Friday, September 16, 2011

Spot off

Pat Bullock was no domestic goddess, but she was hell on spots. That woman had a way with getting all sorts of substances out of clothes. She'd dab the affected item with this and that, and soak it. This was before there were so many wonderful products on the market to help get rid of spots.

Me not so much, on the spot removal. So I was pretty proud today, when I took my pink V-neck t-shirt out of the dryer, I was overjoyed to see the spray from my Tuesday night Shrimp Scampi was gone. I noticed it right after Paul and I dined at the Club Car - a little joint in West Des Moines. It was greasy tomatoey stuff - not good. As soon as I got to Joan's I sprang into action and washed it out with some soap and cold water. In the morning I could still see the spots so I gave it a thorough dose of Spray and Wash. Then I let it air dry until I did laundry today.

Supper tonight was a little more exciting than cereal. A frozen fish filet in the microwave - lemon pepper. And I decided to finally cook the frozen box of "winter squash" I purchased last spring in a fit of healthy eating. It tasted like poo. Even with brown sugar on it. Yuck! The garbage disposal got it.

Tomorrow the girls are going kayaking. In the gloom and doom. Take that Mother Nature!


amy e. goldsmith said...

I have half a bag of squash in my freezer too! I tell myself every week that I'm finally going to eat it and I never do. Got it with a coupon at Marczyk's, cooked half of it and threw it away as well. Gross! One of these days my cupboards might have enough cobwebs in them for me to polish off the squash.

Anonymous said...

Pat, aka Mom, would be proud of me. I whipped out my bar of Fels Naptha (who has ever heard of this stuff?) and took care of a grass stain on Eric's white shorts when he was home this weekend--first try with Spray & Wash failed. I learned of this magical bar from karate moms when Paul was doing that.