Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back online

Finally - back to WiFi hookup. I've been out of touch since Christmas Day! I was Jonesing. Not really - I was too busy to worry about Internet access. Good busy.

When I last blogged, we had just experienced our Beano's evening. The rest of our Vail portion of the trip was mahvelous as well. Paul, Amy and Jud skied on the 24th. Not ideal conditions - cold and I think we have more snow here in Ioway, especially after the big storm we missed. We went to Wal-Mart (it's the size of a small town) in Avon that day to purchase some stuff I forgot.

We got to Cindo and Bolder's early, to beat the crowd. It was fun to have the cousins hanging out - Amy, Jud with Colby Lefebvre and Jordan Alvillar. We snapped photos and snarfed the Moe's wings and pulled pork Chef Colby provided from his work. Friends began to drift in - many I'd met in past years.

We stayed for the first set of Bolder's Christmas caroles. As I was singing in the kitchen, I was a member of what Bolder calls the Kitchenettes - he calls out names like that ala Lawrence Welk. A good time was had by all! Sounds like it got a bit outa control later, when parents failed to keep track of their kids causing sis Cindy to melt down. Glad I missed that part!

1 comment:

LMG (Chariton) said...

Hey--Glad you are back in Iowa. Our BFF friends went to Vail to ski and one is coming back in pieces--busted hip and maybe knee, too. Been there (bike accident) don't want to revisit it!! Happy New Year--let's pick a date to get together~~ LMG