant rock in his sandbox and wasn't strong enough to get it out, even though he tried and tried. Finally his dad came out and said why didn't you use all your resources? The kid says, "I did." But the dad says - you didn't ask me! So - now I get it - the dad is God and I'm the kid....enter the way-back machine.

Oh how I loved my sandbox at our house in Atlantic. It was made of plywood and had little triangle seats in the corners. When I was really little, it was right next to our driveway. By the swing set. Later, I don't know why, we moved the swing set into the back yard and the sandbox farther back, just below the deck - at the top of the woods.

Every so often my parents would have a load of new sand delivered - that was when it was most fun - before the neighborhood cats had their way with it. We would make roads in it, and sometimes add water to really make it moldable. I bet Mom hated it when we trotted in the house with our clothes all full of the stuff - but I don't remember a thing about that.

And so it goes - I did get the point of the homily, and had my walk down memory lane too! Plus I turned my cell phone off before church.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Blogger comments

You have defeated me! I've tried to comment on a couple blogs - Kimmy McFee is in Okinawa and is writing about her experiences in that foreign country while she teaches swimming lessons to service men and womens' children.
kims adventures abroad

And I used to be able to sign in under my Google account to comment on daughter Amy's Blog. Though she must be burned out as she hasn't posted much lately.

Alas, I try to sign in, but I just go round in circles and it never posts. So if you don't allow anonymous posts - I gave up! I don't know what changed, cuz I used to be able to post. Frustrating.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I try to stay away from politics on this blog. But blast it all...are you about fed up with congress and our prez? How hard is it to raise the debt limit? After all they already spent the damn money. The tea party and their no negotiation attitudes have got to go. And the libs who don't think they can touch entitlements - when our present system isn't sustainable! I'd like to knock their heads together.

DNR is going through a big change this week as Governor Branstad ordered our Division Administrator to resign - as a political fallout. It seems Branstad wants his own people on the job, and was just waiting for the legislative session to be done. He's named Creston native Bill Ehm as replacement. Bill had been Bureau Chief of the Water Quality department prior to that.

Paul and I have known Bill for a long time. I'd say he's one of the first people I knew when we moved to Creston. One of the first years we lived here, Bill and his first wife Becky invited us to their house for a Christmas party with our kids. Santa was there and everything! We had to take wrapped gifts that we had to sneak in the back door (avert your eyes Amy) for each of the kids. Ehms have three children - Justin, Sharon and Molly who is a couple years older than Amy.

At the time of the party, Jud was probably not yet two, so Amy was five-ish. We sat in their music room and sang Christmas carols with other young families. It was quite fun! Mike and Judy Moffitt were there with their children Maddie and Brett. Were John and Rhetta Baker there with Luke and Laura? I can't remember who else - except for Santa of course, who made Jud cry. I'll always remember that party fondly. he's my boss. Imagine that.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Giving it up, nearly going down

I gave blood today at the Life Serve Blood Center in the East Village. And it's not even lent or nothing! I know - I'm so proud of me too! Really, they make it pretty darn convenient to donate that I can't even feel all put out or anything, like I used to when I donated in Creston with Red Cross.

In Creston, they would come each month and would call and try to schedule an appointment - to which I would have to say, "I'll have to just drop in." Because it all depends on my migraine schedule (yep, I'm just like Michele Bachmann - I have migraines. But just so you know. I am good and able to run the country dammit.) One cannot donate blood after taking the meds. (But can run the country).

So when I did drop in to donate blood in Crestonia, there would be a long line and a bunch of stuff to read. And in the olden days I'd go through a lot of stuff before they tested me for low iron - and then a couple times I got rejected. After waiting an hour to donate. It hurt man! At Life Serve, they email me when I'm eligible to donate, I block a time online and they whip me through the check in process. Even the iron test hurts less.

At Life Serve, I was in and out in under an hour. It's only a couple blocks from my office, and both times I've donated they've managed to tap my tiny skinny vein so it gushed quickly. And they have Lorna Doones for a snack with Orange Juice. I do miss the lil church ladies making a fuss over me though - in Creston they had that going for them!

One tiny problem this time though. I was a little light-headed between the blood-letting and the heat. So when I decided to stop at Valley West - Von Mauer on the way back to Joan's I was way light headed by the time I got in the door. Good thing they've got those comfy chairs there! Once I sat down and rested, shopping was possible. Phew - I know you're relieved. But, much to Pablo's relief, no purchases.

On to Jason's Deli for supper -oops, feeling faint again, head down once I get in the door. But I recovered to order my usual Cali Club. While I waited for my sannie, I sat and read my very lite book club book - "Life's a Beach". All of the sudden I had a picture of myself - how I must look, in my new seersucker cropped pants, in my reading pose. Pat Bullock! By God, she had some seersucker pants. I quickly snatched my Blackberry out of my purse, because Pat didn't have one of those. I'm NO Pat. Phew!

Purchased gas after supper - again with the lightest of heads. Guess it's time to get to Joan's. So now I have my feet up, safely typing on my computer. I'll hold the hand rail walking downstairs tonight - Joan's stairs have gotten me before ya know.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Altec, Heat Heave

It's trucks like these that are making Jud's new car possible. Okay we helped a little too. If you look up on the hoist - the word ALTEC can be seen. Jud said it stands for Alabama Technology. He works for ALTEC in St. Joseph, MO as a strategic buyer. He talked a bit about it last weekend when he was home.

I liked hearing about Jud's job and life. Neither one of us is a phone person. So we weren't spilling our guts about our lives to each other this past few weeks since he started working early in June. It's so much easier to talk in person to find out what his new post college life is like.

Hey, he's my baby - it's my right to know! It's so different than with Amy. I can talk to her on the phone - and get a feel for her life. But least this boy is different. He can be a phone mumbler (he comes by it genetically - I was a mumber myself, and still can be). Which makes it hard to exchange information. So I wait until we're together.

Anyway, he gets along fine with his roommate Connor - they watch ESPN and play video games. Jud plays softball once a week on the company team. At work, he seems to be getting to know the people in his department. And suppliers took him out to eat twice last week! That's a perk of the job. Good thing he's not a state employee - or he would have had to keep it under the $3 limit. Hmmm glass of milk? Jud now knows who in the department to ask about St. Jo stuff - the locals know it all.

I'm glad I got a chance to chat with my baby - face-to-face. And even though the reality of the working world sometimes sucks - for all of us, (unless you're Warren Buffet or some other Richie Rich) I'm glad he's now a wage earning member of society!

On another note, the cops saved me last night! In that same section of Hickman - that damn road is out to get me - they were set up and I had to turn around. At the time I figured there was an accident right around Living History Farms - going west. Tonight I saw on TV that the pavement had buckled! Geez, Hickman could have done severe damage to my lil el carro again. You may recall last fall that's where a deer hit the rental car I was driving whilst my car was in the shop due to the coyote incident. That section of road is not my friend!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday was a Chillaxin' day

Saturday Paul and Jud were off shopping for a new car. So I slept in until 9:30 a.m. woohoo (after being awakened by the guys before they took off around 8 a.m.) Kara, Jud's girlfriend was heading to Denison for a family gathering, so she slept in too - a bit more successful than I - she got up around 11ish.

I had a little breakfast, my usual bowl of cereal - Raisin Bran today. I headed out to the deck with my laptop to read the paper and sip my java. The heat wasn't oppressive - yet, and a light breeze wafted over Paul's beautiful flowers. I recorded the sight as I saw it - it's something that keeps me going through the winter!
After Kara got up, we chatted before she took off north. She's just completed her training at Cerner Corporation in Kansas City. They make software for hospitals. It sounds like she and our baby boy are enjoying learning their way around KC.

Once alone, I did a little laundry and called daughter #1 to get caught up on her life. We chatted a bit when the boys drove up in a brand new Mazda - breaking up our conversation.

Later that afternoon, Jud, full of parently love after getting a bit of $ help with his new car, decided to go to church with us. I liked showing him off to our church family! Linda Hartsock patted his back and Cheri Finken said hello. I introduced Jud to Fr. Pins. That night we dined on New York strips and hash browns. It was nice to speak to Jud person to person - not by phone. A wonderful summer day!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Jeep

It was our first new vehicle since kids got in the way of our fortune. Our 2004 red Jeep Grand Cherokee, purchased at M&M Motors. We traded in the silver one that we had gotten four or so years before, slightly used - like all our vehicles purchased from about 1990 until 2004.

It was mine! We did some kind of a vehicle shuffle, my car to Amy and when the dust settled, I got the new Jeep - with 8 miles on it! I was working at the landfill at the time, so sometimes I needed that 4 wheel drive to get up the steep hill leading to the facility. Oh how I loved that Jeep!

Paul was driving a truck then - either a green Ford, or a Dodge. So we drove the Jeep whenever we went on trips, short and long. And that was often - because those Goldsmith kids were active in sports, traveling around the Hawkeye 10 Conference. When Jud was in high school, we car-pooled in a great group, including Joan Weis (Greg was still in vet school back then), and Lucy and Jim Hyde.

We had some memorable trips in the Jeep. One time Paul was driving the Jeep, and Jim was riding shotgun. Lucy, Joan and I were strapped in the back with me in the middle riding the hump. We were headed for Clarinda for a basketball game, traveling west on Highway 71 when deer (shocking I know) ran across in front of us. There was traffic around us and no way for Paul to avoid the small fawn that we hit head on. I felt it pass under my feet - below the undercarriage of the Jeep. Ick! Later we could see where the bumper was cracked and there was deer hair in the license plate. But we were pretty fortunate it didn't go over the top!

Another time Lucy was with us as we left Carroll after a hard-fought soccer match (was that the one when Coach Bob Irr got a red card and had to watch the end of the game from the team bus?) in eerie weather. A storm was a comin'! You could feel it in the air. We only got about twenty miles before the heavens opened up and it rained cats and dogs. Then the hail started. On my newish Jeep! It wasn't that tiny little insignificant hail. It was big, "sounds like somebody is hitting my Jeep with a baseball bat" hail.

I was terrified to stop and look at the SUV - fearing large dents and pits. We stopped like many people had, in Guthrie Center (yes, home of Bar-L Ranch, where lil Leslie had many a fun time at summer camp riding ponies) under a Kum N Go awning. A quick glance at the Jeep revealed its superhero exterior had successfully dodged most of the hail dents. When the hail stopped, we drove on....and right back into hail a couple miles south of Guthrie. Eventually we got home, hearing we had dodged a tornado a few miles west of our location in Guthrie. Phew! Good job trusty steed.

Fast forward to 2007. Jud graduated and our carpooling to game days were over. I wanted a smaller more fuel efficient vehicle and Paul was ready to drive the V8 Jeep full time. We traded in his Dodge pickup on a 2004 Subaru Outback for me, to be followed by a 2009 model in that year. A new love in my life - all wheel drive style!

And last summer Jud faced driving his tiny 2-door Saturn through the land of 18-wheelers to Davenport for his summer internship. My fretter began to work overtime with thoughts of him being crushed in traffic. So Jud got the Jeep and Paul too got an Outback 2010 version - all remodeled compared to mine - more of an SUV than a lil station wagon.

The Jeep now has some 120,000 miles on it. The windshield was cracked on Jud's spring break trip to Colorado and the rear end is making a painful noise. Jud is ready for his first car - to go with his first job!

So he's trading the Jeep in today for a dimpled (hail damage - you can hardly see it, but it's ironic, no?) Mazda 6, color red. It's a sad and happy day for our family. Good bye faithful friend, hello new kid. Take care of my kid like the Jeep protected our family.
Jud's new Mazda 6

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lunch at State of Iowa Capitol Cafe

Was beautiful today! I had a Jimmy John's #2 (Big John - Roast Beef) with no mayo + sauce (oil/vinegar). Plus a little ice tea. Delish!

Nope, it's not a real cafe. Just a metal bench in the Governor's Plaza. The temperature was a delightful 82 degrees. But the heat is coming - they're predicting 90's with high humidity for the next week or so.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Date night

Okay not much of a date, but my honey buns did come to DSM tonight. It was car fixin' week for the Goldsmiths. I took my car in to Ramsey Subaru Tuesday for some warranty work - a notice I received about the computer needing to be reset.

But in the meantime, Paul's car had developed a jiggle in the steering wheel a certain speeds, so he made an appointment for Wednesday. I usually bring his car up when it gets regular service, but didn't want to wait to get his car in for a whole 'nother week! AND in the meantime, Jud called his daddy last night to report that the Jeep had shaken wildly at 55+ mph driving home from work. (Thank God Pablo gets those automotive calls from the kids - I just get the computer calls) Paul told him to take it in to a shop in St. Joe.

So, a side benefit for me to Paul's Ramsey trip is a meet-up afterwards! We got together at Marshall's - where he bought me a nice dress for the Peterson wedding at the end of the month. What a nice guy! We proceeded to Sportmart where he couldn't help but get me a couple exercise items (a skort and some compression shorts - he does love my butt, or so he says...).

Then it was on to man-heaven - Home Depot. Though he was really quite restrained there. We headed right for the back splash tile, and he didn't veer. Damn! He let me forget to look for a unit to put bird seed in. We have an mouse in our chair pad storage unit because he's put his birdseed in there. I know! That's just not right! There should not be mice near me. Ever! I do not like them. Those tiny little beady eyed things make me crazy.

We found some tile samples to check out for $50. (Unlike checking out samples in Creston, Iowa - which we can do with our good name...) We get our $ back when we return the samples. The backsplash above the kitchen sink is going to look awesome!

We ended the evening with an early (before the rush) meal at Hu Hot. You get your bowl of meats, fish, noodles, veggies and sauce and take it to a big wok to be fried up by quiet little men with metal tools. It was yummy! We enjoyed being together on a Wednesday. (especially me cuz I got new stuff).

Rob Grill, the lead singer of The Grass Roots, died yesterday. He was 67.
Sha La - La, La, La, La live for today. Reminds me of the very first cassette I got for my fabulous lil tape player I got for Christmas in about 6th grade. I likely wore that tape out. RIP Rob. And remember ya'll - Live for today!
Then Paul stopped by Joan's on his way out of town and pumped up my bike tires that were down to 40 psi - they're supposed to be at 100! So I'll be cruising now. All because of my honey.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Saturday night's alright for chatting

Back to a rundown of the AHS class reunion weekend. Saturday - after the walk through the old neighborhood, the rest of the day went quickly! Paul and I first shopped in friendly downtown Atlantic. While I can no longer say "charge it to my dad," in the stores, like I could back in 1972, I still enjoy shopping in Atown. Back then, I'd give the clerk my name and they'd send an invoice to my folks. No plastic needed!

Our first stop downtown was at Bonneson's 5 & 10. The clerk there was sure to speak to us as we walked in the door. The candy counter looks much the same as it did when the store was across located the street, and I would stock up on pixie stix, wax lips and lemon heads. Today Bonneson's is chock full of a variety of goods - from candy to fabric to Iowa and Iowa State stuff. Next we were off to Brown's Shoe Fit where the manager was very nice and happily accepted our Cabela's Visa for the lovely Clark's sandals I found on sale. We bought flowers for the cemetary and made a stop there where five generations of Bullocks are buried.

We met Chris and Paula for bite to eat at Bob's Downtowner, checked out the school, and looked at photos on the wall at the new Atlantic YMCA. The picture is of our girl's basketball group, circa 1969? What a hoot! Mrs. Key was the leader, Chris and Paula reminded me, with crabby Mr. Holt holding down the fort as manager of the Y.

And at the new Atlantic Y, my mom's photo is on the wall for a volleyball championship with Betty Pellett and Bev Freese (Mom's bestie who died of lupus in 1975). I don't even remember mom playing volleyball. The Atlantic YMCA is a beautiful facility with a huge weightroom. I'm sure it doesn't have the heart of the old place though - oh the fun I had on that trampoline!

Paul and I stopped at the Country Club to check out the accomodations for the evening and most importantly make sure the bar was set up. Old guys were playing pitch in the bar. I stopped to say "hi" to Don Reinertson and Ron Guttenfelder. Seemed like Dad should be sitting there! Then Paul and I went back to Chestnut Charm to get ready for the big night.

Of course as hostess, I wanted to get to the Club first. Paul got me a nice vodka tonic, and we sat and waited for the other 76ers. While we waited we got to see some old friends! It was good to talk to Collette and Chuck Kinen - Mom and Dad's neighbors at the condo. Chuck is battling pancreatic cancer - so good to see him looking pretty good. His daughter Lynn is married and lives in Creston. Her husband Mike McCabe coached Amy in several sports and their kids are around our kids' ages. There are a number of Creston/Atlantic connections. (but we all know Atlantic is kinda snooty but richer, and Creston is plainer but good hearted).

I also got to say hello to Dick and Pat McCauley - parents of my HS BF Mike McCauley. That fam will always have a warm place in my heart! Pat played the violin at our wedding. Mike lives in Michigan and didn't make it back for the reunion - some story about bike trips he needs to go on. Likely story!

Classmates started heading in to the Country Club. Fun to chat with everyone! Facebook friends can see them all there on my page. I took photos throughout the meeting.

I know people were prolly disappointed, but I didn't make any big Roger Underwood type speeches, and all too soon the meal was over. After that, many of us headed downtown for a photo opp at the Atlantic sign.

The girls then headed to the community center for Pianopalooza - dueling pianos, held in conjunction with the All Class Reunion. We got to see some '75ers like Pat Riggs and Marci Merrick. Plus Chris's bro John and wife Amy were there. But it was too loud, so we headed to a bar out by HyVee, so we could talk. I realized my time with my friends was growing short!

We had quite a tableful of folks! Robyn, her sis Lynn Henningsen, Joan, Chris D, Chris W, Candace and her husband Matt, Paula, Sally, Julia and Toni Mason (who got home so late her 81 year old dad got worried and drove around looking for her..). Finally it was time to head out. On the way back to Chestnut Charm (Paula and Chris D rode with us), we had an inane conversation about the Bauer girl who was in the Animal House movie and Chuck Templeman....

Again - lots of laughing throughout the day. Did I mention how I much I love to hang with my girlfriends of the class of '76?  I guess when you:
  • Go to birthday parties with people when you're little, popping balloons with your bottom - and then win prizes!
  • Attend school with kids every year, playing together at recess - 4 square, kickball, boys chase girls, the 5th grade girl's video on getting one's monthly curse (aka eating hohos)
  • slumber parties - staying up all night, "light as a feather, stiff as a board", dance contests, sneaking out, feed us Faust
  • Y-Dances, Jr High Dances, 4-H Dances, Church Dances
  • Keggers, Driver's Ed and so much more
You never forget your bond!  So my goodness - I've been through a lot with these girls. My formative years! So I hope we still have a few formations ahead of us. We plan to get together again in a couple years. Some people mentioned Okoboji - but it's off the beaten path. I'm thinking someplace easier to fly into. But hell, I'm up for anyplace these chicks wanna go!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Skipping ahead

A weekend before I fall back to my class reunion memories. My college homies just left so I gotta write about that while it's fresh. Man...what a stretch we've had! San Antonio with good friends from Creston, Class Reunion and now this - with only one weekend off. I'm exhausted. But I'll rest the next few weekends. I'm not that old...yet.

We finally got the gang to make the trek to Crestonia! (a first for Freddie Carl Behr!) Vicki, Moose, Kay, Jaime and Alyssa. They got here Friday night. Vic and Fred arrived first - the shorter drive. They pulled up when Bobbie and Jeff did for deck time. I promised lemondrops for the girls. I shook some up in short order. Muy Bueno!

We sat on the deck and traded class reunion stories. Jeff, Vic and I all took part in ours 4th of July weekend. (those Class of 76ers rule!) It was a glorious summer night to sit on a deck. Except for that moth that wanted to fly into my drink. We knew Wilts wouldn't arrive until 11ish, so we tried to stretch out our drinks until then.

Bobbie and Jeff had to hang it up about 10:30, and the rest of us headed inside to escape the bugs. Right about 11 PM, headlights hit the picture window - 2 cars as each adult is heading separate ways today. Welcome hugs all around. And fresh drinks! Odie was in doggy heaven - so many peeps to love. The fellas stayed up late, after we girls retired about 12:30 AM.

In the morning (getting up time, not when we went to bed), the guys headed to Corning to play golf (Creston courses were tied up with tourneys) and we chicks drove to DSM to hit the Farmer's Market. Late start of course, so not as much time to look around as we'd have liked. But Kay rang up college buddy Mary Morman-Graham who met us there. I purchased fresh produce such as a collapsible water bottle and a Dutch Letter.

We then went to Dos Rios for lunch - where we snapped some photos. I also got an earlier shot of the Wilt girls in front of the bail bond shop. (ironic-no? they are the cleanest cut kids evah) We also made a stop in West Glenn at Sticks and I swung by Jordan Creek on the way home.

Stopped at HyVee to get Alyssa a bday cake in Creston as her 17th bday is today! Hard to believe. The guys pulled in to our house shortly after we did - they been mega golfing. To the tune of 54 holes! You see in Corning $99 got them 2 carts and all day golfing for 3. They couldn't pass up that bargain. They were still pretty peppy for old guys after all that. We grilled steaks and chicken breasts, and I made cheesy potatoes. It was pretty good - followed by Alyssa's chosen cheesecake bday cake with candles.  Another nice night sitting on the deck - with great friends.

I couldn't help but reflect once again how very blessed I am to have so many fantastic friends. Cool people - who love for who, and despite of who I am. Through thick and thin - through the years these peeps have been there. And they will continue to be - and we'll be there for them. That's what friends are for. Love 'em!  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The old home place

In the morning, a few of the gals got together for a walk. Our bed and breakfast, Chestnut Charm was located at the top of Chestnut street, not far from the old home place. So Robyn, Chris, Paula, Julie, Candice and I headed down Ridge Road towards the old neighborhood. We took the curve by the Hayes house, near Mrs. Dutton's.

Ah - the Dutton place. It used to seem so scary. Overgrown front yard. Single old lady owner with a rock in the overgrown back yard that looked a lot like a headstone. That was enough to get us to ring the doorbell and run a few times! Poor old gal!
Note plywood way on left
I hit a lot of tennis balls on the roof of that flat garage

Then it was on to Crombie Place, by Mrs. Brown's, the Reinertson's and the Baxters. The Millers lived next to them. When I was a frosh, my Honors English teacher Jeanie Howarth moved into the duplex across the street with Edith Shank, school board secretary. Then, a few years ago, when the two spinsters were quite elderly, one of them picked the other up from the hospital. When she pulled up to drop her friend...or should we say lover off, she had a massive heart attack and pushed on the accelerator and drove the car into my old bedroom wall. The plywood is still visible!

WTH?!? Can't anyone fix a house in Atlantic? 202 Crombie - once a beautiful home, built by my maternal grandfather, Herbert Morehead (aka Pops), looked tiny and tacky. It was sad to see. And the people built a huge garage in the lot nextdoor that used to be our swingset area in the early years. Though it does look as if they may be considering siding the place soon. I hope so!

We walked on by and down Bullock's Hill by Rechtenbach's at the bottom. Heplers were next door with Youngers (Coach Bob and Marilyn) across the street. Robyn and Sal each dated Greg but he was kind of a jerk as a neighbor. Lee Van Nostrand lived right down the hill from us. Tommy Buck and fam and those nice people who gave our quarters for Halloween. I remember playing Operation at their place - the Crabtrees! Grayson, Smiths, Fausts, Wereshs. Yep, we pretty much knew everybody in that whole neighborhood! Lots of kids. And my grandma's friend evil Mrs. Savery. Kinda mean.

On around the corner was Robyn's house before the D-I-V-O-R-C-E. We could climb up the hill behind the house and catch frogs in the pond. Debbie Thompson, Debbie Grote, Nancy Buckingham - just a few of the others who lived in Fairlawns - that was the name of the neighborhood. I loved riding my bike through there. As we walked through last Saturday we said names I haven't heard for years!

Then we walked up the hill to our old school - Washington Elementary. I peeked in the windows. It looks small too. The clock is still on the floor in the kindergarten room. We reminisced about our teachers - Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. Kluever, Miss Casey. Ah the memories.

All too soon it was time for our walk down memory lane to be done - Robyn had to get back, and we needed to show up for our breakfast at 10 a.m. or Babs would have our heads! As it was, she chewed me out for taking a book on Cass County history into the eating room (I could spill ya know...). Plus she intimidated all of us into taking leftovers of crappy muffins with us - too afraid to leave 'em. (She was like the Nurse Ratchid of B&B's)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Friday in A town

So I headed back to Creston to get Pablo the Poolboy to drive me back to Atlantic for my class reunion. Paul actually could have gone to his own class reunion (Dyersville Beckman Class of 1976) this weekend too. But he chose to attend mine. With the fun girls.

It's true - my group of friends are the fun girls. And the smart, caring, clever girls. Smart asses sometimes too. Paul and I drove up to Chestnut Charm in Atlantic late Friday afternoon, to see Paula Bacon (after her trip from Austin, TX) just checking in to the Inn. The Innkeeper, Barbara was walking her to her room. And insisted we go around to the front door while she slipped in the more convenient back door. Once we filled out the paperwork, we brought our stuff in the back door and were shown to our room through the back door.

Just about then, Chris Deardorff drove up from her Chicago home. We walked down to Chris and Paula's room in the guest house out back to chat with the two. It had been some 20 years or so since we'd seen Paula. So good to see them! All too soon it was time to get ready for the park gig for the class reunion.

Paul was hungry so we stopped by KFC on our way. He carried the coolers with pop and water up to the shelter at Camblin addition. Then we sat and waited for people to show up. Slowly they trickled in. It was fun to chat with each classmate as they showed up. When my buddies showed up, that was the best part. Especially Trish Eden, whom I hadn't seen for 30 years. She's back in Atlantic to care for her elderly momma.

Once it got too dark, we packed up and took off for Irv's Elbow Room - a dive bar in town. It used to be a scary place - filled with unsavory characters. Joanie tried to order wine. They had white in a box, and real sangria - whatever that is. I ordered a beer. We took some pics - the gang together again! It felt good and right.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Atown Girls in the Big O

My ribs hurt. Somebody shoulda filmed us because sizzle - we are smokin' hot funny! At least in our own minds!

I headed out from my place Thursday shortly after lunch - stopping in Atlantic to pick up my friend Joanie Troll Farmer whom I hadn't seen for prolly 25 years. We cruised to Omaha and were first to arrive at Chris Watson's house. Her house was not far from where I lived in Omaha - in fact I got off the freeway on Pacific, but turned off on 120thBut it wasn't long before Sally and Julia, Pam and Robyn got there. Soon we broke out the beverages.

Chris got out some snacks. I had brought some fixins' for - you guessed it - lemondrop martinis. Except Alexx - Chris's daughter had to run out for some Sweet/Sour mix for me (yeah, she's a sweetie) Forty years melt away as we begin to laugh about old times - Joan's old Chevy rollin' up to my house to pick me up for school, cigarette smoke rolling out of it. Black Water playing on the 8 Track player. We sing along.

How did the bond develop? Hmm? Not overnight. And evidently it doesn't ever go away. And it reappears whenever we get back together. Some of us have been since we were 3 years old. We went to Mrs. Luin's Nursery School together and lived in the same neighborhood.

Once we were a few drinks in last Thursday night, it was time to walk to the restaurant. (good idea, no need for a designated driver). We staggered around the corner, thinking we'd eat Mexican, but that place was closed - fortunately, another restaurant down the road was open featuring an nice bass player and great burgers! Food was needed. Of course we were the life of the party at the joint, and people lined up to take our photo - including an online magazine photographer.

After we walked back from there, another friend, Candace had arrived. It was pretty loud in the place by then. Joan was truly enjoying herself! The rest of us had fun telling the story of our 50 year gathering - when we nearly got arrested. I retired to Chris's bed close to 1 a.m.

We got up around 7 a.m. (we're old - we wake up early) to drink coffee, talk and sit on the deck. We chatted about our lives, Pam told us about her daughter who is moving to Seattle and her brother-in-law, our classmate who recently died. All too soon it was time to head home. I hated to say goodbye to Pam, who couldn't make it to Atlantic for the rest of the weekend. Off to get Pablo!