Saturday, January 16, 2010


Actually I ran out of cute phrases to return to the one remaining sense I haven't yet covered. Hearing. I've got pretty good hearing, I must say - despite a youth filled with loud stereo music and concerts that made my ears ring.

My ears do stick out pretty far - lucky they're covered by my hair. They get a little sore inside when I listen to my iPod lots. And I've complained before in my blog about my irritation with the sounds around my cubicle at Wally (the Wallace Building).

Those contaminated sites folks congregate one cube over from me - and catch up on their lives. Discussing their evenings and how much they scooped, car problems and sometimes (gasp) even work related topics.

My ears got really good when I had babies - hypersensitive. We never did have a baby monitor, so I spent nights with one ear open. When the kids were newborns, they slept in our room for the first couple weeks in a bassinet. After that, even though they were in their own rooms, I could here them making baby noises - grunting and groaning before they even cried.

The worst noise in the world was waking up to a sick child. Rarely would they make it in beside my bed before I woke up. Amy used to wake up with "growing pains" in her feet and legs. Many times we'd go downstairs so she could sit with her feet in our hot tub. Jud had his tonsils out at age 5, and had some complications - waking up screaming due to blocked eustacian tubes.

I can also hear a little doxie sitting by our front door, whining to get out - all the way from my room. When Paul can be sitting right there and not hear her.

My hearing is too good when it comes to TV - I always have to ask for it to be turned down. Especially during commercials - what's with that? Why are they so loud?

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