Monday, May 2, 2011

Little stuff

Dr. Don McKim, with Saturday night's bride, Susan
Amy started her new job today - can't wait to hear how it went! New jobs are always stressful. You can't ever let your guard down, so by the end of the day, you're exhausted!

I remember my very first job - as the office manager at Gamble Robinson in Sioux Falls, SD. I sat, perched on the edge of my chair while Karen, a stern taskmaster, taught me my duties. I took copious notes so I would remember what to do the next day - how to open and sort the mail, how to pay the bills etc. But there are so many "but ifs", that I couldn't possibly record them all. Plus I had to learn everyones' names and the towns and customers etc. It was overwhelming.

I was ripped from the womb of my wonderful college friends - all safe, warm and inviting. There each night to hear how my day went. Back then it was expensive to talk long distance, so phone calls were a luxury! Paul and I were dating, but spoke on the phone only one a week or so. My college roomies had their own new lives to deal with, and parents in those days were never real attentive to us kids - it wasn't expected. I was on my own. No wonder I got up at 1 in the morning and took a shower - thinking it was time to go to work! But I got through it, and was soon thriving at the job and had won over the hearts of all the staff in the joint. I'm sure Amy will too.

Another funny Amy story. We chose to raise our children in a small town - and because of that they have learned a way of life that is unlike life in the big city. Amy has gone to the same eye doc all of her life - our good friend Dr. Donnie McKim. Until last week, when she attended a Denver eye doctor. She needs new glasses, so she innocently asked if she could take home a few pairs of frames to try on at home and think about - cuz that's what she used to do in Creston...where everyone knows her family.

Uh nope. Evidently Denver eye docs don't do that. Reality check in the big city. I bet you can't pick out running shoes and tell them to charge that your father will come in and pay for them later either Amy...

But you're taking Amtrak home on Friday, so maybe you get a little shopping in on Friday honey! Plus we can hit the Elms Club for lunch. Ah...small towns are good for some things!

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