I bragged to a friend that I sleep like a baby...then just like a baby and I woke up at 3:46 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. Pondering how the chillens are doing on their trips. (Jud skiing, Amy Turkey) Thinking about work stuff. Tried finishing a not that good book. Started slipping into slumberland right about time for the alarm to go off.
Work wasn't too bad. Except for the City Manager who dis-invited me to a meeting that a citizen so kindly invited me to. Guess they'll let me know if they need me - um later.
This week has been a struggle with the pharmacy/insurance company. When I saw the doc last week she gave me a prescription for Topamax - the same stuff I'm already taking. I am nearly out, and couldn't get more until I saw her. So I sent it in (to Arizona for a 90 day supply) but hadn't heard from Walgreens - they usually email when they get the order and ship.
So I called the doc to get a thirty day order in the meantime. I buzzed right out to Medicap in Waukee Monday night. Nope - hadn't heard from the doc's office. Called her office Tue., heard from them yesterday so stopped again today - nope - rejected by insurance as it was already shipped elsewhere. Argh!
What if the order doesn't get here before I run out? You're not supposed to skip taking the stuff. Hmmmf. That's me making pissy noises. I dislike spending my time running to the pharmacy and on the phone. I phoned Walgreens who said it shipped (why the hell didn't they email??) due tomorrow. Tried to call Paul to see if it's here. No answer.
Stopped at Fareway to get a few groceries then noticed the knife in the shopping bag I meant to return. I was too damn busy running to the pharmacy. Then I drove to Joan's without filling up the car and had to backtrack. ARgh again. Life can get bogged down with little stuff can't it?
I took a nice 1+ mile walk around the neighborhood - that helped a great deal. My shins are a lil sore from Monday's walk. In a good way. If Pablo would call and say my drugs are here, and I go to bed early to make up for lack of sleep - life will be good!
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