Saturday, March 26, 2011

NCAA Brackets

I'm not doing too well on my NCAA bracket this year...which is not surprising since I spent all of 5 minutes making my choices. I looked at seeding numbers and records of course - they were right there on the brackets. But mostly I looked at the team names.

I'm married to Pablo. He loves hoops. Jud is my son he too loves basketball. Amy and Jud both played basketball from birth through high school, and even in intramurals in college. We're a ballin' fam. Through the years I've formed relationships with some teams - due to a certain coach, team or even a player.

Like UCONN - I really dislike Jim Calhoun, the coach. But I'm not dumb - so I'll pick them for a couple games, but will pick against them as soon as I can! Same with other cheater coaches - and their teams. Last year I picked all the Big 12 teams to do well and they hurt me - so I didn't do that this year.

And I didn't want to just go with top seeds - that's a cop out. I saw North Carolina vs Duke the week before and both looked darn good. I picked each of those teams to do well. Florida was my other team to do well. Butler just took care of them. And Arizona polished off Duke - my pick to win the whole thing.

UCONN has them on the ropes right now. Cheater! Fun games to watch though.

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