Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pedi and nummi yogurt

I had a pedicure today. Decided to switch to "pretty in pink" (not its real name) nail polish that I picked up at Walgreens on my way out to Waukee. I enjoyed talking to the young woman who did my pedicure. Usually I have a hard time understanding the person working on my nails.

I told her she had strong hands as she rubbed my legs - my favorite part! I didn't especially enjoy the callous removal. Ouch! She said that wasn't a good compliment - to hear she had strong hands. But she was a farmer's daughter - so it wasn't a surprise. When I asked where she grew up - I was surprised to hear that it was Vietnam. She told me about helping her brother carry water to the rice fields. Her command of English was so good. She moved to Iowa from Washington State - the town of Vancouver just north of Portland.

I don't usually make a practice of chatting while I have a pedicure. But today I was a regular Chatty Cathy. The gal next to me had the mellowest baby girl aged around nine months old one her lap during her pedi. I never saw such a quiet baby - lucky for all of us!

When I got home from the pedi, I had lobster ravioli from Super Target, and after, the bestest yogurt ever. Stonyfield Farms Organic Chocolate Underground. Yum!

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