It's coming together. No not really. But kinda.
The Atlantic High School Class of 1976 has been spoiled! We've had some independently wealthy and motivated fellas heading up our class reunions for the past 25 years. Before that, really because they put together our fantastic senior party when they actually made a table out of sticks, behind KJAN Radio Station. We had to park in the station parking lot and ride in the back of a Jeep or pickup truck back to the party site. Of course I was a lil drunk when I experienced it all. And then the college frosh guys ran through naked, but it was dark and I couldn't see very well. Damn! Dave Becker was in the group too...hunky!
I don't know who put on the 5 year class reunion - but it too was behind KJAN. I was late, because I waited for eternally late Christie Jo Deardorff, poor planning on my part to attend this event with her! Five year reunions are kinda dumb anyway. Chris says we talked to Gary Burg after the five-year and when we told her mother she said later "wasn't he a no-good?" Ha! Good 'ol Ginger - always called a spade, a spade.
By the ten-year, I'd had Amy and couldn't wait to show her off at the Country Club pool. And Paul too of course. It was the start of Paul getting to know my classmates - the guys anyway. He already knew many of my girlfriends from before. I'm not sure if the ten year reunion was when Jeff Becker and Roger Underwood started to organized the things. They ran a business together. In 1986, they were most likely still in the early years.
By 1991 I was pregnant with Patrick. Robyn had us all (the gals) out for brunch at her mother's place. It was fun. Paul played golf with the guys. Was that the Elks Club year?
Roger and Jeff have set up the last two reunions - picnics on Friday night for the whole fam, followed by dinner at the Country Club Saturday night. We've got a good class - nice people to visit with.
But the people I really like to see are my girls! This year I'm hoping to see Sal, Jules, Pam, Chris, Rob and now I hear Christie and Paula are coming! Maybe Candice will show too!
Roger and Jeff have burned out of organizing the class reunion - so I'm stuck with trying to put together the spreadsheet of information to contact everyone. What a lot of work! I bow down to them for all their efforts these past 30 years! Wish me luck...
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