Saturday, January 30, 2010

The bday boy

We're just back from taking the bday boy out for a late lunch at Hickory Park in Ames. We picked him up outside his apartment - he claimed to still be under the effects of alcohol from the night before. He did reek of the stuff!

So I had to rush off last night right when I got to the good part of my blog - the birth. What rush of emotions when Jud was born. Relief - the tremendous cramps were over (though that uterine massage is torture!), joy - he was healthy and shock - a boy!?!

There was never much discussion about what his name would be. Even after we'd picked out Andrew for Amy if she had been a boy, I didn't consider that name this time. And if he'd been a girl, he would have been Claire. I still love that name. I've told the story before about how my dog growing up was named after my dad's middle name. Jud or Judson for long. David after dad. George Judson Stewart, my Grandma Zora's grandfather and Adnah David Bullock my grandpa's grandfather.

Paul was good enough to go along with it. a bonus today Jud said he'd done the whole FaceBook deal where you get a grade for your parents for how original they were in naming you. We got an A+ for Jud (and I think a D- for Amy).

We were overjoyed to have a new fam member. When we phoned Amy to tell her, she mentioned that she'd planned on a sister - but she quickly came around. When she came out to the hospital to visit that day (had Jud on Monday, didn't go home until Thursday), she somehow yanked the chain in the potty, causing the nurses to come running. Oops! And she quickly learned that the baby wasn't much fun - at least to start with.

We love our Juddy David, and are very proud of the young man he's become. (Even if he did reek at lunchtime...)

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

jud revealed to me that he puked up his hickory park meal and then slept for six hours on saturday before calling it an early night. turning 21 is so hard...