Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vending Machine

I typed nearly this whole blog and it disappeared. Bummer. Will try recreate one of my better blogs. (okay I tired out and this isn't that great...may add some more tonight if'n I'm not too tired from chipping the half inch of ice on my car and the driveway).

I love vending machines - this fact came to me today when I went down to floor 4 in the unlovely Wallace Building to get a Peach Fresca. Good stuff! The Coke machine it comes out of has a little conveyor belt - that gently guides my Fresca to me.

I've loved vendos for a long time. Back in the day Harry Hjortshoj had those peanut machines in his Standard Gas Station. (or sometimes it was little Boston Baked Bean candies). I'd get a penny from Dad and plug it in for a handful.

Sal and I visited the Apco gas station by the barn where we kept our horses when we were 13 or so. A nice Coke in a bottle and a Snickers. Yum!

In college Jane scared the shit out of some unsuspecting girl who was peering into the Maple vending machines making her choice, when Jane blurted out "food" as we approached. Over in the Commons they even had more selections - I liked getting ice cream sandwiches. The Hub on campus had lots of selections - I liked Zingers which I would heat up in those nifty microwaves that were just invented.

I've had my share of vending heartbreak - coins won't be accepted, no right change, jammed candy. So near, yet so far! I've also found coins in machines - jackpot!


amy e. goldsmith said...

vending machines are a haven for processed foods and genetically modified corn sugars!

lgold said...

Yum Yummy! Look how good I turned out!