Thursday, March 10, 2011

So glad to be home

I had "smokin' shoes" to get out of the office today. I mean I couldn't wait. It was one of those weeks.

Some weeks I don't mind being away Monday - Thursday, until I drive home after work. It's kinda cosmopolitan (okay, yeah I know it's Des Moines, Iowa). It's by the state capitol. Buses go by and...well there really aren't many taxis. But it feels big city.

And I do love my job. It fits me - I get "it". I can put on my landfill hat and it feels so good to have that insight. I have a lot to give. But it's been stressful this past few months - the budget is tight and the atmosphere is, well...stricter. I'll put it that way. The legislative session has been especially tense.

This weather sucks and I can't get outside. Paul has put me on a shopping diet. Plus I haven't really even been in the mood - except for that one jacket I bought (even dieters need sustenance). Even cheery roomie Joan seemed grumpy and down this week.

So today I had a meeting in Ames in the a.m. and a 1 p.m. meeting with the big kahuna (the guy that reports to the DNR director) Wayne Gieselman called the Client Contact meeting. That's where we run the stuff by him and other groups like Farm Bureau that we're presenting to the Environmental Protection Commission. Our boss Brian is on vaca this week (Grand Canyon with main squeeze Danielle also from our dept. but not his direct supervisee so kosher) so I had to present the EMS grant criteria.

When that was done - about 2 p.m. I was cooked. Fried. So done with DSM, DNR, and I needed to be home. I made it to 2:30 and packed it in. And hour long bath with my book helped mellow me out (and wrinkle me). Kisses from my puppy. And one from my man along with a hug. Damn it's good to be home.

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