Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ice woman cometh

Big ice storm in Ioway today. My car was covered by the stuff - so much so, that I worked at Joan's all day. I'm so lucky I can do that - have a program called Citrix, which allows me to access all my work computer files.

My room here is downstairs. There is one window, but it's not big. So I'm pretty protected - didn't hear it raining during the night like Joanie did. I'm glad! Rain in January is a scary sound when the temp is below freezing. Ice soon began accumulating - on everything.

Joan's new Jeep Grand Cherokee is parked in the garage - along with lots of other stuff like the snow blower and boxes. So Joan's old Jeep and my Subaru are parked outside. Not good on a night like last night. First thing this a.m. Joan and I went out and checked out the vehicles. I decided not to fight the battle of ice removal, since I have the option of working at home. Joan chipped away and was able to take off for work. She called and said roads weren't bad.

Around noonish I ventured out to see the damage - it had rained pretty hard off and on during the morning, as I Citrixed away on my computer. Technology is amazing - my work emails delivered direct to my laptop. Crap - my car even had MORE ice on it than before. I snapped the photo attached.

I discovered that the ice chipping tool Joan had (some type of Ho(e) - the tool not Joan) was a real lifesaver. I chopped a path to the Subaru and tried to pry open the back of the car - bingo. Got in without breaking a door handle. Unfortunately I'm not that limber, so climbing thru the back of the car to the front isn't too easy. I started her up and jacked up the defrosters front and back.

Then I continued my chopping, discovering that the ice chipped up in big sheets, and I could shove the ho under it pretty easily. I worked away until my fingers got too cold. I turned off my car and came in for lunch and a bit more work. Come 3 PM I went back out, this time in my warmer clothes, and began chopping away - bound and determined to clear a path for Joan to get back up the driveway after work.

It was kinda therapeutic. I have a compulsive need to clear ice - the stuff on my car was like a puzzle. I used my ice scraper and the handle of the hoe. It was nearly an inch thick on my wheels. It was like popping bubble wrap -getting ice to come off the car. Quite satisfying!

Tonight my fingers are sore from being cold and my muscles are stiffening. But as God is my witness, my car is cleared of the stuff, and I did pretty good on the double wide driveway too, plus the sidewalk (just ask the Mormon Missionaries who just talked their way in the door to pitch their spiel to Joanie).

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

nice! i's like solving (or unsolving) a big puzzle when the ice comes up in sheets. it's so empowering.