Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 memories

September 11, 2001. It's one of those days. I'll never forget what I was doing, when I learned that we who live in United States aren't immune from people who hate us for just living in this country.  Terror doesn't just happen in those other countries.
restored Depot
That day I was working for the Union County Landfill Commission - in my little office located over the Creston Meal site in the historic Restored railroad depot in downtown Creston. The announcement came on Creston Radio - the only station I could get in the building. An explosion they said. Information started coming over the airwaves - getting my attention. Shutting down flights. Don't travel etc.

I was on pins and needles awaiting word of our nephew David Alvillar's where-abouts. Praying he was safe! David lived near the Empire State Building and worked in the financial district. Was he okay? My sis Susi got word out to the family as soon as she could - he had to walk a long ways in gray ashy air, but was fine. Phew!

Soon, it became apparent I wasn't going to get any recycling education work done - I gave up and went home. How would I answer the kids' questions? I didn't know. Amy was a High School Sophomore, and there was a scheduled volleyball match in Glenwood. Not hearing anything different, we proceeded to the match. During the drive we experienced a flyover by military planes. Later we decided it must have been President Bush leaving Offutt Air Force Base, where he had been stashed for safekeeping during the events of the day.

In the days to come, we found out the devastating stories. And heard tell of the heroism. We cried, and prayed, hurt and felt pride. We pulled together, like I wish we could do more often - before without the crisis! We showed how we're proud to be Americans!

It's a different America today. We're all a little edgier - even our in rural Iowa. We look around the world to other countries. Why the hate? All in the name of Allah, God, a higher power? Or money, oil, lifestyle envy? What a sad waste.

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