Monday, September 29, 2014

Wing and a prayer

Jud and Kara were back in Iowa this weekend to hang out with Jud's college buddies - it was an ISU football game weekend. They stayed with us Friday night - but we only got to see them briefly as they went out with friends. Just like Paul and I used to do when we went to Atlantic back in the day. Here Mom and Dad - keep the kids, we're off with friends!

Saturday a.m. Paul and I hit the Farmer's Market after an early rain shower. We picked up breakfast burritos "to go" for Jud and Kara. We got to catch up with Jud in the a.m.

I won't lie - I was feeling puny. I was taking new pain meds and feeling queasy. No booze for me tailgating. Bummer. Paul was relegated to packing up the car with the freshly grilled burgers and brats he'd whipped up and put in a crock pot. We arrived at Jack Trice Stadium around 2:30 p.m. for a 7 p.m. game. McKims parked one spot over and we claimed the middle for our tailgate. It worked great. Conovers and Nielsons were there. Phil Conover and gf Lauren and Ryan McKim and gf Laura. Katie McKim and pals came with pooches in tow. One was a tiny puppy.
Mitch, Jud, Kara, Paul

By the time Jud and his pals showed up, the party was going strong! And as a bonus, our friends Joan and Greg Weis stopped by bringing son Ben and his gf. It was fun to catch up with them - they're grandparents now thanks to son Joel and wife Breanna. Paul got the story on Jud's buddy Mitch's elk hunt.  Before we knew was game time baby! Glad we get to see Jud in a few weeks as we're heading to St. Louis to visit. Sadly the game was over quickly. Baylor was the (much) better team. Paul and I did something we don't usually do - left early.

Sunday was a quiet day. I saw my surgeon today and set Wednesday for the day to manipulate my shoulder - ripping the scar tissue. Later that day I'll go to physical therapy to make sure it stays scar free. PT Thursday and Friday too.
Picture Dr. Schulte cranking my arm like a 1-armed bandit

I learned that my thyroid numbers are low - meaning it's working overtime. This can cause some of the problems I've been experiencing  - such as the frozen shoulder I've got. Damn hormones! Next stop - a specialist to figure out the next step.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Gone girl

AKA Hormones you're failing me now.

Christine, my PT (Physical Therapist) says many of the frozen shoulders she's seen are connected to menopausal women. Damn hormones.

I didn't want hormones when they took off in my body at puberty. And just when I was getting used to them - they up and quit, causing me a world of hurt. My girl is gone.

I started PT a couple weeks ago. It's been a long two weeks. Adhesive Capsulitis - frozen shoulder - means scar tissue builds up along your shoulder joint. And by scar tissue I mean razor blades that refer pain down your arm all the way to your hand. The surgeon I see suggested PT would break up the scar tissue. So far all it's done is cause me pain.

Therefore I'm not much fun these days - thus boring blogs about me, me, me and my hormones and shoulder. WooHoo good reader.

How about we ride the wayback machine - back to the first day I realized I couldn't hold back the hands of the evil hormones. It was 7th grade - I was getting curves and Mom had suggested I get a bra. We'd made the trip to Graham's Department Store to buy the bra in the box with the pink kitten on it. Thank God Mom hadn't insisted I try it on at the store. I was mortified enough as it was! Dad came home that weekend and proceeded to "snap" my new bra - throwing me in to a crying fit. Mom was forced to chastise Dad...

You know those girls who are dying to grow breasts? Um...I was not one of them. I would have bound the damn things if I could have. I wish they would have had sports bras back then - that would have been perfect for me. Alas - born decades too early. My prayers not to have breasts were granted though. Thanks boob gods! Not. You could have at least seen your way to allowing me B cups...

The good news was that mini-pads were invented by the time "Aunt Flo" came to visit the first time. Now that was a traumatic event - I remember it like it was yesterday. I bet every girl does. There is something about blood flowing out of you that is scary! And gross.

All the fifth grade girls had seen the film about this mysterious event. And Mom had showed me where the supplies were. After I told her I'd gotten it that first time we didn't discuss it. But back then I didn't wish to speak of it. It was "the curse". I would write "tampons" on the grocery list. Mom would buy the kind with the crinkly cellophane wrappers - if I had to use one in a public restroom I would try so hard to open it silently!

When I got to college I finally relaxed a bit. I could rip those tampon wrappers open as loudly as I liked. In a dorm full of girls in the late seventies - nobody cared. My girl friends and I talked about it all - no topic was off limits. Even later - when I reached child-bearing years, menstruation became what it always should have been. Another biological process. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Oh the things women go through. Men really don't have a clue do they?

And now this. Aunt Flo is piercing my shoulder with a dagger. I will see the surgeon again Monday - and will likely have my shoulder manipulated Wednesday. After that there will be plenty of hard work to keep the scar tissue from re-forming. But I'm up to it.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Felix the Cat - AHS football memories

I love football. I have since I was a little tyke. My parents would take us to watch the Atlantic Trojans play on Friday nights. They were perfect fall evenings when we'd put on our fall jackets and Mom would get out the black and gold wool Iowa Hawkeyes blanket. We'd walk the five blocks between our home and the Trojan Bowl by the high school. The smell of burning leaves hung in the air.

Oh the excitement! The marching band in all their finery - all green and white. What? For some reason the early band uniforms in Atlantic were green - not the black and gold team colors. Blue light special? I don't know. They sure sounded good though - director Art Meyer made sure of that.

I was happy to see some of my little friends, like Robyn (aka Robbie Dob). She would watch the cheerleaders - older girls like Barbie Freese doing cheers like:
Felix the cat the cat the cat
Felix the cat the cat
He wants to know
he wants to know are we going to win, Yes! What Felix, the cartoon cat, had to do with football...hmm, not sure.

And I would watch the game. My dad must have explained what was going on, because at some point I was even trying to explain the game to Robyn according to a new clipping in the Atlantic News Telegraph. I feel like I've always understood the game of football. Not like my husband and son - who both played the game - but more than most chicks.

Atlantic was good. Future Hawkeye player Ed Podolak (and Kansas City Chief) played along with several other good athletes. Later Ed's brother Charlie played. Did Tom Hayes play at Kansas? The team was fun to watch - even for a little tomboy.

A few years later, this Scorpio birthday girl got to load up the station wagon with all my little friends for a road trip to an away football game for my very special day. It was 7th grade because I remember singing music we'd learned in mixed choir that year. Mom made up "snack" bags for each of us - she always did the little things. We all just piled into the back of the wagon - loose, no seat belts, singing our lungs out. Good thing that wasn't enough to make my father crash the car!

Football has been a big part of my life - since childhood. I hope ESPN and dirty rat bastard wife beaters don't wreck it.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


All those years ago, when I watched the Saturday Night Live skits featuring the character who became "verklempt," who knew I would one day be her? A woman who becomes overwhelmed with emotion upon watching mere TV segments or listening to hymns.

The definition of verklempt is "overcome with emotion". That is me this morning - watching a segment on the CBS morning show about a boxing instructor who ended up fostering and then adopting two brothers that were in the miserable foster system.

My once steely exterior seems to have rusted. Damn Iowa humidity. When did my emotions get so close to the surface? Is it my now thinning skin? Have my life experiences made me more open to the beauty of life and the "little" things?

Perhaps it's just this pain in my shoulder. I am sleep deprived, after all. Drugs, heating pads, extra pillows. Nights are somewhat of a blur.

Naww. I'm guess I'm just now a verklempt-ready woman of a certain's a good thing, right?

There was even a cat - Frasier - at the FM

Paul is putting up tree stands these days, so I was on my own for the Farmer's Market. Jane was doing daughter bonding stuff. I decided to take pics of dogs. And buy bacon, tomatoes, carrots and bread. Yum.

Later we headed to Ames to watch ISU defeat the Iowa Hawkeye women's volleyball team. The first to games were close, but the Cyclone women took care of business in game 3. We walked out east of Hilton to take a pic with out fave mascot after the match. These statues are all over campus now. Very cool! No I didn't get verklempt.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pain and attitude

I had my first Physical Therapy appointment today for my gooped up shoulder. Adhesive capsulitis is the official term - or frozen shoulder. If you've been reading my blog a while you may recall me complaining about this same thing a couple years ago. Lucky me! Two shoulders, both freezing up for no particular reason.

Yep, I'm feeling sorry for myself. The damn thing is keeping me awake at night and now I can't dress without gyrating in pain. I make some interesting noises when the pain zings. Just ask my husband. And dog. The heating pad and analgesic stick on pads-are my friends. Those have the side benefit of clearing my sinuses.

So the surgeon set me up with the same physical therapy office that tortured my last frosty shoulder into submission. By the time they were through with me, I was buckling my bra behind my back like a pro. I'm aiming for that lofty goal once again. The buckle in front method is for novices! I showed up at the PT office today to start round two.

Reality check! People in wheelchairs, folks limping, greatly damaged were there. One guy described to someone else in the waiting room how he tore all the tendons in his arm keeping a motorcycle from falling on a young girl. I felt like a wimp. Suck it up Goldsmith! Stretch out that scar tissue. Rip!
spiderweb on the bridge - cool shadows on my walk

It was a beautiful afternoon. When I got home, I went for a walk. The temperature and time of year reminded me of school days back in Creston - when we lived in our first home. It was near what was then the Middle School. I'd hear the marching band playing (not so well). I'd round Amy and Jud up to sit on the front steps to listen. I'm sure that spurred Amy on to a short career on the saxophone years later.
Guess what town this was...with Angie and Scott

Monday I road tripped it to Louisa County to the town of Wapello. Then we headed to the Scott County town of Buffalo. It was a great trip - always nice to inform the good people of our state about ways to reduce trash entering landfills.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sweet Mother of Caroline!

Good times seemed pretty darn good - yesterday after our team of athletes overcame the other team of athletes.

This year's game was in Iowa City. As I explained in my last blog, I don't like to attend games there. And if I were an Iowa fan I wouldn't like coming to Ames. Too many hostiles around! Your mixed Hawk/Clone group might be fine but there are many jerky fans about - on both sides. 

I received a text from my college roommate Jane earlier in the week, asking our plans for the game. We decided to meet at a bar known as being pro-Cyclone. The Keg Stand is kind of a dive, but they were bringing in a giant TV for the parking lot and port-a-potties. That won us over!
Being with Jane for games is good luck! We were at Kelly's for the KU basketball game too

Paul and I arrived at the bar about 12:30 p.m. for a 2:30 p.m. game - we were lucky to snag a table on the covered patio. Jane joined us later, followed by Susan and her friend. The place was rocking by the time the game started - late due to the length of the prior game. There were a few brave Hawk fans - more than I'd expected. But the crowd had a mostly cardinal and gold flavor.

It was fun catching up with Jane. We agreed - though we live near each other, we get lazy about contacting one another to get together. The Cyclones bring us together! I enjoy hearing about her children and family. She always asks about our kids too.

We saw a singer setting up for a show later and were delighted to learn that it was none other than Damon Dotson - Phil Conover's pal. We'd heard him before and knew he was a great singer and nice guy. He told us Phil would be in later after work.

The game had many ups and downs for both teams. Neither looks too great at this point in the season. I like the improvement shown by ISU. After that first game, I must admit, I was pretty depressed. After all these years one must remember - a team is never a bad as you think...or as good. The Cyclones played much better in the second half, playing from behind. It was tied - game on the line with scant seconds left.

It's been one of those years. Things haven't gone ISU's way. But this time the football gods smiled down. The kicker knocked the kick that counted right between the uprights. Hugs, high fives and fist bumps all around. We loved watching the team rush to the sideline to retrieve the Cy-Hawk trophy. We decided a round of shots was in order.
Slippery Nipples. I know...sounds disgusting, but delish!
  Phil came by - I kissed his cheek. I wished his folks were there. Marilyn stresses those games as much as I do!
Phil tops off Paul's shot glass...
We didn't last long at the bar after that - exhausted! We did hear Damon play Sweet Caroline - a Cyclone favorite!

It was a quiet evening at home, watching games. We watched with quiet satisfaction. It might just be one win, but now we have bragging rights for the year. And the best part - hope for the rest of the year that there are better things to come.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Iowa State Vs. Iowa football - memories

I was there for the first game when the ISU vs. Iowa football series kicked off again in 1977. So many students wanted tickets that you had to enter a lottery to get the privilege to attend. My college roommate Vicki and I hit the jackpot and were able to purchase tickets for something like $8 each. Woohoo! We made plans to stay with my high school buddy Mona Jones who was a frosh at Iowa.
Check out the Iowa banner behind me...

On Game day, Vic and I tailgated with Vicki's folks - they were ISU grads, but they had Iowa tickets for many years with their friends who had an RV. The game didn't go as planned - ISU was the favored team yet Iowa came out on top that day. Mona's dorm was rockin' with all the partiers later that night. Vicki and I decided about 1 a.m. that we weren't going to get any sleep. So we headed back to Ames. All the way Vicki took me through some story - where you had to make choices and those choices told you about yourself. It was cool! And kept me awake.
The girls at the game

The next year we must have all won the lottery. Or ISU received more tickets - because we all attended the game - which again was in Iowa City. Sal, Jane, Vicki, Moose and Steve. I kind of lost though - because I had to drive...after pre-gaming at Cy's Roost. We drew straws. We passed beers between cars on I-80. Crazy college days.

It was a long night for me - staying in the Chi-O house with Christie Jo Deardorff. I got a post drinking migraine - before I knew that's what I had. The game outcome was much better that year and we danced afterward with Vicki's folks and friends at the Airliner.

During the 15 year losing streak, time my parents, who were Iowa grads, invited Paul and me to attend an Iowa game as their guests. We lost something like 60-6. Butt-kicking. Thank you sir may I have another!?!

The losing streak thinned my skin. It's why I don't get into texting Hawk fans and joking about the game as much as others. They had the edge for 15 years. That took away the fun for me - not due to the good Hawk fans that cheer for their team through thick and thin. But we know those who like to jab like they're true blue and are quick to through the team and players under the buss at the first whiff of a rough season.

I'm trying to lighten up - it's been 16 more years after all. And the Cyclones are holding their own in the W/L department since that time. It's time for me to chill.

More Memories:

I was at one of the kid's soccer games when I heard that ISU was leading Iowa in 1998 - and it looked like the good guys might finally win one. The streak would finally be over. I still love watching reruns of that game. JJ Moses. Finally Jud had a reason to be happy to be a Cyclone - born into a losing streak as his birthright. Amy was happy too, but she wasn't into it like Jud.

2002 - Seneca Wallace brings the team back from several touchdowns down, giving Iowa their only loss. That guy was something to watch. I talked to him last year at one of our home games.

2005? Iowa was ranked and heavily favored. Jud and Paul went to the game. I stayed home. ISU won fairly easily. Drew Tate knocked himself out of that game after a pick.

2007 - ISU The Shaggy game - Culbertson, ISU's kicker, knick-named Shaggy, hits enough field goals to win the game. A drunk Iowa chick, smoking a cigarette shrieks at me from a car - calling me an "F'ing old Hag". And I said - "But I'm a winning F'ing old Hag". Love that story!
Iowa fan in a kilt...

Iowa won the next three - until 2011 when, in Ames in a back and forth game, I won the game for us in triple overtime by standing in a lucky spot on the stairs below the concourse. The excitement was heart stopping - over and over as each overtime went by. I high fived strangers. My phone blew up as friends around the country texted after the game. It was awesome and so very fun. My most fun time at an Iowa game.

2012 - watching on TV as Iowa State linebacker Jake Knott saved the game in the closing minutes by tipping and intercepting a pass. The radio feed notes Iowa's color man Ed Podoak stating "this should be a touchdown". Not. Phew! Relief!

There is some talk of ending the series. Logically it may make sense for both teams. ISU could use a cupcake. Why can't we schedule one or three? The Big 10 now has 14 teams in the conference - and scheduling issues. I don't care. This state loves this game. It's good for commerce, workplaces, media and people. I hope it never ends. I'll continue to work on my attitude.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

To the moon Alice!

Leslie and Jane....

I was enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning at home when I received a Facebook message from my friends Ken and Jane. They were visiting DSM from their home in Dyersville and wanted to know if Paul and I felt like biking by moonlight that night. On a bridge.

I talked to Paul when he got back from checking his deer cameras and got back to them. We were IN! Just after 5 p.m. they arrived to pick us and our bikes (mine's name is Albie) up. They brought a bottle of wine. We drank it and chatted - catching up on each others' lives.

Jane and Ken also brought news. They're getting married October 25th! We're very happy for those two - they have a great time together and make a great couple. We enjoy hanging out with them. Cheers to Jane and Ken!

We drove to Woodward and ate burgers and drank a beer at the Braying Donkey before starting our couple mile ride to the High Trestle Bridge. The full moon helped light our way and it was a good thing as Paul and I hadn't checked our batteries for our bike lights. They were dead. Ugh!

The experience was worth the trip. And the fall (yes, I managed to tip over at one point and have some nice bruises to show for it).

We also got some cool photos. Not great as I didn't take time to set my camera for low light.

Paul and I are happy that Ken and Jane call when they come to town. #fullmoonfun!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Eagles and Cyclones

I'd always heard the Eagles put on a great concert - and they came through. Another bucket list item checked off. We knew they were going to play in DSM, but got tickets in Omaha months ago - fearing a conflict with the ISU football game.

We headed to Omaha a little later than we would have liked to - Pablo had some work deadlines to finish up. So a nice meal in the Old Market was out. Sonic in Council Bluff - in. Sigh. Good thing I wisely purchased a couple Coors Lites to sip in a brown paper bag (I know...bad me) with my chicken sannie.

We got to the Clink (Century Link Arena) early and purchased 2 drinks - one was a beer for $21. Paul and I spent the time waiting for the band to play considering what we could have purchased with that much money. A case of Coor Lite, a bottle of vodka. Shoes. It was a darn good double vodka tonic with two limes though.

It's the History of the Eagles Tour. There was no warm up band - it was all Eagles. The first set was historical - the band members talked about what was going on during the time each album and song was cut. Don Henley and Glenn Frey started the show and the other members shuffled in. They all told part of the story - but the two headliners were the main men.
View from the cheap seats

The second set was over 30 songs. And the song list was a  familiar one. We could sing along with all of them - and so could the rest of the crowd of mostly 40 plus year-olds around us in the full arena. I think Joe Walsh's - Life's Been Good might have been my favorite song. He's quite a character. They did a James Gang song - Funk #49. It was nearly 11 a.m. when they finished up - we had a couple hour drive ahead. Old Market - I'm coming back when there is more time!

The Mall is in the background - it was built when I worked in the Old Market area

It seemed too early when we got up Saturday a.m. to go to the ISU game. Are we too old to be on the go like this? Naw...
View of the band from the Alumni Center
It was a gorgeous day for a football game. The team showed up for this one and played KSU down to the wire. It was a disappointing finish - we lead until the last few minutes and just couldn't make enough plays to finish the game with a win. So....we did are part at the end of the game, drinking beer in the parking lot with friends.
Kari, Kevin and Diana - shooting the breeze post-game
Later we headed to Whiskey River for burgers. It was a fun day. Funned out, I was in bed before 10 p.m.! Keep this great fall weather coming. We deserve it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

Paul and I are heading to Omaha to see the Eagles tonight! A bucket list thing. Yah, I know - they're in DSM tomorrow, but when we bought the tickets, we weren't sure when the Cyclones were playing football again. So we decided to see them in the CLINK. That's what they call the Century Link Center in Omaha.

The Eagles and members have a big place in my life, starting in high school and running on through until now.
The title of this Blog. This might sound nutty - but sometimes I get sick of my own voice. Like when I talk too much. I wasn't blessed with musical pipes like some people I know. My pal Robyn is a radio deejay and does voice-overs. But it's more than just my voice. I need to quiet myself - to re-set. It's hard to explain, but I always thought that Eagles song kind of "got it".

Eagles member - Joe Walsh's Rocky Mountain Way has always been a favorite.
  1. Because I love the Rocky Mountains and my peeps that live there
  2. It's an easy song to play air guitar to
  3. We borrowed Moose and Steve's stereo for one of our classic college parties and that was one of the albums we played
Throw back photos - college parties. Note I'm wearing a flower - my birthday? Love those roomies!
Mike McCauley attended one of our parties. I am so sad to learn about the death of his dad Dick McCauley. I spend many happy and fun times with the McCauley family when Mike was my boyfriend in high school. Thoughts and prayers to them and to Pat as she recovers from her injuries from the car wreck that took Dick's life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Best Wishes Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers is the poster child of "having work done," isn't she? I'm sad to hear she's in critical condition after recent throat surgery at age 80+. For someone that age, she has fought hard to never show the effects age has on her body. Especially her face and neck.

When I was in Lake Tahoe last week with my hometown gal pals, "girl talk" abounded. The kind of stuff I don't dream of bringing up with my beloved Pablo. If I did, he'd look at me, slack jawed and say, "huh"? He stares hard at the credit card receipts when I dare purchase skin cream aimed at helping me to ease my way into this aging thing. "What cost so much?" Hmmm, my wrinkly chicken skin, darlin'!
My pals are aging quite well if you ask me!

Julia, Paula and I talked strategies. I blogged earlier this year about my visit to an aesthetician who zapped many of the dark spots on my face. I am quite religious about sun block on my face every day. But the zapper didn't do much for my "smile lines". And that neck...when did it lose its elastic? It reminds me of an old swimsuit - with elastic that's shot! I've never really had it would shock people if I suddenly showed up with some - plumped at a doc's office! My eyelids are really sagging and may one day need surgery just to keep out the way of my eyes.

I think they should come up with some less drastic options - like little clips to put on my neck skin, hidden discretely by my long hair. Oops. Guess that won't work. I'll wear a cool choker like the suede one I had in 7th grade.


I remember my mother pulling the skin of her face and neck back - when she was about this age. She'd say, "How do you like me now?" We'd reassure her that we liked her the way she was. Mom never did have any "touch-ups". She didn't color her hair either, but it looks like she had a groovy perm in the early 1980's.
Mom must have been about 54 here

Monday, September 1, 2014

Aunt Jeanie visits

We love visitors! A few months ago my Aunt Jean - Dad's baby sis, told me that it was the year for her class reunion in Atlantic. After the class reunion - they planned to visit us in West DSM. Yay! We love visitors. And we love my aunties (and uncles too).

It was a busy week for me. I'd flown to Reno for a mini vacation with my girl friends Paul and Julia Sunday through Wednesday. That was fun!

Followed by a couple days of work. Friday afternoon I visited the chiro.

Remember when my right should froze up two years ago? (officially Adhesive Encapsulitis) That eventually led me have the darn thing "manipulated" by a surgeon while I was blessedly unconscious. Followed by painful physical therapy. I knew what the should pain was this time - and am trying to get ahead of the freeze. (insert gritted teeth).
Before the game we tracked down our niece Barb

Saturday, after a nice time tailgating and a fun first quarter of football, we underwent a painful football game. The chiropractor might have been more fun. It could be a long season for the Cyclones. Good thing we love 'em!

We had a nice quiet Saturday night at home. I baked a cheesecake and we watched a couple football games. I was in bed before 10 p.m.

The next day Jean and Bruce arrived just after lunch. I'd seen them in May at my Uncle Bill Lamm's funeral in Denver, but it had been a while since Paul had seen them. He enjoys hanging out with them as much as I do.  I wish we lived closer to each other so we could see them more. We took on a tour around town a bit - to show off the new digs.
Standing on our home county on a map of the state - in Governor's Plaza

A beer at the Hub

That night we grilled fillets, ate some fab Iowa tomatoes Jean brought - a gift from Kay Harris Wickman. Conversation was plenty. We told stories about my parents and grandparents. And laughed. There's nothing like family. She's known me my whole life.

This morning Paul whipped up a grand breakfast and they were on their way - as they have many other places to go and people to see. I'm glad they stopped to see us. Safe journeys!
See the fam resemblance? Yep, we're Bullocks.