Friday, September 26, 2014

Gone girl

AKA Hormones you're failing me now.

Christine, my PT (Physical Therapist) says many of the frozen shoulders she's seen are connected to menopausal women. Damn hormones.

I didn't want hormones when they took off in my body at puberty. And just when I was getting used to them - they up and quit, causing me a world of hurt. My girl is gone.

I started PT a couple weeks ago. It's been a long two weeks. Adhesive Capsulitis - frozen shoulder - means scar tissue builds up along your shoulder joint. And by scar tissue I mean razor blades that refer pain down your arm all the way to your hand. The surgeon I see suggested PT would break up the scar tissue. So far all it's done is cause me pain.

Therefore I'm not much fun these days - thus boring blogs about me, me, me and my hormones and shoulder. WooHoo good reader.

How about we ride the wayback machine - back to the first day I realized I couldn't hold back the hands of the evil hormones. It was 7th grade - I was getting curves and Mom had suggested I get a bra. We'd made the trip to Graham's Department Store to buy the bra in the box with the pink kitten on it. Thank God Mom hadn't insisted I try it on at the store. I was mortified enough as it was! Dad came home that weekend and proceeded to "snap" my new bra - throwing me in to a crying fit. Mom was forced to chastise Dad...

You know those girls who are dying to grow breasts? Um...I was not one of them. I would have bound the damn things if I could have. I wish they would have had sports bras back then - that would have been perfect for me. Alas - born decades too early. My prayers not to have breasts were granted though. Thanks boob gods! Not. You could have at least seen your way to allowing me B cups...

The good news was that mini-pads were invented by the time "Aunt Flo" came to visit the first time. Now that was a traumatic event - I remember it like it was yesterday. I bet every girl does. There is something about blood flowing out of you that is scary! And gross.

All the fifth grade girls had seen the film about this mysterious event. And Mom had showed me where the supplies were. After I told her I'd gotten it that first time we didn't discuss it. But back then I didn't wish to speak of it. It was "the curse". I would write "tampons" on the grocery list. Mom would buy the kind with the crinkly cellophane wrappers - if I had to use one in a public restroom I would try so hard to open it silently!

When I got to college I finally relaxed a bit. I could rip those tampon wrappers open as loudly as I liked. In a dorm full of girls in the late seventies - nobody cared. My girl friends and I talked about it all - no topic was off limits. Even later - when I reached child-bearing years, menstruation became what it always should have been. Another biological process. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Oh the things women go through. Men really don't have a clue do they?

And now this. Aunt Flo is piercing my shoulder with a dagger. I will see the surgeon again Monday - and will likely have my shoulder manipulated Wednesday. After that there will be plenty of hard work to keep the scar tissue from re-forming. But I'm up to it.

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