Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Big weekend coming up!

If only action inside were this flowery!

My fave photo of us -  from last summer - Krissy's wedding
Jud is graduating from ISU! Amy is riding Amtrak home to Creston for the big event. Hope it's on time. We are meeting Jud's girlfriend Kara's family at the big event, and Paul's sis Jean and husband Dave are supposed to be in attendance as well. Yikes - big weekend all around!

I'm pretty excited, but am having mixed feelings about my baby boy graduating from college. Dang! It just doesn't seem right to be past this era of our lives. On the other have two gainfully employed children sounds, well, fabulous! I may just shed a tear, and then have a nice cocktail to celebrate.

Other stuff
I walked down to Jimmy Johns yesterday and couldn't help myself - had to snap a photo of the pretty tulips near the State Capitol. Today roomie Joan met me for lunch after mammogram (she's off this week) at the Continental. It was lovely sitting in that old building with the jazz music playing. I had a nice blackened chicken breast sannie. It was tough to get back to work. But I did...

Tonight I kicked ass as I did 3 miles at a 4 mph pace in the wind. My best work out so far this year. It felt quite good, actually! Now it's time to hit the hay. Busy next few days to rest up for! I'm loving thinking of being with my children for Mother's Day weekend! I heart them!

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