Thursday, January 27, 2011


I needed some weiner dog therapy. So it was a good thing it's Thursday and my day to go home - finally! Every other Friday this month I've had to work this month. But tomorrow I get to work at home - phew. Just in time.

It's been a long week. In a very long month - all those audits have taken their toll. Traveling, early mornings, long days. I know - waaa waaa. But hey it's my blog I'll whine if I want to.

I was feeling quite depressed last night. It's that time of year. Lack of sunlight, lack of fun. All work, no play.

Good thing I had book club tonight. That helped! Though my good buddy Debbie couldn't make it until late - she was working in Ankeny at the clinic there. But those ladies do make me laugh.

And Odie gave me quite a nice reception. Got a few hugs and kisses from my pool boy too!

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