Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My baby boy got a rejection email yesterday from someone he recently interviewed with. A rejection letter, but he doesn't have a baby (that I know of). So there was no reason for giggles.

Last week a dad with a rejection letter was all over the television. When he ripped the letter up, he sent his baby boy into waves of laughter. It was quite hilarious! Link here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4abiHdQpc

When I got Jud's text saying he'd gotten the rejection email, he didn't sound too cheerful. And I was bummed. It hurts almost (okay as) much when your kid gets rejected as when you yourself get rejected. You want to make everything okay.

I remember going through this when Amy was job hunting. I so wanted to be a helicopter parent - flying out to Denver to march into where the rejector was to give them a piece of my mind! "What is wrong with you? Don't you know this is the child of Leslie and Paul Goldsmith - a most excellent employee in the making!"

I came to my senses though and gave Jud the usual pep talk - keep your chin up. Something will work out. And I truly believe it will. Things are worth working hard for - and Jud has been the type to persevere. All through high school he kept at sports even though he was not a star. And this skill built character. This job hunt too will build character.

Keep your chin up Jud. And I'll keep my helicopter on the ground...

1 comment:

Kris said...

Ugh. Job hunting always sucks. I don't know how many people told me that "job hunting is the most humbling experience." I remember crying during my senior year in college on my Florida spring break trip when I got a rejection call - while at the pool!

I too believe everything works out, and for a reason. Like, I truly believe that I landed my not-entirely-so-savory position at Marketlink so I would have an easier time leaving it to come to Clear Lake with Caleb. If I had gotten that job from the pool rejection call (at ISU, no less!), I would have had a hard time leaving it to be with Caleb.

It'll all work out, just the way it's supposed to.