Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's been a week

One week since the tragic shootings in Tucson. I've had a week to process the event. Lots of finger pointing. It's natural to want to find a "reason" this happened - so we can stop it and it doesn't happen again. Jon Stewart says this best:

It's like when you hear of a car wreck. I usually want to hear some detail - like they were speeding, or some reason someone was at fault so I can avoid doing that thing and stay safe. But just like many car wrecks - in this case, the perpetrator is mentally ill - and there was no easy way to put a stop to that run away train.

There always be mentally ill people among us. How they get their hands on guns and other weapons is the scary part to me. Why the people around them don't pick up on the clues that they are going to do harm to others is a mystery. Most likely it's a case of crying wolf many other times. They've said things in the past that didn't come to pass, so family and friends didn't believe this would happen either.

I certainly don't understand those who believe anyone should have the right to bear arms - everywhere and rapid fire. Iowa now has new rules so that people can take weapons into bars, and carry them loaded in vehicles! That is a recipe for tragedy. Tick one of those people off and wait for the first road rage "accident". "I just meant to scare him with my assault weapon!" It's quite frightening.

As a public employee I can't help but feel the rage directed at government employees in general. Just read comments directed at staties in the online versino of the paper when the DM Register writes about Gov. Branstad's mission to cut the workforce and cut benefits. Nobody likes taxes, but do people truly want no services? No clean water, parks, safe landfills, energy efficient businesses? Many costs result when services aren't performed on the front end. And if you privatize some of these services as the Gov suggests you may end up paying more for less.

Nobody is above justifying what they do and why. Bring it on! I work very hard, use my own cell phone and laptop for my job and put in time that I don't get paid for. I'm not getting stinking rich at this job - I'm doing something I believe in, working with others who are professionals at what they do. We work in a building that leaves a lot to be desired. It's not cushy by any means. Nobody should be above justifying their job though - especially when it's being paid by for by taxpayers, or in may case by trash fees. Bring it on!

In the meantime politicians - please tone it down. Think before you speak. Crazy people don't need any help.

And don't just cut budgets because you said you would - make sure it makes sense! The cuts you make might just cost more money in the long run...

1 comment:

amy e. goldsmith said...

i know what you mean about needing to hear a reason--when i hear someone has cancer (and i know this is bad) but i want to hear that it was from something preventable, like smoking or tanning, so i can feel better that it won't happen to me.