Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Miss Iowa

Our daughter has won the Miss Iowa contest! No not really. Our alter egos - alternative Paul and Leslie's daughter Rebecca is the new beauty queen of our fair state. She's had a mission to serve in this capacity for a few years now. Her victory is testimony to her persistence. Congrats Rebecca and to Paul and Leslie!

Paul was supposed to have his knee replaced by now. The old one is plumb shot. Alas he got pneumonia a few days before his surgery was scheduled, so surgery was scrubbed. Inconvenient for everyone's schedules - his, since he is county attorney. His poor wife, since she is usually a teacher and had scheduled time off work to be nursemaid.

Now plans are to do the replacement on November 9th I believe. AL (Alt. Leslie) and I plan to get together while he's still in the hospital. One can only stare at Paul Goldsmith in a hospital gown for so long. Then one must do lunch!

In other news my Paul is using his knees to march all over central South Dakota in rain and high wind hunting pheasants. He's having a good time.

1 comment:

Alternative Leslie said...

Thanks for the Alternative Goldsmith post! We are honored! Looking forward to lunch in November and I am trying to block out the hospital gown thing! AL