Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Paddy's memories

I'd like to tell you a bunch of St. Paddy's Day memories...but I don't really have any. If I every drank green was long ago, and not too memorable. There was a big parade in DSM today. I thought about walking down to check it out - but how fun would that be? Seeing all the fun havers, during a break from work by myself. So I didn't. Sure was a nice warm day though...

I enjoy St. Pat's though - of course our son is Patrick! And it's a low maintenance holiday - no pressure. People are happy. And green - good environmental color.

March Madness started today - and I do have a memory from that. Back when the Clones were good - in 2000, we got tickets to the first game in Minneapolis at the Dome and took Amy and Jud. It was pretty cool - even though from where we sat, the team looked like tiny little dots.

The Clones - with Marcus Fizer made it to the Elite Eight that year, and should have gone farther, but ran into Michigan State in their own back yard, along with a crappy reffing job. It should have been Final Four Baby! Ah but that's the story of my Cyclones...woulda, shoulda, coulda.

More news from Amy in Turkey:  took a bus from cappadoccıa last nıght to fethıye. beautıful cıty on the harbor wıth mountaıns ın the backgroundç ıtis a free day so weire takıng a bus to a beach somewhere. ı slept a lot on the bus last nıght  whıch ıs weırd. tomorrow weire takıng a tour to a few ancıent places and hot sprıngs ın the mıddle of the countryö same as saturday and then a saturday nıght bus back to ıstanbul.our trıp has been better than ı could ever ımagıne so far.

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