Saturday, October 16, 2010


Amy just passed the milestone of her 25th birthday. She's lamenting that she has lots of goals she's not yet met. I'm glad she's not all hunkered down and satisfied with her life as it is. I think we should always be striving for more.

So as my 53rd birthday looms large, I've decided I need to set some goals. Will I meet all of them? I don't know - but it's good to have visions for the future. It's boring to stay the same, stagnated.

  • I want to get back in shape. I've been on a slow slide out of shape in the last two year since I took the DNR job. Is it harder to work out and be in shape with my current lifestyle? Of course. But I can do a better job.
  • I will eat vegetarian 1 day a week. Just to see how it makes me feel. I'm not sure if this will include eating fish or not. I need to see what kinds of things I can include in my diet. I'll do this during the week so as not to disrupt Pablo's life.
  • Along those same lines, I want to return to eating healthier. I've gotting very lax about my diet. Junk food galore. I'll get the healthy cooking books back out and we will eat at home more.
  • Stay in touch with family - not only Amy and Juddy of course, but my aunts and uncles and cousins. I feel very strongly about the importance of family - even extended ties.
  • I'll work towards a promotion at DNR. I hope with my new responsibilities with the Environmental Management System program that will work out.
  • I will look for volunteer opportunities - at least when it makes sense in my life again. I'm still in such a flex situation between home/DSM that I am very possessive of my time. But some day I will work with young girls.

I'm sure there will be more I come up with. There are other fun things I'd like to do. Travel of course! Paul and I are talking about going to Canada - but it would be more fun if we could get others to go with us. The Cali Cousins asked if we're doing Cannon Beach again soon - I think the plan is 2012.

I'm not planning any meltdown for my 53rd birthday. No over drinking of cheap Zinfandel. Midway to 55. Yikes - this is getting serious!

1 comment:

Alternative Leslie said...

Leslie--When is the big day? I know it is coming up but didn't transfer it over to my 2010 calendar. I got to that half way point in May--the cheap Zin helps~~~Alternative Leslie
Hey, when PMG is in the hospital, let's get together for lunch or dinner some night. (In other words, bust me out of the hospital for a while :o)