Monday, September 29, 2014

Wing and a prayer

Jud and Kara were back in Iowa this weekend to hang out with Jud's college buddies - it was an ISU football game weekend. They stayed with us Friday night - but we only got to see them briefly as they went out with friends. Just like Paul and I used to do when we went to Atlantic back in the day. Here Mom and Dad - keep the kids, we're off with friends!

Saturday a.m. Paul and I hit the Farmer's Market after an early rain shower. We picked up breakfast burritos "to go" for Jud and Kara. We got to catch up with Jud in the a.m.

I won't lie - I was feeling puny. I was taking new pain meds and feeling queasy. No booze for me tailgating. Bummer. Paul was relegated to packing up the car with the freshly grilled burgers and brats he'd whipped up and put in a crock pot. We arrived at Jack Trice Stadium around 2:30 p.m. for a 7 p.m. game. McKims parked one spot over and we claimed the middle for our tailgate. It worked great. Conovers and Nielsons were there. Phil Conover and gf Lauren and Ryan McKim and gf Laura. Katie McKim and pals came with pooches in tow. One was a tiny puppy.
Mitch, Jud, Kara, Paul

By the time Jud and his pals showed up, the party was going strong! And as a bonus, our friends Joan and Greg Weis stopped by bringing son Ben and his gf. It was fun to catch up with them - they're grandparents now thanks to son Joel and wife Breanna. Paul got the story on Jud's buddy Mitch's elk hunt.  Before we knew was game time baby! Glad we get to see Jud in a few weeks as we're heading to St. Louis to visit. Sadly the game was over quickly. Baylor was the (much) better team. Paul and I did something we don't usually do - left early.

Sunday was a quiet day. I saw my surgeon today and set Wednesday for the day to manipulate my shoulder - ripping the scar tissue. Later that day I'll go to physical therapy to make sure it stays scar free. PT Thursday and Friday too.
Picture Dr. Schulte cranking my arm like a 1-armed bandit

I learned that my thyroid numbers are low - meaning it's working overtime. This can cause some of the problems I've been experiencing  - such as the frozen shoulder I've got. Damn hormones! Next stop - a specialist to figure out the next step.

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