Friday, October 16, 2009

Scary movies

There is a movie genre out there that just won't go away. It seems we just can't get enough of getting the bejesus scared out of us! I'm not a huge scary movie fan. In fact, just ask my Pablo the Poolboy - I cover my eyes watching regular movies.

The Drive Inn Theater in Atlantic was one place I saw a lot of screamers. Perhaps that was a good place to watch 'em cuz then I could distract myself by drinkin' beer. I watched one blood and guts movie (I know not the name) that made me never look at a spindle the same. I remember nothing else about the movie except a woman sitting at a desk and someone snuck up on her and force her head down towards her desk so the paper spindle poked into her eye. Argh!

Do you remember the movie Carrie? It's when Stephen King first got my attention, as the movie was based on one of his books. You know, those early really scary ones - like Carrie, and the Shining. Man those books even creeped me out - but at least I can skim the scary parts! "Here's Johnny" scary Jack N.

And then there is the original Halloween movie (1978)with Jamie Lee Curtis. I went with my college roomies in Ames. I spent most of the movie with my feet up on the seat, hiding my eyes behind my knees. It was terrifying! When we got out of the movie, we wouldn't get into the car without having Moose check out the back seat first. I believe that was the last horror flick I saw at a theater.

We've rented a few of them, and watched them on TV. Friday the 13th, Chuckie - though that one just made me howl with laughter - that little Chuckie dude hanging on a guy's neck kicking his widdo wegs (little legs).

Jud doesn't like scary movies either. It always made me mad when he'd accidental see one at someone's birthday party, or staying overnight with a friend. The kid wouldn't sleep well for a week! Even the commercials were too much for him - poor guy!

I will watch suspense flicks. I remember taking Pablo, Bobbie and Jeff to Silence of the Lambs. The book was excellent, but they had no idea what they were going to. The gore freaked them out. Clarice - what do you hear Clarice. Is there anyone scarier than Anthony Hopkins?

Dean Koontz, another Stephen King type author, wrote a scary good version of Frankenstein - I've listened to Part 1 and read Part 2. Wish they'd come out with more, cuz they left it a cliffhanger with a crazy guy under the floor in the heroine's house, stalking her autistic brother. Delicious!

I don't much like bloody fight scenes - like Paul and Jud do. They liked those shows with big fight scenes - war and violence. Not me!

So next time you see at the video store, I'll be looking at the suspense, historical, romance, funny stuff. And the occasional super hero flick. You can have the blood and guts!

1 comment:

Thea said...

oh, I'd never go to Silence of the Lambs. I read it and that was bad enough! i'm a true chicken!