Friday, October 29, 2010

My Colorado kid

As a college student, I pictured myself moving to Colorado when I grew up. After all my sissie, Cindo-bean headed there after graduating from Drake in 1976. But I never quite made it past South Dakota and the eastern edge of Nebraska - Omaha, before moving back into the great state of Iowa with Paul.

Thinking it over Colorado doesn't have many small towns like Iowa does. There is Denver and some other small cities like Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, and Greeley. But I don't believe there are many towns with populations of 5-10,000. Paul and I decided that was where we wanted to bring up our cherubs.

So now Amy's gone and done it. She's become a real Colorado girl! She got a license - for herself and for Dave, her Honda Fit. When Cindo moved to Vail, Colorado it was still a fairly small town and all the cops knew her. She kept her Iowa plates for several years until finally one of the cops said, "Cindy we all know you live here, you need to get Colorado plates."

Denver isn't quite that way, but it was time for Amy to get new plates. No use pretending to be an Iowan! Hard to believe she's been gone from Iowa for two whole years now. Just like all my sisters though - you can take the girl out of Iowa, but you'll never take Iowa out of the girl.

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