Saturday, October 9, 2010

Visit with Candice

I got together with an Atlantic Homie Candice Drake - now Morey yesterday whilst Judson was hanging with Jacques P. (JC Penney) in Lenexa, KS. Candice grew up about 2 blocks from our house, but now lives in the KC area. We hadn't seen each other for several years so it was nice of her to take time to meet me at Panera. We hardly took a breath for 1.5 hours because we were talking so fast. During the drive back to Creston I took a lil walk down memory lane.

I've known Candice a long time. Her house was more like 3 blocks away if you walked on the street/sidewalk but a long 1 if you cut through the "woods" the narrow strip of trees adjoining our yard and the Freese's yard, which ran the length of the block. There was a narrow path through the woods I could take if it wasn't muddy, which popped out near Candice's house. I recall even cutting through people's yards. Can't imagine doing that now, but you know how kids are - "the world is my oyster, I'll walk anywhere I want!"

I would walk to Candice's house so we could arrive at school together. When we were a bit older Candice's sister Claudia (her dad was Claude the Frito Lay man) would give us a ride in her cool classic car. One time we were in a wreck in my winding neighborhood - BAM! It was only a fender bender, but got my attention - before seat belt days ya know. Nobody hurt, thank goodness.

Candice (never Candy) and I were in the same very large group of "popular" girls. The original group of us all attended Washington Elementary. We were a clique our sixth grade teachers would say. Today I'd have to agree. In 4th grade we were just kids having fun. Girls do get kinda (really) mean!

Remember Tiger Beat with lil Michael Jackson and Mark Lester (from Oliver)? They were hanging on my wall. Some of us (not me) had discovered local boys by 5th grade. But to go along with the crowd I picked one from another school - Jack Bunce, for my boyfriend. Our mothers were friends and he went to Lincoln School (Lincoln Stinkin we called it). We had a quite long successful relationship - 5th-7th grade. I guess never seeing each other or talking is good for young love (like).

Starting around 6th grade, when the boys (they had a big group of friends too) had slumber parties (maybe they didn't call them that - it sounds kinda girlie)...and the girls did too, we'd plot a get-together. Sometimes we'd meet with they guys with the parental units' permission during the evening hours. Other times, after hours we'd sneak out and meet them later. Looking back, it seems like the sneaking out and the trip part (walking during the night) were way more exciting than actually seeing them though...

In Junior High - 7th grade, Candice and I were both elected to Student Council and she hosted a party (dance) for members of the council on her back patio. I'm sure lots of Frito Lay products were made available (her dad delivered 'em, get it!?!) and Coke of course (Atlantic is a big Coke town thanks to the Tyler fam but that's a whole 'nother story). I'm sure we talked school stuff first - but then, social stuff.

We had extension cords to a record player and were slow dancing in the shadows in the back yard. Robyn was with her long-time BF Greg Younger, Candice with Todd Pellett, and I was with Jack. I'm sure a Michael Jackson tune or Chicago (Colour My World) was playing. During a break, Robyn reported her first kiss - how exciting!

Word spread and the next thing you know, during the next slow song, I turned to talk to Jack and he gave me a give 'ol smack on the lips. Whoa! I remember being stunned but peer pressure is powerful. If kissing was good for Robyn, then I wanted to be doing that too! I know, I know - if she had jumped off a cliff, would I have done so too? Oh, at 13...probably...

Then the party was ending and Greg told Robyn "not to tell anyone" about the kiss. Right - like Rob could keep those lips sealed about anything! It was already on the marquis by the courthouse Gregy! Oh those innocent days when 13 year-olds weren't savvy to all of today's sexual terms.

We were the lucky ones with loving involved parents, able to ramble about our cozy rural Iowa town without fear of being molested. Our drama was who liked whom and girlie spats, not drugs and whether or not we'd have food at our homes. I know we can't turn back the hands of time but it doesn't hurt being nostalgic for the good old days once in a while. Good to see ya Candice!

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