Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chilly ballgame N raise your glass

The Colorado Rockies game was rockin'! At least the first couple innings were - for the Rockies. They rocked the formerly unbeaten St. Louis Cards pitcher for like 10 runs, as we viewed from row 11 out in the outfield down the first baseline. We had tickets by the Alvillars, while we purchased Jud and Kara's when we got there - just up above ours in row 39 or so.

I won't lie - it was cold, there were just a few drops of rain. And by inning 6, I was ready to go. All the "star" players (like I really cared..) were out of the game. Cousins Amy and Leslie got settled by each other, and hardly took a breath (or watched a pitch) while they caught up with each other. It was fun to hear them laugh and talk. Les's hubbie Jordan was in charge of protecting them from foul balls, as they were vulnerable. Niece Jordan and her beau Westie were down on the end, but seemed to be having a good time.

By the 7th inning stretch, I couldn't take the chill - decided to check out the team store and warm up. Took a couple snaps of Jud and Kara. The home team had the game safely in hand, so it was time to go eat at Mortons - not the salt people. The "don't put any prices on your menu" people. Paul and I thought - what the heck - it's one of those memory making times!

So we got drinks and we raised our glasses. Mom and Dad would have been proud! You can buy "stuff" and hand it in your closet, or put it in your living room. But that was a bonding night - well worth every penny. Great food, and better company. The Alvillars are such fun to be with! Leslie and Jordie make me laugh at their stories - I can just see Jordan being a nanny.

All too soon, it was time to say goodbye. Hugs all around. Looking forward to Cannon Beach next year - hope they can all make it. We dropped our kids off at Amy's and Paul and I were off to Lamm's house - our Denver home. Marty and Bill are up in Estes so we have the place to ourselves. Basking in the glow of a wonderful family day.

Lunch with the fam!

Whoo - just flew in from Colorado and boy are my arms (floppy old lady batwings) tired. Actually - we drove, but with 41 mph winds through Nebraska...it felt like flying!

What a time we had. Amy texted that she was bummed that it was over last night. Paul said he was too, as we drove in the driveway. I'm not. Okay, a bit maybe, but in a satisfied way - like a meal you've finished but wish you were still chewing...

Already described night 1. Such fun to have Amo all to ourselves. Jud and Kara arrived late and all were up when we picked them up Saturday a.m. to meet Alvillars for lunch at Rock Bottom. We decided to walk - past the Colorado State Capitol on our way. Lots of folks were out and about on a beautiful a.m. As we posed on the steps of the statehouse, who walked up? Sister Susan and husband Jim! Introductions to Jud's gf.

So we walked to the restaurant with my sissie - catching up on the way. We got seated in the back 40 bar, kinda off by ourselves and niece Leslie and husband (of not quite a year) arrived, followed by niece Jordie. Fund catching up and laughing about fam memories.

Made the mistake of allowing the kids to drink beer (oh, guess they are legal drinking age and made their own choices...still sometimes hard to remember that). They all needed a lil rest before we took them out to the ballgame.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Colorado Trip Day 1

We headed out from Creston last night. Unfortunately for Paul we stopped just 20 minutes into our trip, in Corning for a work meeting for me. I met with the good people of Corning regarding curbside recycling for 1.25 hours. The Mayor - Guy Brace, and city clerk Iona ran the meeting. They introduced the gent from Waste Management - Doug Tucker. He's a driver.

There were around 12 people in attendance, and they had quite a few questions. Several of us answered the questions. People sounded pretty favorable to curbside, as did the rep from WMI. Has that company changed their tune regarding recycling? We'll see in coming months.

Paul waited very patiently. Then we headed west - and made it to Kearney as I started dozing off. We checking into a Microtel, and slept in - kinda. We made it to Denver around 1:30 PM, and took our baby girl to lunch, after seeing her new office at Custom Made Meals. Later we took in some yummy chips and margaritas and headed to her former place of work - Marczyk's for delicioso burgers. It was fun to have some time to ourselves with our girl.

Jud is enroute to big D - after his girlfriend Kara got off work. They're driving across Kansas. Godspeed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh fickle Iowa weather

Today it's 55 degrees, and misting. The furnace is running and I cranked the electric blankie on my bed at Joan's. Which reminds me. Sleeping in two places is messing with my sleepytime mind!

One morning last week I woke up abruptly and very confused. There was someone in the bed beside me! Yikes! I tried to grab my phone from the headboard shelf to see what time it was. My hands hit wood (real wood - the headboard). I was freakin'! It was confusing, you see, because Jud was home so Odie was with him. So there was a man in my bed with no wiener.

Oh...that came out wrong. But things just didn't feel right. In the bed. Without Odie. So I thought I was at Joan's, but I wasn't. I figured it out after a few minutes of grogginess. But as you can tell...I'm somewhat haunted by the experience. I've got to stop sleeping around!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It was crazy - to call them slumber parties

My age group lived in the "slumber party" era. Before theme parties - when people had birthdays at the YMCA or at the roller rink. We all just tortured our poor parents by having a gaggle of girls overnight at our homes for our birthdays. And by gaggle I mean everybody we could think of.

Ten, sometimes fifteen evil, foaming at the mouth teenaged girls. I recall going to slumber parties at: Sherry Smiths, Robyn's, Sally's, Chris's, Paula's, Pam's, Theresa's, Terri McCutcheon's...and prolly more I'm not thinking of. Often the parties started out nice enough...with gifts for the bday girl, and pizza, pop and such.

Next, when we got a bit older - junior high age anyway, those pesky boys started hanging around! They would just happen to have a party on the same night we would! And some of the girls would be SO distracted by that. 

And we girls did such mean things to each other at the parties. What was that about? Freeze bras. Put sleeping girls' hands in warm water, to see if they would pee...squirt toothpaste on their legs.

We'd also try to scare the tar out of ourselves - by doing things like play "light as a feather, stiff as as a board". Someone would lay on the ground with people all around her and just fingers underneath. They'd go through this rigmarole and by the end they could lift her with only their fingers. A miracle!

My favorite memory though is from Theresa Faust's slumber party. Poor Fustic is gone now, a victim of depression. Back then at the party - she was in her glory, all spazzing out. Fausts had a nice big rec room that we took over that night. I ended up camped out under the ping pong table along with Christie Jo. We avoided the drama of the rest of the group as I recall.

So when Chris asked me where Paul and I were staying for our class reunion, I joked that we were sleeping on a fold out in with her and Paula Bacon, another classmate, and we were worried she'd put toothpaste on our legs! But then I revealed that we were staying in another room at Chestnut Charm - the bed and breakfast that Chris and Paula are staying in.

Chris replied that she wouldn't even bring toothpaste - just in case she was tempted! haha. We're still funny...even at 53!

Monday, May 23, 2011

High School Graduation

We were only invited to one measly Creston graduation this year. That's what happens when your kids have been out of school for a long time. And you're old and don't have a bunch of relatives in town.

Chad Miller goes to our church -and his mom may have just invited us because she and I are Facebook friends. Bob works in the same building as Paul. We all attend the same church and have watched the Miller boys grow up. Their older son Skyler suffered from Leukemia when he was young.

Anyway, it was Sunday night, and we headed out of town to Miller's place. There were a lot of cars there. We talked to Barb and Gary Coenen when we first got there. This was after a somewhat awkward conversation with the grad - do we hug? shake hands? Chad is a very nice kid - he plans to attend Simpson College, and play some baseball.

Coenens are part of the old St. Malachy group - Jud's grade. Barb runs the Creston Project Facebook page, and she and I have fun trading comments as Facebook friends. But I don't often see her. Son Marc - Jud's age, plans to attend grad school at Iowa. Dan, who is married and has a kiddo, just moved back to Creston to run his aunt's Ebay biz. Kate just graduated from Michigan with her Masters in community planning. Tyler just finished his frosh year at Iowa. Nice update from the Coenens. (who actually asked about Amy and Jud - it's called social intercourse. Some people don't know how to play this game).

Then there was the food! Pulled pork, fruit with dippage. A chat with some St. M teachers who asked about the Goldsmith chillens as well. Cake! We made our way to the garage - which was chock full of Crestonites! Some had to clear out before we could sit down, by Larry and Debbie P. Julie Lanning asked about our precious girl.

Before we left we had to say hello to good 'ol Father Kenkel, who was in town for various parties. He was our priest for some twelve or so years - a lovely man! He used to thank me for all the good things I do, when I would go to confession. Now that's a kindly priest. No Catholic guilt with that guy. I gave him a nice big hug.

I'm glad we were invited to Chad's graduation and wish him well. Another year of CHS grads move on out!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Lobby

It's always exciting when something new opens in Creston. People can be rough on new places...restaurants have come and gone. But this is a new bar! Creston has our share of boozers.

Pam and Tim Gray purchased Bernings - a well known hotel and restaurant a few years ago. Bernings was a centerpiece in Creston. It once featured a lunch buffet, and the "Red Room." I never saw the hotel rooms, but heard they were functional if not 4 star.

Paul and I enjoyed lunch at Bernings on our very first visit to Creston. We were looking for a house to buy - to make our home. Paul had accepted a job as District Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Union County. We were living in Osage in Mitchell County where he did the same thing - but it was a flat and boring county, so had its limitations. We were 28 years old.

People at Paul's new office recommended a realtor, so Betty Brown from Stewart Realty showed us homes on our price range that day, while lil Amy G. stayed at my mom and dad's in Atlantic. She had just turned one. Mom said she spent the day climbing in and out of the little rocking chair Mom got her.

Betty dragged us through many houses. Many depressed me. But one had potential - though it was very green, inside and out. And it was at the very top of our price range. We had to think. Betty took us to lunch at Bernings. We sat in the back in the "red room".

We noticed an older woman sitting by herself who looked intriguing. Though she had to be in her 70's, she had blond hair, and she was wearing sunglasses. And a crocheted Coors beer can hat. We asked Betty about her - she said, oh that's Hollywood Susie. One of town's well-known personalities. Evidently she had been an actress at one time, but got off the train in Creston and she lived at the Iowana Motel when it was still functioning.

Bernings peaked in the 80's. Bob, Frieda and their son Nate Berning still made a go of it after that, but the place seemed to lose its luster. Super 8 built a motel on Highway 34, and restaurants featuring relish trays and chefs with hats became passe. Bob was ready to retire, so they sold the place. A Chinese restaurant tried to make a go here, but failed. Then Grays bought it.

So I couldn't enter "The Lobby", Tim and Pam's new bar without thinking of Susie. They named it The Lobby because that's the old paint job on the outside of Bernings said. When you look through the first section of seating, you see the former Red Room area.

I raised one in her honor Friday night - after Bobbie texted me to joined my homies for drinks. Paul and Jeff stopped by later. We taught the staff (Tim and Pam's daughter-in-law - Jessica Beving) how to make a perfect lemondrop martini.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The final Oprah

Ya love her - you don't like her all that much. She's Oprah - no last name required. She started as a chubby approachable gal - you wanted to be her friend. She somehow turned into a very, very, very rich international star who has lots of power. Which didn't make her any more likable really.

But one of my life's goals was to go see her show. Oops! Guess I didn't make that bucket list item. Oh well - it got less important as time went on and Oprah got richer and more important.

I wish I would have seen her in Winterset all those years ago. In that case it would have been like she came to see me. And I loved the book and the movie - "Bridges of Madison County." Just like Oprah did.

I didn't often like her "fluff" stuff she did, but I loved the tough stuff - on forgiveness, dealing with incest, the early Dr. Phil stuff and Dr. Oz. I liked the guy who helped the people with obsessive compulsive behavior - hoarding. I enjoyed it when Oprah went out about the country and surprised folks. Wouldn't that have been a hoot to have her knock on your door?

My fave thing about Op (we're close enough I think I can call her that) is that she embraces her age. Of course she has a bevvy of people to make her look good - but she sometimes appears sans makeup. I like the idea of someone who says "it's fun to be X age" leading the way for me. Fifty IS fun! So bring on 60.

I look forward to seeing what O does next - with her mag and her TV network. I'll miss having her on at 4 PM to count on. Who will step up to fill in the gap? There will never be another Oprah. But she can be another Barbara Walters - and do specials if she feels like it. Bring it on Oprah!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today I went another road trip for work - this time to Fort Dodge via Webster City. My Supe Jennifer and co-worker Scott went along. We headed out about 9 a.m. and arrived at the Hamilton County Transfer Station just after 10. We got the royal tour from the director - Terry.

The folks in Hamilton County closed their landfill last year, and now they run a waste transfer station. They're also building a household hazardous waste facility - something I think is pretty cool. Terry seems a bit nervous about it. I totally get it...I was that way before I felt before we opened the one here in Union County.

It's kinda scary to think about handling chemicals and running a facility like that. I felt overwhelmed at times about it. But something scared me more than that. Not opening such a facility - allowing those chemicals to fall into the hands of children, or to be improperly disposed of. So we offered Terry some advice for start up of the facility. I hope our visit helps!

After that we had a tour around Webster City (the hometown of Dave and Jean Fox - our in-laws, who the transfer station peeps know) to drive by some other trashy landmarks - like the recycling facility, the scrap yard and the business that recycles chemical containers from agriculture.

Then - onward to Fort Dodge! We had fun discussing a variety of topics during the trip. Scott, Jen and I seem to be of the same political bent. Luncheon was at Mineral City, a cute and busy place. On the way out I saw Debbie Mathes - co-worker from FNB in Creston. Hmmm - small world. Our tour of the Fort Dodge Recycling facility was given by accountant/manager Deb. We squeezed that in after a nice long discussion of keg "balls" Jenny used to drink in college. We learned a lot from Deb about the operation there and we explained the services our section at DNR provides. It was a good visit.

On the way back just outside Des Moines we went by one of those billboards - about the END OF THE WORLD coming up May 21. (Boy will I have egg on my face if this comes true). I think I must go out for drinks Friday night. I know...it's not like THAT'S anything special...but it must be done.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The terminator

forgot to put a lid on it...

Arnold disappoints me greatly. Mostly because I like Maria Shriver. She seems like a cool person - genuine and pretty regular, for someone who has grown up in a somewhat "royal" family. And though I never thought Arnold was any kind of good actor, I've enjoyed some of his movies. Paul and I just watched Eraser a couple weeks ago. The kids loved Kindergarten Cop - so we watched that lots years ago. "It's NOT a tumor!"

WTF is up with these rich and powerful men? Does having money and being famous break one's moral compass? Or just horny? And why do they end up having bambinos? Is it the conniving chicks they have sex with. Cuz most of us know how that happens (and how to stop it) by now. John Edwards. That IMF guy, The gov of NY - Elliot Spitzer. It's like they get power and they can't help themselves - they get all horned up and gotta go do some chicks. And it happens in smaller towns too - Creston is a prime example.

I'm glad I have a one-woman man. And I haven't been close to being tempted by another guy. My life takes up enough of my energy as it is. People that have affairs must have large gaps in their lives. Arnold now has a really big gap.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More clothes, school memories

Washington Washtub
Junior High School - a time of much angst for most of us I imagine. It was exciting in Atlantic as three different grade schools - Washington, Jackson and Lincoln fed into Atlantic Junior High. We made fun of each of the other schools of course! Jackson Jackass was on the "poor" side of town. My buddy Jeff Becker (a fellow Washingtonite) says this about the Jacksonites -

He starts by joking about me talking about Teddy Simpson's record collection - he was my 8th grade boyfriend. Ted had a box with the records, all sorted by alphabet. Underwood is Roger Underwood - Jeff's biz partner (the two have become quite wealthy after selling the biz they started together in Ames for  a hundred gazillion clams.)

Jeff said via email - after my request to classmates for help with our class reunion. Leslie, Leslie, Leslie

 …I assume when you are talking about Ted Simpson’s records  you refer to 45’s.  Let’s not forget our friends from Jackson school who didn’t have 45’s. For instance remember that Underwood went to Jackson where they still had 78’s  that played on the hand crank phonographs. Why you ask, did they have 78’s at Jackson ? …according to Roger, when they broke into houses in Underwood’s neighborhood that’s all there was to steal. Of course Roger also claimed he got them at Angie Ostrander’s garage sale but I know the real truth because I used to hear all the limo driver’s talking about it when they were picking up the Washington kids from school.

Anyway just try to be a little more sensitive about these things around Roger as there is no need to upset him……we are all taking enough pills the way it is.

Speaking of music….I just got the new Englebert Humperdink 8-track it’s really cherry!

That Jeff - funny guy! And he didn't even get to the Lincoln Stinken people. The called our school Washington Washtub. I know...weak!

Anyways - back to clothes. Another outfit - blue knit knickers, with awesome red, white and blue shoes, and a suede red, white and blue purse in the shape of - wait for it. A PEACE sign. How patriotic - yet hippy! I was bitchin in that outfit. Add my new groovy wire frame glasses. For one junior high dance, Sally and I shopped with our moms in Omaha. I ended up with a beautiful light blue corduroy dress.

On to high school. Body shirt (with snaps in the crotch) were in. For Harvest Ball - did I go with Rick Harlan? I can't quite remember...but I DO know what I wore. Funny, huh. I had on the coolest crushed velvet bell bottoms - a gold with a pattern, with a turtle neck body shirt. Oh how I loved those pants.

Mrs. Sheppard seamstress to the starts (or at least for the Bullocks) made my senior prom dress. It was a light blue seersucker dress with a little jacket. It prolly smelled like woodsmoke - all Mrs. Sheppard's stuff did since her sewing room was heated with a woodburning stove. I enjoyed hanging on the fence at the Sheppard farm watching the work horses graze as Mom talked to Dorothy. I bet tailors in big cities don't have that benefit.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

You are what you wear...

At least if you remember it. Do you have memories that are tied directly to what you had on during that occasion? Today's CBS Sunday Morning Show highlighted a Broadway show by Nora Ephron and her sis Delia about that very thing - women's memories and what they had on. It's called "Love, Loss and What I Had On" It's done by a revolving cast of women - and looks to be hilarious. Here's the link to the webpage: http://lovelossonstage.blogspot.com/2011/05/conchata-ferrell-and-anne-meara-discuss.html

Some of my clothing memories are no doubt caused by photos of events. But others are very much because I have an emotional tie to what I was wearing that day or year. Not so much my really early years - I wasn't into clothes. I did really like my Brownie uniform, despite the fact that it was a little tan dress. The sash was the cool part - my mom would sew on badges I'd earned, plus our troop number was on it. (Still I was jealous of those damn cub scouts - they got to wear pants plus kerchiefs around their necks...).

Junior High age was really that golden age when I became aware fashion - not to say I was (or still am) any good at it. I distinctly recall wearing my groovy culottes (how do you spell that? - those skirts that were like shorts with a flap, before we could wear pants to school?) and sandals to school, then when the weather turned chilly - a kilt complete with a giant safety pin and sweater the next day. I think this topic needs more discussion in the future...don't you? It's a big womanly topic!

Finders keepers

I feel kinda bad about it too.

I was walking along in Wal-Mart today, when I glanced down and saw what looked like a folded up Benjamin on the floor. It didn't turn out to be a Benjamin - just a lowly $10 bill. Still somebody is going to miss that baby.

I thought about turning it into the customer service desk. But decided it would likely end up in some customer service worker's pocket. I kept it in mine, and will use it to "pay it forward" one of these days. I'll see some cute lil old person and pay for there meal. Or some such - I'll know it when the opportunity presents itself.

The incident reminded me of a time when sister Susan got stuck taking little sis Leslie to the Cass County Fair. I must have been ten years oldish - making Susi sixteen. She was old enough to drive anyway. The Fair in Atlantic used to be pretty big stuff - complete with carnival rides and games.

Susi and I went on one of the rides - was it the Octopus? I'm not sure, but on our way out of the gate, I looked down and saw what I thought was a roll of paper. I picked it up and showed it to Susi - and the Carnival guy rushed over seeing that it was cash. In my memory it was a roll of bills all attached at the ends - like they had printed their own? I don't know. Anyway, the Carnie guy insisted on giving us $5 for a reward. I probably lost it trying to throw rings on pop bottles to win ash trays.

Can you imagine the lives of those carnie people? They are like modern day gypsys. I'm sure insurance requirements have taken a toll on the number of crews traveling the country each summer. It probably makes America safer, but I'm not sure it's as fun.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

new stuff

We were grocery shopping at Fareway today. I realized I'd forgotten to snag some salad mix so I ran back to get some when I came across a stack of this summery looking bevvie.

So now when you hear me say I'm having some Weed, you'll know it's this legal, tea flavored vodka beverage.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Clever apple dumplin'

Last week, as I waited in anticipation for Jud's graduation day, I purchased a treat for work. In order for my co-workers to know of the yummy food, I sent the following email:

"In honor of the fact that the apple of my eye, Jud Goldsmith, is graduating from ISU tomorrow (and has a job) – and the applet big sis Amy (who just started a new job) is taking the train in from Denver to help celebrate, the yummy loaf of Great Plains apple bread is in the triangle – get some before it’s gone!

I know – longest most run-on sentence ever. Good thing Jen is gone!"

(Jen is my supervisor who is quite the stickler for editing my writing...she was gone that day. She was on the email list however and did chuckle about the sentence, she told me later.)

But my clever little applet Amy reached wayback into the time machine - recalling that I single handedly stopped the Creston Pantherettes from being called that awful name. She emailed this: "what would the trojann's say about you calling me an "applet" instead of an "apple"? (I was part of the Atlantic group that voted to name the girl's team the Trojanns - even then I didn't like using "ettes" for girls teams. Trojanns is pretty awful itself, no?)

So back in the 90's sometime, I'd finally had it with the whole Pantherettes name - Amy was getting closer to the age that she'd be playing for the sports teams, and I was ready to take action. Other towns were dropping that ette ending. Tigerettes, Vikettes and so on were dropping right and left. So I wrote a letter to the school board, copying the local newspaper, imploring the board to consider such a change. I laid out my reasoning, stating that after all...a female panther is a panther.

I won't take full credit - the KSIB sports announcer Gary Bucklin also refused to call the girl's teams the Pantherettes. Shortly after I sent the letter, the ettes were no longer! Amy was always a Panther - as it should be.

So Amy merely pointed out that I had become my own worst nightmare. Thanks kid!

'Ol stompin grounds

I had the privilege of working in my former territory yesterday with one of my DNR colleagues, Scott Flagg. Scott is a DNR newby - hired in September from the great state of Missouri. He's probably in his late 20's, and had worked for Missouri DNR before being laid off. He's a quiet guy, but has a seriously dry sense of humor. Scott is our technical expert on staff - so when I want to know something about, say deer carcass composting, he is all over it like flies on, well...dead deer.

Our section, Financial and Business Assistance is doing outreach to my old "planning area" Adams, Taylor and Union counties because they continue to get more and more trash. We want to provide assistance to planning areas across Iowa and decided to use a place I know well as a "test area" (I nearly said dummy but that would sound bad...).

So I got to come home on Wednesday night, and Scott arrived in my driveway the next a.m. I didn't invite him in - didn't want to start any rumors ya know...(besides he said he didn't need to tinkle). I hopped in the driver's seat of the beater Ford station wagon - it sounded like a helicopter was hovering above me. We headed down the backroads to Corning - stopping in Prescott to check out the recycling bin. I wanted Scott to get a feel for recycling in the area. The bin has seen better days...

We had luck at Corning City Hall - the clerk had time to chat about how things are going. That town is in the midst of negotiating their trash hauling contract. We had stopped to take pics of their recycle bin on our way into town - it's on a newly poured concrete pad. Much nicer than the gravel they used to have back in my day.

Then it was on to Bedford. On the trip I regaled Scott with stories of my days as the recycling coordinator/educator. I would visit the closed Adams/Taylor Landfill to record methane monitoring measurements. It is a very remote location, so I would wear extra clothes and then would strip down to get rid of ticks before jumping back into the truck. I learned that lesson the hard way - crawling with ticks while driving back to Creston! Another time a pheasant nearly scared the crap out of me as I made my way around the landfill. It was a little eerie out there.

We visited the new recyle bins in Bedford. I was a part of obtaining the bins as a part of a grant application. After Bedford, I dragged Scott through Kent on the way back to Creston - it was sad but actually less scary than the last time I went through that town. Phew. Then we toured the City Carton Recycling facility and met with that manager, then onto a meeting with the Creston mayor. I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed the day! It was nice to work with people in towns, and not be sitting in my cubicle. It didn't hurt that it was a gorgeous day!

I loved cruising the back roads of the 3-county area, speaking to Kiwanis groups and talking to city clerks. I didn't even mind sorting through household hazardous waste. It was the politics and realities of running a landfill that I didn't like at all. It kept me up at night - the stress. I don't miss that at all. I think Scott enjoyed the day too - in fact he titled his memo about the trip "Scott and Leslie's Excellent Adventure".

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I drove into the eye of the storm

Photos from Lenox, Iowa 5/11/2011
At least the corner of the eye. About a half hour before I was going to leave work, we got the National Weather Service Announcement regarding a tornado watch. Over the Wallace Building's crappy tinny speaker system, the announcements always remind me of Cheech and Chong's Drive Inn Movie gig "Snack Bar Will Be Open Another 15 Minutes - After That It Will Be Closed For Everthang, Thank You (in nasal fashion).

Anyway...after all that, on my way outta Dodge, (I got to go home to Crestonia tonight, as I scheduled a meeting for here tomorrow), Pablo called to say there were tornadoes in the area. Yikes! Cheech and Chong were right! I kept heading southwest anyway. It sprinkled a little.

Thirty miles from home I decided to check out the Creston radio station - sho nuff, they were doing storm coverage. It's always fun listening to an excited Gary Bucklin. But the storm was quite bizarre - lucky for me, despite the torrential rain and wind south reported on the radio, I didn't run into it until I was half a block from home. Lucky gal!

So when I was in the tub for my ritual welcome home to me bath, I thought about storms when we were little. When they were really bad, Mom would wake us up and haul us down to the basement - I remember being parked in the corner of the playroom on blankets next to the piano. Mom would have the radio on for updates, and we'd have flashlights at the ready. It was quite exciting.

Tonight Lenox, Iowa took the brunt of the storm - we heard they had some storm damage to homes there. I suppose I should change my plans to visit Lenox tomorrow as the pics above are from there. I don't think they'll be too interested in speaking to us about recycling...they might have some other stuff on their minds...like the fact that their city park has been destroyed, and several homes are damaged in town. News tonight said the town has no power. This has been a tough weather spring - many storms. Mother Nature is a powerful force!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


My roomie Joan is a farm girl. So you'd think she'd be hard-hearted when it comes to livestock, right? Okay, a robin red breast isn't livestock, but it is an animal - a bird who chose to build its nest over Joan's front door - not once but twice. She did knock it down once.

But the damn thing built it right back in the same place, and was all a-flutter, as Joan worked in the front yard. Evidently she took that "welcome" sign on the door to heart! Momma birdie worked so hard to get that baby built back in time to lay three beautiful blue eggies in it. So Joan left it alone.

And suddenly I'm afraid to go in and out the front door! I don't want a bird dive-bombing me, or pooping on my head. I've been taking the garage door route instead. Let's hope the babies hatch and move out quickly! I want my door back.

Update - and tonight Joan reports there are 3 baby birdies in the nest. If I wasn't so chicken (another bird) I would get a closeup of those birds.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm not the only one...

Jud is here now, stopping in Creston on his way to KC to help Kara move into her new apartment. We just had a nice luncheon of grilled burgers - with avocado for Paul and me. Loving that new grill.

It sounds like his last night in Ames was a classic. They spent the evening with several of his friends' parents who were in town for graduation. He's enjoyed hanging with them through the years - especially when they're buying!

After the bars closed down - and well after the parents had taken their leave, Jud said the remaining friends were gathered at his apartment. Jud started feeling sentimental and he said he started to cry in a boozy manner - so Kara started to cry. And then everyone else did!

So I'm not the only weepy one! And he's not even a weepy old woman.

Weepy, Bachelors Degree

OMG - I've been on the verge of tears several times this weekend. A big one - Jud's graduation from ISU. What the hell is wrong with me?!? I'm not one of those moms who cried when their kids went off to kindergarten - quite the opposite. I rejoiced! And I allowed myself a little sentimentality when Amy and Jud went to college, but it passed quickly.

At Christmas, I got choked up when it was time to say goodbye to Amy. She laughed because she thought I was kidding. I could have blubbered yesterday when Jud called as we drove Amy to her friend Rochelle's. I had written him a letter that I inserted into his graduation card - advising him to read it when he was alone. Yes, I'm a teary-eyed old woman.

When Jud called he said he'd had a chance to read the letter I wrote and he really appreciated it. I could hear the emotion in his voice. And this is Jud. I melted - and get tears in my eyes thinking about it now. So I said something like, "I meant every word of it." Of course my voice was all quavery. Paul and Amy glanced at me nervously like I was going to blubber - I forced myself to pull it together. There was time later for sobbing about my baby boy!

What did the letter say? Hmmm personal - but it was a bit of how proud I am of him. He hasn't had it easy - and some of it was his own doing. But as I've said in other blogs, he was a tantrum throwing child who got easier as he got older. College has been fab for him. So it will be hard to leave. And I couldn't help but throw in some work advice, as I'm a font of knowledge there.

Graduation went swell - long of course, because all those other people think their kids are as important as mine! Amy's longtime friend Aleah received her Masters Degree. Jud's girlfriend Kara, and buddy Noelle (in her Cy the Mascot feet) got diplomas on this day. Paul's sis Jean and hubby Dave were there along with Amy of course.

Afterwards was a madhouse at Hilton Coliseum, so my ideal photos (I pictured in my mind) didn't take place. Then it was on to meet Kara's fam at her apartment for a celebratory meal. The Whiteds are nice folks - easy to talk to. After the events of the day, exhaustion set in - we hit the Gateway.

A bit 'o shopping at the mall with Amy then onto to a fam lunch at Hickory Park, before helping Jud load stuff up in vehicles. We ended our fam time with a sweaty family hug! Then it was time to drop Amy off in Ankeny at Rachelle and Jenna's - her ISU roomies. They're taking her back to the train tonight. I didn't need to get weepy when I said goodbye to her in Ankeny - we get to see her again soon when we head to Denver for Memorial Day.

Jud is stopping in Creston today on his way to help Kara move to Kansas City for her new job. I'm sure we won't discuss the letter. We wouldn't want a chance to get emotional face-to-face...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lotsa topics

The trees in our yard burst into bloom during the week. They greeted me in a cheery way despite the bit 'o rain and wind I had to drive through on the way home.

Amy should be on her way on the train! I checked Amtrak - it's supposed to be on time. I will keep watch throughout th evening. After Amy's Turkey trip, I'm sure this method of travel will not seem bad to her.

I piled the fruit on this week in my yummy breakfasts in cubicle-land. Unfortunately, several other people have caught on to my early-to-work idea. A group near me in the Contaminated Sites section gathers and chatters about all sorts of topics. Loudly. Interupting my morning meditation and breakfast routine. I've had to break out the iPod! And now between walking and listening to tunes at work, I need some new music on my iPod.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Big weekend coming up!

If only action inside were this flowery!

My fave photo of us -  from last summer - Krissy's wedding
Jud is graduating from ISU! Amy is riding Amtrak home to Creston for the big event. Hope it's on time. We are meeting Jud's girlfriend Kara's family at the big event, and Paul's sis Jean and husband Dave are supposed to be in attendance as well. Yikes - big weekend all around!

I'm pretty excited, but am having mixed feelings about my baby boy graduating from college. Dang! It just doesn't seem right to be past this era of our lives. On the other hand...to have two gainfully employed children sounds, well, fabulous! I may just shed a tear, and then have a nice cocktail to celebrate.

Other stuff
I walked down to Jimmy Johns yesterday and couldn't help myself - had to snap a photo of the pretty tulips near the State Capitol. Today roomie Joan met me for lunch after mammogram (she's off this week) at the Continental. It was lovely sitting in that old building with the jazz music playing. I had a nice blackened chicken breast sannie. It was tough to get back to work. But I did...

Tonight I kicked ass as I did 3 miles at a 4 mph pace in the wind. My best work out so far this year. It felt quite good, actually! Now it's time to hit the hay. Busy next few days to rest up for! I'm loving thinking of being with my children for Mother's Day weekend! I heart them!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My new pottery

Isn't it handsome? I like the color scheme I picked out - thanks to help from Cindo and Bets! Remember - if YOU, the reader are interested in any Longaberger products, remember I am now an LL (Longaberger Lady) and can fix you right up. I may need some help from my sis to get the order in. I also need to get her input on how to do orders where the profit goes to charity.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Little stuff

Dr. Don McKim, with Saturday night's bride, Susan
Amy started her new job today - can't wait to hear how it went! New jobs are always stressful. You can't ever let your guard down, so by the end of the day, you're exhausted!

I remember my very first job - as the office manager at Gamble Robinson in Sioux Falls, SD. I sat, perched on the edge of my chair while Karen, a stern taskmaster, taught me my duties. I took copious notes so I would remember what to do the next day - how to open and sort the mail, how to pay the bills etc. But there are so many "but ifs", that I couldn't possibly record them all. Plus I had to learn everyones' names and the towns and customers etc. It was overwhelming.

I was ripped from the womb of my wonderful college friends - all safe, warm and inviting. There each night to hear how my day went. Back then it was expensive to talk long distance, so phone calls were a luxury! Paul and I were dating, but spoke on the phone only one a week or so. My college roomies had their own new lives to deal with, and parents in those days were never real attentive to us kids - it wasn't expected. I was on my own. No wonder I got up at 1 in the morning and took a shower - thinking it was time to go to work! But I got through it, and was soon thriving at the job and had won over the hearts of all the staff in the joint. I'm sure Amy will too.

Another funny Amy story. We chose to raise our children in a small town - and because of that they have learned a way of life that is unlike life in the big city. Amy has gone to the same eye doc all of her life - our good friend Dr. Donnie McKim. Until last week, when she attended a Denver eye doctor. She needs new glasses, so she innocently asked if she could take home a few pairs of frames to try on at home and think about - cuz that's what she used to do in Creston...where everyone knows her family.

Uh nope. Evidently Denver eye docs don't do that. Reality check in the big city. I bet you can't pick out running shoes and tell them to charge that your father will come in and pay for them later either Amy...

But you're taking Amtrak home on Friday, so maybe you get a little shopping in on Friday honey! Plus we can hit the Elms Club for lunch. Ah...small towns are good for some things!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just like the book title

in my last blog  - life IS so good! At least last night it was, as a bunch of us celebrated at the marriage of our friend Susan to Brian Weinheim, a cute fella she has been engaged to for a year. One of the reasons this wedding was so very fun was that it wasn't just about the Yute (you had to see the movie My Cousin Vinnie to understand that that means youth) or young uns. It about Susan - and her homies - us!

The wedding was earlier in the afternoon, attended by family - including Susan's two beautiful daughters Lindsay and Lauren from her first marriage, whom I've known all their lives. Pat and Steve Moeller were bestest man and lady.

The wedding and reception were, appropriately, at Crestmoor Golf Club. Golf is how the two love birds met. Around 150 people attended the reception, but again - mostly family and close friends. Our group was made up of our workout group - I am a no longer a worker outer, but make the Monday a.m. breakfasts. I'm glad the girls include me in those every other week gatherings - they're often the highlight of my week! I don't have anything as warm and friendly as that in DSM that's for sure.

Susan looked gorgeous in her gown and Pat was fab too. Brian is a handsome guy and everyone looked joyful - as they should on such an occasion. And the gals were ready to rock. I was hesitant to rush through my first drink to eat, but smarter heads prevailed. I had a nice sannie with some beans and yummie cake (white). Then, back to my vodka tonic in preparation for our "Addicted to Love" routine. Must have lubrication.

I did get to loosen up with some all chick dances to none-other than "Love Shack" and I couldn't let Deb dance alone to the Johnny Cash number. So I was ready to go when called downstairs with my sunglasses and blowup guitar to prepare for our gig. I hope somebody got some good pics. Susan was having a good time! Then the DJ called for the Cir quettes (not sure of spelling) it's from circuit training.

The music started and I was in the back, rocking my red blowup guitar to beat the band. Literally! Good thing Pablo tied that fishing string (not wire) on it. The other gals had shown up early to circuit training to practice their moves and of course I was in DSM. So I just kept rocking that guitar as they went through the gyrations. It was a hoot - at least from the performers side. Watchers may have gotten a bit bored...but who cares!?! Girls just want to have fun!

Paul and I danced a bit, but mostly I girl danced - so glad we gals don't need guys to dance anymore. All too soon, it was 11:30 and I turned into a pumpkin again. But we took lots of photos. And Susan and Brian looked like they were having a great time! I'm so happy for them, and wish them many years of a wonderful marriage.

And I'm wondering when next we chicks can dance again?? Or maybe I can get married again...but with the same groom. That was some fun.