I met my cousin Steve Legarra and his family - wife Karen, and daughters Andra and Elisa for lunch today. They were in Iowa tracing family roots, stopping in Cedar Rapids to see where my Grandparents and their mom and (my Aunt Dorothy) grew up.
I remember visiting my grandparents in CR - even though I was only ten years old or so when they retired to Mease Manor, a high rise filled with old folks and crafts in Dunedin, FL. When they lived in CR, first they lived in one house, and then they moved next door into a smaller house where my mom's Uncle Lloyd and her Grandma formerly lived. There was a metal patio chair set outside one of those homes - I stuck my finger in a hole in the chair and it got wedged in there. Ouch!
We called my grandparents Pops and Gramma. Pops was tall (in my youthful eyes) and skinny and Granny was, well kinda dumpy and short. She had some kind of altar in a corner of the living room. Downstairs there were little doll trunks filled with Mom's dolls and toys. Even though I wasn't much of a doll player (unless they were GI Joes) those old dolls were cool. Gramma was a little scary though!
My cousins live in and around Sacramento, California. Aunt Dorothy and Uncle John moved to that state in the 40's. So they lived a long way from Iowa and we didn't see them often. I recall being very excited when nearly everyone was back for Pops and Gramma's 50th Anniversary in 1965. Cindy talked me into doing an "egg" dive off the high board at the motel pool and I nearly died. Or so it seemed.
After having lunch with my cousin Steve Legarra and fam, I feel a little bit sad that we didn't get to know the Legarras more. His sisters Barbara and Bonnie came to niece Leslie's wedding in Pasadena this past July. All of the Legarras including bro Jim and the grand Dame Aunt Dot were with us in Cannon Beach in 2002 for the family reunion.
Why didn't we get together as kids? Was the distance too much? Were are families just too busy? Why didn't the Bullocks ever head to sunny CA for vacations? After all, Mom and Susi spent time there when Dad was in Korea. I guess we'll never know. All we can do now is make the most of opportunities we might have in the future. Today's lunch is a great start!
I remember visiting my grandparents in CR - even though I was only ten years old or so when they retired to Mease Manor, a high rise filled with old folks and crafts in Dunedin, FL. When they lived in CR, first they lived in one house, and then they moved next door into a smaller house where my mom's Uncle Lloyd and her Grandma formerly lived. There was a metal patio chair set outside one of those homes - I stuck my finger in a hole in the chair and it got wedged in there. Ouch!
We called my grandparents Pops and Gramma. Pops was tall (in my youthful eyes) and skinny and Granny was, well kinda dumpy and short. She had some kind of altar in a corner of the living room. Downstairs there were little doll trunks filled with Mom's dolls and toys. Even though I wasn't much of a doll player (unless they were GI Joes) those old dolls were cool. Gramma was a little scary though!
My cousins live in and around Sacramento, California. Aunt Dorothy and Uncle John moved to that state in the 40's. So they lived a long way from Iowa and we didn't see them often. I recall being very excited when nearly everyone was back for Pops and Gramma's 50th Anniversary in 1965. Cindy talked me into doing an "egg" dive off the high board at the motel pool and I nearly died. Or so it seemed.
After having lunch with my cousin Steve Legarra and fam, I feel a little bit sad that we didn't get to know the Legarras more. His sisters Barbara and Bonnie came to niece Leslie's wedding in Pasadena this past July. All of the Legarras including bro Jim and the grand Dame Aunt Dot were with us in Cannon Beach in 2002 for the family reunion.
Why didn't we get together as kids? Was the distance too much? Were are families just too busy? Why didn't the Bullocks ever head to sunny CA for vacations? After all, Mom and Susi spent time there when Dad was in Korea. I guess we'll never know. All we can do now is make the most of opportunities we might have in the future. Today's lunch is a great start!
1 comment:
It was great meeting you and I hope we do get together again. I'm sure my grandmother would be thrilled to know we are keeping in touch.
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