Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Like Christmas for my ears

Urbandale - yes it perhaps is the dumbest name for a town since West Des Moines (WDM). I like to fancy the name up and call it...drumroll - Urb an dole uh. A lil fancier. Kinda French sounding - no?

WDM - now that took some thinking. Why didn't they stick with Valley Junction? Were they concerned it would be confused with Petticoat Junction? At least they'd have had a cute little jingle to go along with their town name!

Anyway, Urbandale Public Libary has a fabulous CD collection that is like Christmas for my ears...since I'm tired of my regular music collection. One can only listen to Dave Matthews for so long before getting burned out. So I'm making my way through the Urb Collection.

That gives me new ways to drown out Hylton at work. He's the guy in contaminated sites that has the broadcast radio voice. Sometimes it just gets to me! That's when I slip in those iPod buds and let the tunes take me away.

Pablo is in town today - so I stopped by the Sheraton where he had his meeting to visit him after work. He looked nice in his suit, surrounded by folks concerned with conserving our soil. I guess it's only fair since he hung out with the trashies in Nashville. I didn't stay too long though - since I didn't have a banquet ticket.

Then I was off to do errands - on a mission for tailgating. Last but not least I stopped in Urbandale at the Library. Christmas ya know!

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