Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy National Hot Chocolate Day

As a choc-o-holic, that beverage has always been high on my list of things to consume. My first memory of the delicious liquid is of Mom making us cocoa in a saucepan on the stovetop after an invigorating afternoon of sledding or ice skating.

It was hard to wait for the creamy tan liquid to cool - sometimes I would burn the roof of my mouth, slurping too quickly. If we were lucky, there was a crusty bag of marshmallows in the cupboard to toss into the cocoa.

Somewhere along the line, we discovered Nestle's Quik and as the Bullock girls got olders, we took over our own hot chocolate duties. My mother sighed in relief. (it tasted much better when Mom made it...).
I am grown up now. I drink coffee. Okay it has cream in it. Flavored creamer. Sometimes I have latte. Skinny! Being completely honest, if I didn't have to put on this grown up front all the time - and keep my girlish figure - I'd be drinking my Mom's cocoa.
Young Pat Bullock - graduating from U of I

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