Monday, January 18, 2010


Um, when will my avatar be done? I want one with boobs, and buff arms. Not sure I want to be bluish though.

Went to the movie Avatar last night. We met Bobbie, Jeff, Sharon and Al at the Strand in Creston. It's much cheaper to go to a movie there than in DM, but in this case, I think the extra few bucks a ticket would have been worth it for the good sound system, and visual effects.

The movie - not my favorite ever, but not bad. Stunning visuals. Plot - not too original. Too long. Cute guy, and the twist (won't say as you might not have seen it). Sigourney Weaver is looking good. Took me a while to place Phoebe's brother as one of the bad guys.

I give it a solid B.

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