Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Done, Phew...

Finally done with #6 of 6 Environmental Management System Audits. It was at the Cedar Rapids Linn County Solid Waste Agency. Phew. I am so burned out. I mean fried. When we got back I gassed the state car up and forgot to record the gallons. Oh man, Tina the car pool lady will be pissed.

I really am the one who should be angry, Tina. You gave me a damn Taurus to drive today. I brought you a Strudel from Pella a few weeks ago and you did pay me back with a couple pretty nice Impalas. But today, the Strudel ran out I guess...

My Supe Jennifer and I drove to Cedar Rapids for our last EMS Audit separately from our partner in crime Jeff. He drove another car over for a guy in our department - we arranged to pick him up at Coral Ridge Mall in Iowa City. The roads were fine - until the last mile there when the guy behind me did a 360 spin. Yikes! Jeff drove after that. Our wiper sprayer wouldn't work - frozen so Jeff stopped and bought some fluid to pour on the nozzles to open them up.

The past three weeks have wiped me out. Ya see, I'm not used to speaking to people this much. Dang! I get sick of the sound of my own voice. I need my personal space. I am tired of traveling and early road trips. Now I get to do all the write ups of the audits. With Jennifer and her red pen editing...


amy e. goldsmith said...

when streudels run out you should turn to chocolate truffles.

lgold said...

That's a good suggestion. Clearly more goodies are needed for Tina.