Thursday, September 22, 2011


Last night was a late work night for me. Alex Moon, one of my Supervisors and I traveled with a couple young women from Metro Waste Authority (MWA) to Greenfield to explain the shingle recycling program to the good folks out there. The landfill is closing in Adair County, and they're looking for ways to reduce what they have to pay to have landfilled when they transfer waste in trailers to the MWA facility north of Perry. And recycling shingles into new roads is pretty cool!

As a bonus along the way, Sara and Rhonda from MWA decided we should eat at the Rusty Duck in Dexter, a little burg along the way. Recently, a local TV station voted the burgers served there "best in Iowa." Or some such. Our goal - to check 'em out. I'd been there before with Creston friends, but had never eaten one of their burgers. If you're on Facebook - check out their page:

We took off from DSM about 4 PM, arriving in Dexter about 20 til 5. Rusty Duck - door locked - sign says - Open at 5. Oops! Our meeting in Greenfield - a half hour from Dexter, was at 6:30, so we had time. I scoped out main street, noting a VFW down the street - so we stopped in there and had a nice flat diet coke at the bar. A couple guys quizzed us - "where you from, what do you do?" Nice and friendly though. One was a distant relative to Dave Driscoll - always a Creston connection wherever I go! He was drinking BV and OJ I noted...most popular whiskey in Iowa - right Donnie?

At 5 we tried the door again - successfully rattling enough to get them to open up! We each ordered their loaded burger. They came - mine was larger than my head, violating the B. Kliban cartoon saying "Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head". Of course I only ate half! It was excellent. My fave burger still has to be the Paul G. Goldsmith Burger - with avocado. And I'm not just saying that because he's been gone 10 days.

Speaking of the Poolboy. He's on his way home from his Colorado hunting trip! Should be here late tonight. No elk that I know of. Had a good opportunity to shoot one. Missed. Know he'll be kicking himself about it. I have mixed emotions. I know what a thrill it would have been for him. But I didn't want a giant elk head mounted...anywhere in my house. Can't wait to see him and catch up on everything. And just get a hug. I missed hugs.

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