Sunday, May 15, 2011

You are what you wear...

At least if you remember it. Do you have memories that are tied directly to what you had on during that occasion? Today's CBS Sunday Morning Show highlighted a Broadway show by Nora Ephron and her sis Delia about that very thing - women's memories and what they had on. It's called "Love, Loss and What I Had On" It's done by a revolving cast of women - and looks to be hilarious. Here's the link to the webpage:

Some of my clothing memories are no doubt caused by photos of events. But others are very much because I have an emotional tie to what I was wearing that day or year. Not so much my really early years - I wasn't into clothes. I did really like my Brownie uniform, despite the fact that it was a little tan dress. The sash was the cool part - my mom would sew on badges I'd earned, plus our troop number was on it. (Still I was jealous of those damn cub scouts - they got to wear pants plus kerchiefs around their necks...).

Junior High age was really that golden age when I became aware fashion - not to say I was (or still am) any good at it. I distinctly recall wearing my groovy culottes (how do you spell that? - those skirts that were like shorts with a flap, before we could wear pants to school?) and sandals to school, then when the weather turned chilly - a kilt complete with a giant safety pin and sweater the next day. I think this topic needs more discussion in the future...don't you? It's a big womanly topic!

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