Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kid commuters

I've noticed while driving around Des Moines in the evenings that people with kids seem to have DVDs to keep the little ones entertained while hauling them to and fro. I followed a Grand Caravan today that had one of the Shrek movies playing in rows 2 and 3. Imagine that!

Back in the day...when our kids were little they had to be entertained by Disney and the Elephant Show cassettes. I did learn how to sing some wonderful songs like "Shoo Fly Pie" and "Skin A Ma Rink" so I have that going for me...

When we went on a trip they could take along a bag with books that also went along with cassettes. Or - imagine this - we could talk and tell our own stories!

Oh I parked Amy and Jud in front of the video player plenty of times - don't let me fool you. It was my rest time, or my time to cook supper. And if they would have had DVD players for cars back then...and if we could have afforded one, we probably would have had one. But we made due without.

Since then...I sure had fun torturing Amy (who was 16) and Jud (was 13) with a Clive Cussler "Dirk Pitt" novel on CD driving out to Cannon Beach, Oregon for our family reunion in 2002. I don't think Jud will ever be the same...


amy e. goldsmith said...

i'm sure you would have appreciated a dvd during the "i want my barrettes" freak out sesh. btw, is it odie's bday? if so, give her a bone from me!

Andra said...

So far we don't have a DVD player in the car but we probably will eventually. I swore I would never get one, but after a few long trips with the kids it seems like a worthwhile investment. I plop them down in front of the TV while I cook too.

lgold said...

We ended up changed our minds on quite a few of those "We'll never do that" proclamations. Never thought we'd get video games for the TV - and look at both kids now.
Andra - with your three, you need all the help and respite you can get!