Friday, July 22, 2011

Blogger comments

You have defeated me! I've tried to comment on a couple blogs - Kimmy McFee is in Okinawa and is writing about her experiences in that foreign country while she teaches swimming lessons to service men and womens' children.
kims adventures abroad

And I used to be able to sign in under my Google account to comment on daughter Amy's Blog. Though she must be burned out as she hasn't posted much lately.

Alas, I try to sign in, but I just go round in circles and it never posts. So if you don't allow anonymous posts - I gave up! I don't know what changed, cuz I used to be able to post. Frustrating.


Anonymous said...

Well, I tried to comment on your posts yesterday with absolutely NO success and somehow today it is letting me!! I started blogging with my old AEA email and now I can't get rid of the dang thing. I think that is what is goofing me up. But who knows????

I love your blogs! You have such a great sense of humor and I often smile/laugh or cry, whichever is appropriate when read them.

I so agree about the budget impasse, but frankly I am blaming a certain party, which will not be named here. haha

lgold said...

I was able to comment on your blog too. Maybe my blog unclogged thing! Ha ha